View Full Version : Balancing Fortifications, Str D weapons and Super-Heavy Vehicles.

02-16-2014, 08:44 AM
Fortifications, Str D weapons and Super-Heavy Vehicles are all going to be in 'regular' 40K. This IS happening, because it HAS already happened. Escalation and Stronghold Assault are real things now, and are official.

So, my question is: how do you think these things should be balanced for regular 40K?

Now, if you've read this and your immediate answer is one of the following:

They can't be balanced.
They shouldn't be in the game at all.
They should be removed.
Any kind of blanket ban of any of the three factors mentioned above.

Please DO NOT COMMENT. This is because that opinion has nothing to add to this discussion. This discussion is about creative ways to balance the three above mentioned factors, and removing them is off the table. Why? Because that's not creative; the superheavy models are awesome, and I want to see/use them in regular games, without them being a.) autowin buttons or b.) overcosted, easy kills.

So: how do we achieve the following success criteria?

All Fortifications viable, balanced, usable, fair, fluffy (i.e.: you can take a Fortification network and build a themed 'Trench' army, say).
Str D usable in regular games without it running roughshod over everything.
Superheavies viable, terrifying, but defeatable.

I would suggest that all the Fortifications are pretty much fine; even AV15 doesn't seem like a huge problem, so long as it's limited to a single building (which should yield significantly more VP's if it IS destroyed).

Str D, I would change to Poisoned 2+, AP1, Instant Death and give it an modified haywire rule, which scores a Glancing Hit on a 2+, a Penetrating Hit on a 4+. I would also limit D weapons to a maximum Blast template in diameter, unless we're talking a weapon mounted on a Warlord Titan equivelant or larger.

Superheavies seem okay, although I would perhaps use a 'percentage' system, where a Lord of War cannot be used in 1500pts or less, and may only take up 25% of your army's total points, which immediately knocks almost any army from using them in standard battles. Either that, or use the FoC chart from the Horus Heresy: Massacre book, where the army is limited to 3 Lord of War slots and 1 allied detatchment only; that would allow for things like Knight households or Baneblade companies, which would (I think) be kind of fun and fluffy, but not exactly unbeatable.

02-16-2014, 09:38 AM
yeah Strength D is the only problem I really see too - other than that most of the stuff is fine...
how about we use the fancy new Pizza Plate Template GW gave - the one us with multiple blast zones? have it be StrD in an inner 3" blast, S8 AP3 for 5", S6 AP4 for 7" and S4 AP5 for anything beyond that, with the blast going only as far out as your weapon tells you? [anyone understand what I'm trying to say here?...]
That still leaves it a bit too deadly against things it directly hits though probably... maybe something like a single auto-pen on Vehicles (like the old D), and D3 (maybe +1) wounds against other models, with Invulns being allowed but never better than 4+? I don't like the concept of things getting hit with something that powerful just walking away, even on a "1" to wound, and a Necron Tomb Stalker would then just laugh you in the face with its poison immunity (corner case I know^^)

02-16-2014, 01:06 PM
I wouldn't mind a Strength 10 Fleshbane Armorbane Ignores Cover weapon as D. Perhaps have a special rule where each model wounded suffers two wounds for each failed save.

EDIT: And also, I think that Stronghold Assault is balanced as it is now, minus the D-weapon part.

Mr Mystery
02-16-2014, 01:30 PM
Scenarios, with suitably altered victory conditions.

After all, any Lord of War option represents something ridiculously rare and valuable to it's fielding army. It's loss would be catastrophic to any war effort. So come up with victory conditions to reflect this. To pinch one from the previous Lizardman army book, and Lord Kroak, if the Superheavy is lost, the best your opponent can pull out of the game is a draw.

Likewise fortifications. They just don't suit certain scenarios (like the grab it and leg it objective one), so come up with an alternate scenario or three to replace it.

It's our game folks, GW just provide the framework :)

02-16-2014, 01:58 PM
The balance for all 3 issues should be in the points.

Fortifications don't seem to be a problem. Strength D weapons should not be a problem either as you will pay a premium for them. (ie 370pts plus for the upcoming knights...nearly the cost of 10 CC terminators, which btw should easily destroy a knight in one turn of close combat!). And only the most extreme of super heavy is going to be impossible to deal with...and they are all prohibitively expensive for normal games. (Baneblades, Knights and even Warhounds are very killable)

All in all, I don't think rules changes are necessary to deal with any of them...I think people just need to adjust their thinking/army building to account for these new threats. I think perhaps the days of investing 800 plus points in a Deathstar may be ending, as these units are a big investment that will be vulnerable to str D assaults and str D guns. Might be a great change/challenge to the current meta...but not broken. (no more than 2+ poison or 2++ saves...both of which were deemed the "end of 40k" at one point or another)

The people who scream "the sky is falling" with each new challenge on here make me laugh...and then inevitably are some of the same people who come up with the ways to deal with each challenge in turn. I have faith that it will be the same with all of these topics.

02-16-2014, 03:06 PM
the only Super Heavy I see as truly game-breaking is the Revenant - that thing, with all the support Eldar will give it, just deletes two units per turn, period, no matter what you are (OK except for hordes...) while having basically an upgraded 4+ (sometimes rerollable should you get the right powers) invuln that even stops StrD and can move 60" per turn without drawback, so not even Night Fighting can mathematically keep you save from it no matter where you deploy

02-16-2014, 03:16 PM
Change strength D to S10/AP1 as a starter, then add a few rules depending on what you think is balanced:
Ordnance, re-roll successful saves (I prefer this rather than adding another Ignore Cover weapon into the game), d3 wounds per failed wound on the same model... these would be my choice, but there are other suggestions out there that also work.

Basically, make it the best weapon stat in the game, but not just "remove everyone hit", so that paying points to get better saves, more wounds, etc, are not wasted points.

02-16-2014, 03:35 PM
Lords of war can be no more than 25% of the army points. Strength D is made strength 10 AP1 armourbane, fleshbane instant death and forces rerolls on successful invulnerable saves? This makes D weapons the super killy guns that they are without being super stupid take half your army off the board per turn.

Benjamin Blanchard
02-16-2014, 03:45 PM
The system as it is in Horus Heresy books works quite nicely concerning having a SH in your army, X army points means you can have X points of SH which are directly in the army list (way better this way than having it on a few half-dozen of different books).

I fully agree with the problem of D. I understand that from a fluff point it's supposed to be the ultimate weapons of the game, but it's often way too overpowered for what's facing it, and most of the time when you play on classic sized battlefield, it shoots so far that it makes the 40k range rule pointless.

I'm much more in favor of the "lighter" super heavies, like my Typhon : its main gun is really powerful, but it remains in the standard limits of the game, the range is not so enormous that it becomes tactically uninteresting, and its HP are just 2 more than a Land Raider, which makes it very enduring, even more with all the SH rules, but killable without your opponent have to deploy half of his army during half/whole game to destroy it.

The fact is that 40k is not Epic. Super heavies, super walkers, gargantuan creatures...all those were designed on a much larger scale on the first place, a scale where they almost were the common stuff so many things in your army could take the hit. So yeah, they have to be powerful, they have to cost a huge pile of points, but to include them more properly than now, maybe the D have to disapear in favor of usual in-limit weapons but with some bonuses, and here I'm thinking among other things those against others super heavies.

The Imperial Fist
02-16-2014, 03:48 PM
I agree with D weapons being the problem for normal 40k. I was really surprised when they were included in Escalation. I also thought they'd use the HH: Betrayal formula for LoW slots - no more than 10% of your army can be spent on the LoW. Strange for FW to be less OP than standard GW.

The armourbane/fleshbane or S10 may be the way to "fix" it, as well as limiting things to no bigger than large blast. And I'd agree mostly that Stronghold Assault is fine the way it is without D weapons, except one thing - the fortification network involving 3 void shields, especially if they're the 3 hp variety, seems a bit wrong. A good shooty army could sit underneath overlapping ones, and you'd have to put 9 ap12 hits into them before you can actually hit the enemy. Tau would love that, or parking a SH underneath it. Could be very beardy with that one...

02-16-2014, 03:55 PM
"remove everyone hit"

Well, technically if they were Str 10 AP1, the only change that would make to Infantry is to characters. Str D still 'only' wounds on a 2+.

Strength D is made strength 10 AP1 armourbane, fleshbane instant death and forces rerolls on successful invulnerable saves?

Why not just lose Instant Death, but ignore Invulnerable Saves?

02-16-2014, 05:03 PM
Why not just lose Instant Death, but ignore Invulnerable Saves?

then MCs could basically ignore StrD, which doesn't feel right to me... which brings me back to multiple wounds but no ID...

02-16-2014, 05:09 PM
After playing a TON OF escalation and strong hold assault.... I have no problem at all with how things are currently. I haven't had a problem yet with a super heavy. Or crazy strong holds. As a Matter of fact... when you fire your opponents vortex missiles back at him.... its priceless.

02-16-2014, 06:04 PM
then MCs could basically ignore StrD, which doesn't feel right to me... which brings me back to multiple wounds but no ID...

But MC's themselves are dealt with by other things. I suppose you could make a rule that anything hit by a D weapon has to take a Toughness test or be removed from play? Some kind of variant on that: a slightly 'milder' form of Instant Death?

02-16-2014, 06:34 PM
I was rather hoping to find a humourous picture of a man with a hat made of a fortress of redemption on top of which stands a forgeworld reaver titan.
That would have been impressive.
Carry on...

02-16-2014, 06:51 PM
I think D-weapons would be easily balanced perhaps buy making them S10 Ap1 and then having a special rule whereby when a model suffers a wound from them (so after saves and LOS! and all that) it takes D3 wounds and/or hull point. means you still get all your defences, it doesn't by pass mechanics and works within the framework of the rules at large. Pretty much overcomes most of the major problems with D-weapons.

basically it practically means that models hit buy D-weapons suffer similar effects to swarms hit by blast markers.

02-16-2014, 07:02 PM
Why not just lose Instant Death, but ignore Invulnerable Saves?

I've always felt the ignoring invulns was a silly change personally, it's a save linked to something like a personal shield generator or the fact that you're an ethereal being made of the warp etc etc, that could easily account for it working against D.

02-16-2014, 07:10 PM
I find it increadibly silly seeing as there is numerous background material where Invulnerable saves (or atleaast the things those saves reperesent) DO stop people from being killed by D-weapon equivalents. ie: titan steps on terminator, terminator gets up, brushes of building, ignores whole event.

02-16-2014, 08:23 PM
Just use the rule where the Lord of War cannot exceed 25% of your armies point cost and everything that could take a D weapon is only available in games over 1750 and typically only available in double FOC games, at those point totals its not impossible to take the units necessary to counteract them anyhow.

I don't really care if D weapons eliminate the rerollable invulnerable save deathstars, which can be just as broken, because Void Shields provided everyone an easy temporary counter to D weapons until they are removed.

02-17-2014, 12:56 AM
1) Fortifications, as said in the OP, are really not an issue in regards to their rules. I would however wish to encourage an extra bonus VP chance, such as +1VP for destruction of enemy Fortification (So, Slay the Warlord, Linebreaker, First Blood, and Fortress Breaker). I also really want GW to give out some official specs for the dimensions of the Void Shield Generator.

2) Strength D is fine as it is, with the exception that it needs to be like it was in 5th when Invul saves worked just fine against them.

3) Super Heavies seem fine, but I also like the idea of a comp system or percentage to limit their use in anything @ 1.5k or below.

Grey Mage
02-17-2014, 03:35 AM
Balancing D-weapons is a really, really simple thing to do from a rules perspective, and was talked about during the playtesting of the initial apocalypse release.

1) D-weapons auto-wound and auto-penetrate.
2) They auto-explode.
3) They count as St 12 for the purposes of instant death.
4) They dont:
-Ignore cover. Though this rule could be combined on certain weapons.
-Ignore invulnerable saves. Though this rule could be combined on certain weapons *mostly vortex*
-Cause instant death, though this wouldnt be an uncommon addition.
-Do multiple wounds. Though this could, and likely should, be combined on certain weapons as an alternative to ID.
-Cause multiple hull points of damage normally, though this could be combined on certain weapons.

GWs response:
No, we want them to kill harder and make the game go faster.

Are you sure?

Shut up, the books coming out now.

Years of feedback showed the playtesters to be correct. GWs response? Make them ignore invulnerable saves, but give a 1-in-6 chance of not killing infantry, thatll keep people from using them on infantry.

Players: Haha, yeah right.

As for superheavies: Bring back immunity to non-strength-to-damage psychic powers and special abilities unless they specifically state otherwise would be a good start.

As would bringing back poisoning only on a 6+ for GCs and haywire glancing on a 5/pen on a 6 for SHVs.

Otherwise SHVs arent bad for their price, nor are they excessively good- if people complain about them, it tends to be the D-weapons, as noted above.

As for fortifications... no explodes result would be the simplest solution to everyones problem, as then they wouldnt care about D-weapons and would slowly degrade over time, as the now-dead gods intended.

The Imperial Fist
02-17-2014, 09:34 AM
My problem with D weapons in normal 40k is that some armies can't take them, and the normal counters to them that come with apocalypse aren't available. As IF's can't take IG Baneblades, the only D Weapon choices for us are a £400 flyer or the A15 Fortifications. Whereas in Apocalypse, that wouldn't necessarily be such a big issue. If I knew D Weapons were coming my way you could be damn sure Lysander and 15 of his home boys would be deepstriking in with a little grenade of death, and probably a Librarius covern too. But you can't take those things in Escalation, so a D Weapon for me means bye bye Hammernators of death followed by bye bye Tactical Squads.

02-17-2014, 07:04 PM
Imperial Fist can take a Shadowsword as primary detachment and select a HQ/Troop option for IG. with Space Marines as the allies

I don't think any army is totally lacking in a method of getting D weapons because of allies rules save Tyranids. Who only have the Aquila Strongpoint as a non fluffy D weapon option available to them.

Plus the Titans are available to Space Marines as LoW options as well

The Imperial Fist
02-18-2014, 08:55 AM
Yeah, but that's not taking it as a C:SM choice, that's taking it as a IG choice and getting yourself limited to allies limitations for the IF. Not really a big fan of allies at all really, except perhaps for taking a couple of BT squads when I want a Sons of Dorn crusader army.

Titans are true, but suffer the same problem as a thunderhawk - several hundred pound price tag. It's not the lack of LoW choices that I find annoying - still have Fellblades and the big Spartan Land Raider/Vindicator thing, I just personally think D Weapons are far too much for a normal 40k game, most of which involve using Troops to secure objectives. Normal LoWs, sure, happy to go up against, you want to spend that many points on one model, good for you. But when it can then take expensive points models off with no form of save, no thank you.

02-18-2014, 03:07 PM
well keep in mind most D weapons still have a blast profile or deal their damage to closest model first in a unit per shooting attacks unless they follow the barrage rules(so you can always bury the important models in the back, plus in a game where your opponent uses one and you don't you are getting VP awards for damaging it, potentially leaving him with no choice but to table you to win if you have a sizeable unit size force able to hurt his LoW.

agree that D weapons really overpower a single FOC game though, especially when you are permitting one type of previously apocalypse only unit but restricting every other apocalypse formation that might be potentially used to counter it.