View Full Version : how to defeat draigo and friends with static IG and chaos allies.

02-15-2014, 05:39 PM
Hey guys, title says it all, I havnt played GK in 6ed yet. I'm not going to add or take away units just to play my partner who is bringing his GK but wanted some advice. I have an inf platoon with grenade launchers and comisar behind an aegis line with three mortar squads and a basalisk, griffon, and collouses battery. A CCS with the MoO and my iron warrior havoc squad all behind an aegis as my bulk force. I theb have typhus and zombies that roam ahead with a nurgle decimator and plague marines plus some hell hounds (melta one and poison one) going forwards with a vet squad with plasmas, a melta, and demo pack in researves beside some deepstriking nurgle terminators. Most of the tactica I read online said being mobile and avoided draigo and his friends but I have a rather slow force and static line. Advice? Oh I had extra points for this 3k brawl so a traitor inquisitor with prescience will be in my IG blob so they can reroll misses. Combine with first rank fire second rank fire I eas thinking of las blasting them?

This Dave
02-15-2014, 05:49 PM
If you're Guard and static then yes, your best tactic is to just shoot the crap out of the unit. He will fail some saves and forcing enough will finish them.

Lord Krungharr
02-15-2014, 06:19 PM
Hmmm, I haven't faced a Draigo-wing in a while either, and that was with Tzeentch Daemons (which kicked their arse BTW....although Draigo and 2 Paladins lived :) )

With IG, I might recommend changing the Colossus to a Medusa, and bury that behind the Aegis with a Camo Cloak. There's a good chance they can still psycannon it or psyfle-Dread it to death first, but the AP2 or AP1 is so much better vs Terminators of any sort. I will also recommend taking the poison Hellhound (Devil Dog?) and bring it in from the table edge from Reserves. IIRC it's AP2, though not Torrent. Also good anti-Terminator. And lastly a Vindicator in Reserves, excellent...so maybe you could call your Colossus a Chaos Vindicator, and please take the Siege Shield and maybe possession, very worth it for that, though Nurgle Obliterators are awesome too, not as Iron Warriors though.
Marbo's always good for that surprise AP2 large blast ANYWHERE you want it.

Depending on the mission, you'd probably want to split up your troops more than usual, though giving Orders is very important. The Draigo armies are typically quite small in model count, and slow, so you'll not want to give them a chance to just Deepstrike where they want and swoosh right through everything by Turn 3 or 4.

If he has Mordrak, Draigo will assaulting Turn2 probably, as they come in Turn 1 and I think don't scatter. So tempting him with something on an objective that's easy to take might be good strategy, but keep it in range and LOS of all the pie-plates. If he has a Storm Raven, that will be tough to deal with, so if you go with the Havocs, the Flakk Missiles may be worth it, and take a gun emplacement and man it with a Warpsmith, curse his terrain and vehicles too!

Nurgleators with Typhus can be a good unit, and if you can charge from one side with something to make Draigo stuck, then charge the Typhus unit from the other side, challenge with the Nurgleator Champion, and then let Typhus either unleash the Hive at I4 or 5, or Manreaper them at I1. Most Draigo teams have AP3 crap which Termies don't care about, or hammers which strike last anyways. Combi-plasma or meltas will be best on the Nurgleators.

Zombies are good meat-shields, but don't have Typhus marching, he should deepstrike. They are also good bubble wrap for vehicles, and tarpits for Paladins :D

Good luck!

02-15-2014, 07:49 PM
You can't reasonably tarpit Paladins. The only time I've ever been in combat for more than two assault phases in the last year or two was against Daemons with a 2+ Invulnerable save, and even then I was still winning combat every phase.

Bubble wrap is a good tactic, though. Also, spread out a lot. The Paladins can only be in once place at once. Spread out enough and there won't be enough turns in the game for him to kill everyone. Of course, that means you're hoping the mission isn't kill points or the Relic.

02-15-2014, 08:34 PM
I do have a warpsmith in there. I forgot to mention him. He's usually on my aegis quad gun attached to the havocs. I changed some extra armor off a chimera and gave them flakk in case the storm raven is the delivery option. I don't know anything about his army besides the fact he said he was using his GK with maybe some vanilla SM allies and he was bringing his draigo so pallys can be troops...I usually run typhus with the zombies I have never deep struck him in before...are you suggesting I throw the zombies at draigos unit then charge in typhus with the terminators?

02-15-2014, 08:59 PM
If he's playing Draigo and 10 Paladins, anything that gets into assault with him will be dead in very short order. Play keep-away. Make him chase you, block his movement with cheap throw-away units, and only let him assault as few things as possible at any one time. You'll bleed kill points, and you won't be able to keep him off any one given position on the board (e.g. the Relic), but you can win on objectives.

Lord Krungharr
02-15-2014, 09:22 PM
Well, I guess if the Paladins have hammers they'd be a big problem for Terminators, but usually they have those halberds or swords when I see them, and those are only AP3. Draigo himself can be Challenged first by a zombie champ, who will of course die. Then by the Terminator champ, who will also most likely die. That leaves Typhus to Manreap the rest of the buggars, plus the remaining zombies.

But the keep away works too, which is vastly more difficult with a slow army like IG and Nurgle CSM. Maybe a Comms Relay would be better than a gun emplacement. Then you can reroll Reserves, including successful ones, so you get to see where Draigo goes, and deepstrike what you can anywhere but there!

Marbo the backside of a psyfle-Dread, it's very gratifying.

02-15-2014, 10:13 PM
Well, I guess if the Paladins have hammers they'd be a big problem for Terminators, but usually they have those halberds or swords when I see them, and those are only AP3.

That's cause whoever you see playing them is a dumbass. Or hasn't updated them for 6th edition.

02-15-2014, 11:33 PM
Something else you can do as guard, is use ten man squads as throw-away units. Do your best to wrap (move + run) little 10 man squads around him forcing Draigo's bad *** unit to spend their assault phase charging ten guardsmen... Draigo will easily kill em, consolidate D6 inches, and then you get another turn of shooting.

02-15-2014, 11:36 PM
Mordak isn't an IC, just a character, so if Draigo is teaming up with him, then He's in a unit of Ghost Knights. (not paladins)

02-16-2014, 11:23 PM
Ahhh. A sweet victory. I followed most of the advice here and it helped great. I put typhus and terminators in researve plus the vets in the chimera. They all came in before draigo and friends. I gambled he would not waste his powet unit way out on left feild so I drove the vets on to a back corner alone and waited till turn four and rushed them to an obj which they held and were never challenged for. Typhus and terminators deep struck turn two into his back field and they spent the rest of the game smashing some power armor guys with big psy cannons, two psyfile dreads, a razor back, techmarine and a unit of pallidens with no one special.
As for the othe tip draigo came in deep in my back feild beside my aegis. I threw a succession of small units right in front of them and although they killed my CCS, my PCS, plague marines, and a heavy wpn squad Draigo never got to an OBJ. Thanks to everyone for aiding chaos!