View Full Version : Narrative events - would this interest you?

02-13-2014, 12:03 PM
Many of us know how fun tournaments can be, and the large tournaments have people traveling from everywhere to go to them.

How about a narrative campaign weekend? Lets say... Lustria campaign? A two day event that is fully focused on the narrative with plaques given out for various categories (best painted, best army, overall)...

What's the difference between that and a tournament?

Well there are similarities. Both have a winner. I like to run campaigns with factions where you win as a faction not as individuals, but for a public event that's hard because you don't want one faction with say 20 people and another faction with 10... there is an obvious advantage there.

Maybe teams... narrative teams might work.

Anyhow... what kind of support would something like this garner?

02-13-2014, 12:10 PM
I'd definitely be interested. I know GW is running campaign weekends now, though I'm not sure how they work or how strong the narrative element is. Might be worth looking at to see what they are doing.

02-13-2014, 12:22 PM
My FLGS does the following for Warhammer 40k:

1) Narrative Events: These are one-day events that happen roughly once a quarter. These are massive all-day events - at least one of them has been a freaking Apocalypse game with multiple players wielding 3000 point armies! - and they are strung together into an ongoing narrative.

2) Narrative Campaigns: These play once or twice a month, though players can contribute to their "team's" Strategic Victory Point total by playing independent games on off-nights. The campaign nights are special events with special rules and unique scenarios. The last campaign was Kill Team themed, and it was every man for himself. The current campaign is Cities of Death themed, and has three teams - the Defenders (Imperial) the Berien Compact (Tau/Eldar/Dark Eldar) and the Destroyers (Chaos Daemons/Marines, Orks, and 'Nids). Next campaign will be an Inquisition War with three factions - Puritan Inquisitors (who can only take Imperial Allies), Radicals (who can also be attached to the "good" alien races), and Renegades (who can take anyone but Imperials - even 'Nids!) - and will alternate between Kill Teams featuring just the Inquisitor and his retinue and standard 1.5k games featuring the Inquisitor and his retinue at the head of an army of allies from a standard 'dex.

So far, both of these events have been wildly successful and have hugely contributed to Warhammer 40k's resurgence at my shop. For myself, I am largely fed up with GW's prices and design style, but the narrative campaigns keep on bringing me back... and even get me adding to my armies!

02-14-2014, 05:31 AM
Would this interest me? Is there a stronger term than "hell yes"?

Narrative is basically all I do, the only way I want to play (although I'm looking at a couple of tournaments this year, as I prepare to depart the UK).

Team event with narrative scenarios, factions, leadership squabbles, would be aces. ACES.

Mr Mystery
02-14-2014, 06:43 AM
I love narrative me. And it's what the games are designed to do!