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View Full Version : Brotherhood of Psykers and Inquisitors

This Dave
02-15-2014, 06:07 PM
I have a question about how Psykers with the "Brotherhood of Psykers" rule works in an Inquisition Warband. The rule states that the unit counts as a Psyker and uses the Leadership of the character if there is one. However in an Inquisition Warband there can be several non-Psyker models in it, including the Inquisitor himself. So I was wondering how certain things work with this.

Does the entire unit could as a Psyker for things that affect them, like Psyk-out Grenades, including the non Psyker members?

If the unit has several Psykers with the BoP rule and a non-Psyker Inquisitor do the Psykers get to use his Leadership of 10 for casting? And if not wouLd he still be the one that gets hit with any Perils of the Warp since it says that the unit's character is the one that suffers?

02-15-2014, 07:44 PM
Reread the Brotherhood of Psykers rule. There's a difference between characters and independent characters. The unit does not get to use the ICs leadership.

Whether or not the entire warband gets dropped to I1 is a good question, though.

Aaron LeClair
02-16-2014, 07:43 AM
A: by Character they mean a Sargent type. Like the guards overseer for their psyker squads.

B: each model keeps their unit type and they don't gain brotherhood, other squad members doesn't gain war hymns just because you added a priest(as sweet as that would be.)

C: psyk-out states models not units get effected, just double checked the rule. So only the models with that psyker rule would be affected

This Dave
02-16-2014, 09:29 AM
Reread the Brotherhood of Psykers rule. There's a difference between characters and independent characters. The unit does not get to use the ICs leadership.

Whether or not the entire warband gets dropped to I1 is a good question, though.

Yep you're right about the IC thing. They seem to have omitted that line from the text in the iBooks version of the codex. So what if there's a Ministorum Priest in the unit then? He's a Character (though oddly lower Leadership then any of the other models). Even though he's not part of the BoP would daemons still kill him if a Perils is rolled?

This Dave
02-16-2014, 09:35 AM
A: by Character they mean a Sargent type. Like the guards overseer for their psyker squads.

B: each model keeps their unit type and they don't gain brotherhood, other squad members doesn't gain war hymns just because you added a priest(as sweet as that would be.)

C: psyk-out states models not units get effected, just double checked the rule. So only the models with that psyker rule would be affected

That's what I thought too until I looked closely at the BoP rule. It says the unit is classed as a Mastery 1 Psyker, not just those that are Psykers to begin with. So the way it's written any other members of that warband are classed as Pskyers even though they have no powers.

I think it's intended that just the Pskyers are affected by the rule, I just haven't been able to find anything to support that yet.

Aaron LeClair
02-16-2014, 11:26 AM
Try calling GW or emailing them on it. To me(and my group) only count the psykers as psyker, not the whole squad. What you are saying is if they get perils of the warp then the whole squad is lost.

Most likely they would rule that the brotherhood would only effect the models with the rule. The GK squad doesn't have brotherhood, it was added in for the inquisition codex.