View Full Version : A Log Of Loyal Sorcerers & Rebellious Gretchin!

02-13-2014, 11:31 AM
I've created several fully converted armies over the last 8 years most of which have been successful and have proven popular at tournaments, but there have been the odd failure such as my Zanatorian Machine Cult that used Tzzentch Daemon rules than the outdated Necron rules at the time which resulted in it being a confusing mess in the end.

Anyway I've decided to resist the temptation to start any new army projects and instead focus on just my two existing armies, both projects still have a great many options for expansion due to their greenskin nature or fluff.
This is mainly due to the constant Price rises and decisions made my GW in the last year.

So I created this log to share my ideas and conversions for both armies rather than 2, but first a quick run through of the armies themselves...

My last project was inspired by the Thousand Sons'artwork in the visions book then after reading their Horus Heresy novel I practically lept into creating an Pre-heresy Thousand Sons army. What also helped was that Grey Knight and Tomb Kings were released soon after which gave me everything I needed.
I choose Grey Knights at the time for it's psychic marines and henchmen which would allow me to field the Prospero Spire Guard (since this was before allies were a thing.) I had also just finished a project with 65 infantry and 14 tanks so wanted something a little smaller.

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/107/6/9/pre_heresy_thousand_sons_scarab_occult_army_by_pro iteus-d4wgws5.jpg

With the terminators from the original army being banned from GW venues due to their components I began focus on the Spire Guard henchmen squads.


A year later the pre-heresy terminators were released so I converted them to match Magnus' Scarab Occult.


Since one of the Thousand Sons Fellowships used automata units I created some Legio Cybernetica units for the army to act as Dreadnought proxies.


My last creation for this army was the Dreadknight conversion modelled as a powerful Thousand Sons sorcerer and his Tutlary (a familiar) since in the novel they can tear through hold squads with a flick of the wrist.


Planned Expansions & Ideas
A 2nd Dreadknight: I'm eager to create a 2nd Dreadknight but with a completely different appearance to the 1st.
Allied Space Marine & Forgeworld units: I haven't fielded a full Astartes army since the terminators were made useless both due to the increase in AP weapons and the majority of them having 'illegal bitz'.
Lotus Fighters: I have a conversion idea in my head for the Prospero attack flyer just need to find a suitable unit (not a storm raven) for it to represent possibly an allied Vendetta.
Allied Spire Guard: Expand the spire guard from henchmen squads to a full allied guard attachment.
Legio Cybernetica Cohort: A recent idea I'm tempted by is turning my conqueror robots into Broadsides and fielding them as a Fire Support Attachment with a large robot for the Riptide.

02-13-2014, 11:32 AM
The Grot Rebellion was my first real converted army project I did, originally created back in 2006 it was inspired by all the grot related Warhammer Monthly comics, Gretchin themed ork armies from White Dwarf and the Grot Rebelz from Gorkamorka. However back then Gretchin were metal and it would have been hard to go with a full grot army using the ork codex, so I went with the 2nd weakest warriors in the universe; Guard. ;)


A few years ago the army got a 2nd remake that introduced a lot of vehicles 18 in total, the idea for the look of the gretchin was to make them look like the old style 'Space Orks' rather than the ramshackle orks of today to make it clearer that this was a Guard army not an ork army using looted ork vehicles.


I'm currently working on a 3rd edition of the army remodeling troops to look less like guard squads and more like warbands and mobs, armed with sub-shootaz instead of lasguns cause what greenskin would use a laser pointer plus mini rokkit launchas for grenade launchers.


http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/357/2/5/grot_rebel_veteran_squad___da_boom_blastaz_by_proi teus-d6z3y22.jpg

New editions to the army included a Aegis defence line that was modeled to look like a fort rather than a trench/barricade.


Plus with the 'Allies' rules I gave Kolonel Grotskull a Warbot and a unit enslaved Cybork Bodyguard to represent a warboss and nob biker unit.



Currently finishing up painting the Nob Bikers so expect them to be the first new unit on this log within the next few days.

Planned Expansions & Ideas
For The Greater Grot: Expand on the Warbot conversion and create some Grot Battlesuit allies.
The Battle Bruser: Convert a Baneblade into a massive Landship similar to the grot mega tank.
New Guard Codex: ???

Well those are my two armies, all stuff from this point onwards will be brand spanking new and I look forward to receiving any feedback you can provide.

Colin Graham
02-13-2014, 03:34 PM
this is amazing work. Well done.

02-13-2014, 05:34 PM
Firstly I would like to say wow! Not only for the conversion and paint work you are able to do with these miniatures but also the fluff you are incorporating into each miniature/unit.

Secondly could I suggest that you look to using the dark angel nephilim as the basis for your lotus fighter. It is already a stunning model with which to start with that I'm sure would take little adjustments to improve (mine has the lascannons attached to the wing tips not underslung the cockpit which makes it look more like the imperial lightning). Just a thought and I look forward to seeing more of your work!


Red Angel
02-13-2014, 08:54 PM
Wow! They look awesome ��
I love the great conversion work! ��

Darren Richardson
02-14-2014, 02:10 AM
Since one of the Thousand Sons Fellowships used automata units I created some Legio Cybernetica units for the army to act as Dreadnought proxies.


WOW I'm amazed at how well painted and detailed you managed to get your old Space Crusade Dreadnoughts, for a simple miniature from 1991 it still looks great today...

02-14-2014, 09:16 AM
WOW I'm amazed at how well painted and detailed you managed to get your old Space Crusade Dreadnoughts, for a simple miniature from 1991 it still looks great today...

It was not easy, it was one of the most difficult things to paint in the army.

02-16-2014, 12:31 PM
Well it's been a busy week of painting as I've tried to get these guys ready in time to spearhead the Grot Rebelz at Warhammer World on Monday.
As you can see there have been some changes to the models; The first being that I've mounted them on biker bases instead of round 40mm to make it perfectly clear that they are Nob Bikers, this is due to the fact their appearance can easily be mistaken for heavy infantry. The other change was the Waaagh Banner, it just didn't look right! So since I needed to fill the empty space on the bikers bases with something, I decided to have a Gretchin Waaagh Banna waver mounted in a kart so he can keep up with da botz.
The Ork then got a Shield instead which looks a lot cooler and gives him some character. Seemed also a good idea to fill the mad dok's base with a unfortunate ork that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Now just 1 more squad to do and then it's just some touch up on 4 of the tanks and some objectives, then I'll be ready for Throne Of Skulls!

02-16-2014, 03:16 PM
Fantastic conversions and painting.

02-17-2014, 07:07 AM
Both armies look great. I came for the Thousand Sons and stayed for the grots!

02-17-2014, 03:09 PM
May I request a closeup shot of the teensy Grot helicopter - it's so cute!

02-17-2014, 03:40 PM
I came for the Thousand Sons and stayed for the grots!


May I request a closeup shot of the teensy Grot helicopter - it's so cute!

Sure thing, it counts as the Vendetta's Heavy Bolter sponsons (range is still measured from under the wing however).


02-26-2014, 10:44 AM
Well everything is going fantastically well, I'm half way through the last squad leaving 22 days to update and create some objective markers. Well, that is what I'd like to say however.....

After mentioning my intentions to go to Throne Of Skulls with my Grots to someone I know, I was made aware of the new 'Warrior's code's strict rules on proxies and how the event team have been enforcing it lately.
I wasn't worried since the grots were included in the WW event pack as a ideal example of a converted army in the past, but I thought it best to get the green light so I emailed them some pictures. The Grots not a problem however they've banned my use of the Ork allies on terms that it will cause confusion when fielded with a Imperial Guard army using gretchin.


I can understand where they're coming from, but it's only 6 miniatures and with the exception of the Warbot all clearly modeled as orks and with a different appearance to the gretchin guard army, I'm mentioned this and the fact most opponents will understand when given a copy of my army list. Plus I have very little time to create replacement units and thus pleaded to be allowed to use them this once, their reply was...

After consulting with the team I'm afraid that our concerns are uniform so the answer is no. I understand that you are confident that you can explain the difference but that does not change the reality that the models being used are from the same codex, but actually aren't.

So this has left me feeling frustrated and a little down as that a month's work wasted and was the army's centerpiece, even worst I'm in trouble with a 515pt hole to fill in just under 22 days!

Three options remain, which will depend on how much time I have left after the last squad and 4 vehicles have been painted.
Option 1: Baneblade Battle Cruiser – Convert a Baneblade up as a Battle Cruiser on land which will fill up the gap nicely, but will require a lot of work and not something I want to rush!
Option 2: More Tanks – I have several tanks leftover from the previous version of the army so I might be able to improve and repaint 3 or 4 to replace the Nob Bikers.
Option 3: Take the Thousand Sons... Again! :(

We'll have to wait a see, diz bin a sad day for da grot rebelz!

Gretchin drawn by Matt Ward (no not that one)

This also makes me wonder if this means my plans to expand the Thousand Sons with an allied marine attachment will be banned as well. Any allied marines were going to be in Maximius armour instead of the more fancy red and gold iron armour that my Grey Knight units wear to offer a clear distinction of the two, but now I'm not sure they'll allow that?

02-26-2014, 02:41 PM
while I am sympathetic to your plight as they are nicely done. I have been in a similar situation on the other end of the stick (one that might have sparked it off to some extent) I used to play a guy who had converted a necrork army (orks with necron allies). whilst an interesting concept his execution was horrendously flawed. namely because both the orks and the necrons had been converted to have bitz from the other race incorporated into them and he never consistently said which was which between games. so what might have been a dakkajet one game was then a nightscythe in another. to make matters even worse he then switched to a necron army whist still using the same models. his warboss on bike/destroyer lord was half a necron centipede with a soulgrinder torso and some vehicle gubbinz. the knob bikers/canoptek wraiths were the remaining bits of the centipede with either meganob bitz or something along those lines for the torsos.

I remember there being a bit of a kerfuffle at one ToS he took them to.

though those gyro nobz are nicely done, which is a shame.

02-26-2014, 03:14 PM
I know the one, lovely models but a massive confusing mess of an army. I can remember the confusion on the facebook gallery when his massive centipede like creature was posted and everyone was confused to what it was, I knew it was his Warboss from seeing it at TOS myself.

I've learned from my own sadly similar mistakes such as my 'Zanatorian Machine Cult' army that used Tzeentch Daemon rules because at the time Necrons were dull and ineffective to play against at the time. It was similar in that it had great conversions but was also a confusing mess, made worst by the fact daemons were rarely played and thus players didn't know neither the model nor the unit they represented.


All the deamons were represented by robots, going from left to right: Chariot Of Tzeentch, Screamer, Horror, Objective Marker, Nurglings, flamer, changling and Daemon Prince. Needless to say the army was sold off and forgotten. Oh and the winged robot above at the top was my Lord Of Change, the black hooded robots were plaguebearers.


Course some of the more best conversions were reused in my Thousands Sons for Jericho weaponsmiths and servo skulls.


Since then I made sure to make it as clear as possible what a model represents, so that my opponent should require no more than a brief introduction before the game.

02-26-2014, 03:36 PM
Use the biker nobz as rough riders (you still get to take the cool models even if the riders are a bit pants in game) and add in a new grotknight. Then you only have only one model to do to fill your points quota.

03-07-2014, 10:19 AM
Originally the grots were simply a guard arms and torso with goblin head and legs and were very uniform... But that ain't like a greenskin! So I decided to make add some variety but mixing in a few extra bitz from the gretchin, catachan, night goblin and skaven sets, aside from the squad markings I also gave each Warband/squad it's on unique look.

THE BOOM BLASTAZ: For grots who love all things explosives, each grot has some sort of explosive on them.

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/357/2/5/grot_rebel_veteran_squad___da_boom_blastaz_by_proi teus-d6z3y22.jpg

THE BOOTY HUNTAZ: For Grots that love to loot and trade, basic pirate feel with their equipment looks more snazzy then other squads.

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/065/4/3/grot_rebel_veteran_squad___da_booty_huntaz_by_proi teus-d796d7c.jpg

THE DEFF DIGGAZ: A Warband Of Grots that are good and digging whether it be a trap, a trench or just a hole to hide in. Gave them a bit more drybrushing and digging equipment details.


As you can see they all have the same equipment; autoguns for lasguns, rokkit launchas for grenade launchers and autocannons. That's now all my infantry complete now it's on to the vehicles, which thanks to a new sponging technique I've learnt may go rather quickly which leaves just the Baneblade which I hope to have mostly built by tomorrow!

Darren Richardson
03-07-2014, 10:50 AM

THE BOOM BLASTAZ: For grots who love all things explosives, each grot has some sort of explosive on them.

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/357/2/5/grot_rebel_veteran_squad___da_boom_blastaz_by_proi teus-d6z3y22.jpg

THE BOOTY HUNTAZ: For Grots that love to loot and trade, basic pirate feel with their equipment looks more snazzy then other squads.

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/065/4/3/grot_rebel_veteran_squad___da_booty_huntaz_by_proi teus-d796d7c.jpg

THE DEFF DIGGAZ: A Warband Of Grots that are good and digging whether it be a trap, a trench or just a hole to hide in. Gave them a bit more drybrushing and digging equipment details.


Wow thats some amazing Grots you've made and painted, I'm looking forwards to the Baneblade...

03-09-2014, 01:18 PM
Better than Nob Bikers
Two long modelling sessions and the Battle Bruiser is almost complete, all it needs now is it's sponsons, heavy bolter turrets and a few other details. When it came to attaching the main turret I decided it was better to build up a mechanism with cogs and other bitz under the turret than try and remove the details off the hull, I then attached the turret using two large magnetic disks. I'm also working to magnetise the upper hull so it can be swapped out for a one with the main gun attached if I desire to use a shadowsword in the future.

The autocannon that was going to go on the back was been replaced with a large chimney, so it will instead either be attached as a small turret on top of the main one like on the ork battlewagon, or be a represented by a grot manned tripod mounted autocannon on the landing pad.


Speaking of which that was the last thing added, the kopta platform adds to the battleship like feel and may include the little Grot Kopta as an optional detail, I say optional because I'm worried adding the kopta might make the back look too cluttered?


Providing I can get it done in time, this will likely make a more cooler centerpiece than the Nob Bikers, I've got a few idea for a few crewmen but will have to see what time permits.

Darren Richardson
03-09-2014, 03:27 PM
Better than Nob Bikers
Two long modelling sessions and the Battle Bruiser is almost complete....



Looking good so far, and keep the tinsy koppta, there's no such thing as cluttered when it comes to Grots :D

03-10-2014, 10:33 AM
10 days and counting!
A few tweaks and the Baneblade is now pretty much complete, all it needs is a small autocannon turret on top of the main gun and it will be good to go. Other details such as crew and the helicopter which will be getting a few changes will depend on what time I have left. I was surprised at how well the Zaap guns practically slotted into place on the lascannon turrets.


Now all that left is to get it tidied up and painted within 9 days!

Darren Richardson
03-10-2014, 10:42 AM
10 days and counting!
A few tweaks and the Baneblade is now pretty much complete, all it needs is a small autocannon turret on top of the main gun and it will be good to go. Other details such as crew and the helicopter which will be getting a few changes will depend on what time I have left. I was surprised at how well the Zaap guns practically slotted into place on the lascannon turrets.


Now all that left is to get it tidied up and painted within 9 days!

Looking amazing so far, good luck with painting it up within 9 days, I really hope you do

03-14-2014, 05:06 PM
7 Days To Go!!!
Working hard to the point it's feeling less like a hobby and more like a 2nd job, anyway I'm grateful for being taught the sponging technique as it has really sped up the repainting of the old vehicles and looks great, going to sponge the Battle Bruiser tomorrow. Sadly I'll likely won't have time to upload any quality pictures till after Throne Of Skulls.

Been working on the Doom-vees and would like some feedback on the new wheels, keep in mind they'll be a lot more dirty when their finished and the black strip on the hull will have a chequered pattern. Not sure about using the rounded wheels at the front as I'm not sure they look right, might replace them and just use the more bulky ones at the back? Your thoughts?


Anyway back to painting!

03-14-2014, 06:14 PM
Looks great!

Darren Richardson
03-14-2014, 06:19 PM
Been working on the Doom-vees and would like some feedback on the new wheels, keep in mind they'll be a lot more dirty when their finished and the black strip on the hull will have a chequered pattern. Not sure about using the rounded wheels at the front as I'm not sure they look right, might replace them and just use the more bulky ones at the back? Your thoughts?


Anyway back to painting!

I think it looks interesting, a different take on the Chimera, once it's finished with the painting and weatheriing I bet it will look amazing with the wheels you've got.

03-18-2014, 03:44 PM
Well it's been a busy week of painting as I've tried to get these guys ready in time to spearhead the Grot Rebelz at Warhammer World on Monday.
As you can see there have been some changes to the models; The first being that I've mounted them on biker bases instead of round 40mm to make it perfectly clear that they are Nob Bikers, this is due to the fact their appearance can easily be mistaken for heavy infantry. The other change was the Waaagh Banner, it just didn't look right! So since I needed to fill the empty space on the bikers bases with something, I decided to have a Gretchin Waaagh Banna waver mounted in a kart so he can keep up with da botz.
The Ork then got a Shield instead which looks a lot cooler and gives him some character. Seemed also a good idea to fill the mad dok's base with a unfortunate ork that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Now just 1 more squad to do and then it's just some touch up on 4 of the tanks and some objectives, then I'll be ready for Throne Of Skulls!

Mate these are truly awesome, and im totally going to hassle u with 40k questions whenever i pop into the shop after work now lol

03-24-2014, 02:59 PM
The Combustion Engine
Well got the army completed in time for Throne Of Skulls, and while the Battle Bruiser needs a bit more work and both the Leman Russ and Vendetta need some glyphs and chequered patterns the Doom-vees will be uploaded tomorrow.

By the way my Battle Bruiser (Hellhammer Baneblade variant) got blown up every game and as a result I didn't win any of them and it was later nicknamed the combustion engine. As a guard player it would have been depressing but as a Grot player it was funny and enjoyable. Some funny moments included a single gretchin charging at Lysander out of desperation or a leman russ getting immobilised on the defence line wall in front of it on turn 1 which we decided was due to the grot being unable to reach the pedal lol.


Got nominated for best army but the overall winner was a truly stunning Tyranid army with organic fortifications including a landing pad that looked just stunning, you can see his work here: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/

Darren Richardson
03-25-2014, 02:55 PM
sorry to hear your grots let you down in the fight, but I'm glad that the main reason you went was for FUN and FUN was had....

03-25-2014, 04:00 PM
Well here are some photos of the new and improved Grot Doom-Vee Transports that represent my chimeras, completed at about midnight before Throne Of Skulls!
Thanks to a fellow hobbyist teaching me the sponging technique I was able to build up on the previous paint job rather than completely repaint the model, which given my time restrictions I was very grateful for!


Basically I went over the old paint job with a 50/50 wash of Nuln Oil and Lanmian Medium in the creases before sponging over 2 layers of red with part of a washing up sponge, followed by some fiery orange edge highlighting using a leftover piece of pluck foam.
Battle damage was done using a similar method for the dark brown then painting the metal on. The chequered pattern on the side really adds to the vehcile, I also added Ork glyphs on the side rather than actual english which can be read as 'Love loot' since this is the transport for the Boota Huntaz hence the chest. As I mentioned before I choose to to use the ork Battlewagons wheels because the previous rubber wheels were likely to be difficult to paint to a standard to match the rest of the vehicle, it also makes the conversion's width more accurate to the actual model for armour facings. As you can see from the image below it is a vast improvement on the previous version...


Similar to the squads the chimera conversions were made to a tad bit different from each other with one getting six wheels, it did have a dozer blade but the model is too far down for it to connect at the right angle.


I'm excited for the new guard battlewagon and will likely be getting at least one to convert, someone also suggested I make the heavy bolters removable and consider using the Doom-vees to represent the new guard transports but I'll wait till I have the codex in hand first.

03-25-2014, 04:16 PM
I really like the Doom-Vee transports, nice weathering job and use of bits. But I think the area round the wheels needs something, maybe flat fenders over the wheels?

03-30-2014, 12:37 PM
Like the other tanks the Leman Russ was painted over using the sponge technique to really add some colour that the previous version (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/191/0/e/Da_Battle_Bruzer_by_Proiteus.jpg) lacked, it also helps a great deal when adding battle damage.
After Throne Of Skulls I decided to add some more details to it inspired by the looted tanks from Dawn Of War (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/9/91/Dow_Looted_Tanks.jpg), so I painted on some chequers and angler patterns plus instead of using english I painted words in Ork Glyphs. The turret reads “Rebel!” while the one at the back says “Mork”.


Now to paint some details on to the vendetta, paint the Battle Bruiser crew and work on some objective markers before the new guard codex comes out. Which leads me to the next topic...

Reading what is effectively the new stormtrooper rules in White Dwarf, I fancy taking at least squad of these bad boys in the new transport which I'm going to really enjoy converting.
But that means it's to the drawing board on how to convert suitable Storm trooper proxies that represent the carapace armour and weapons very well.
So here are my ideas...

The simple of the two ideas; convert Cyborg Gretchin using necron and other bitz, if I take a command squad have it being lead by a grot mekboy.

An idea that I've had for a while was to put a gretchin in a suit of exo armour with a claw on the left and the hot shot lasgun on the right, using a terminator torso with robotic arms and use squashed balls of green stuff to create old style robot legs. Sadly the grot heads don't fit very well into the terminator torso, but they do fit the grey knight terminator torso very well.

Using images from Bitzbox I've thrown together a little rough image of the idea. The grey Knight torso will be green stuffed and altered, problem is I'm unsure how to model the legs?
The classic robot legs won't work and I don't want to make them looked to armoured by using space marine legs, so far my best idea has been to use shorten cadian legs and add armoured boots at the bottom.


So what are your thoughts on the two ideas, do you'll feel the Grot Exo suits look to armoured to represent stormtroopers? Plus an ideas on how to convert the legs?

03-30-2014, 02:21 PM
My Blood Axe-y Grot army used goblin legs, space marine arms & torso, goblin head to make stormtroopers. Each member of the squad was themed on a different Space Marine chapter (hooded night goblin head & robed legs for the Dark Angels, wolf rider furry hat head for the white scars, wolf rider horned helmet for space wolves, etc).

03-31-2014, 09:40 AM
I've decided to scrap the grey knight torso and it's too bulky and a bit daft looking. I might try a space marine torso and instead and see how that looks with the stormtrooper arms.

& Now For Something Completely Different...
I'd like to run an army idea pass everyone as I'm eager for feedback on it.
This idea has been floating around in my head for years now but never really been done, it started when I played "Star Wars Republic Commando". The idea of having an small group of elite commando like troops taking on a larger army was an interesting concept. At the time I considered the original Farsight Bomb but the project later got scrapped for my "Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons" instead. Now having faced a fun and interesting Farsight Enclave battlesuit army at the last TOS I'm considering the project once again, that and having a small army that can be transported with ease rather than in a large Battlefoam case.

However if there's one issue I have with the Tau it’s the battlesuit, I just don't like the original model. The Forgeworld Battlesuits are ace but I can't afford a large army of battlesuits costing me £26 each, so I decided to create a new Battlesuit that had a more elite and commando feel to it inspired by the Republic Commandos, Iron Man 2 Hammer Drones and most of all the Dark Crusade Tau Commander.


Each suit is easily customizable with 1 weapon system on each arm and a support system or optional missile pod on the back as shown on the model. I've already come up with a few variant designs such as a suit armed with twin flamers having the fuel backs mounted on the sides of the jetback and having a blank visor, so each suit's appearance will differ in more than just weaponry.

The suit looks powerful and aside from the strength 5 I believe could easily represent a Battlesuit's stats, I'll also add that their bases will be designed to boost their height so they are the same height as a Battlesuit on a normal base. Also they'll be no Stealthsuits in the army to avoid any confusion.

40k ain't cheap which is why I've only collected and expanded 2 armies, but the benefit of this army is it will look awesome but not break my bank balance.

But I'd like to hear your thoughts on the conversion concept itself; Do you think this will work as a Battlesuit proxy and if not, why? I believe I've covered the areas of size and WYSIWYG but I'm grateful for any additional feedback.

03-31-2014, 12:25 PM
"Rule of Cool," I say do it. The prototype looks awesome.

04-03-2014, 09:59 AM
Great thread overall. Ideal use of the Grey Knight Codex for a super force! I'm a bit disappointed that the Ork Boyz let the rebellion get so far out of hand though! Super fun grotty conversions!

I'm diggin on your Crisis Suit build, I may have to loot that...

04-17-2014, 11:16 AM
I loved the idea of turning a Baneblade into a mobile HQ or flagship for the grot rebels but it wasn't till the Escalation rules came out that I considered it. It was going to be done later on but it became a priority when I needed something to replace 500pts of Ork allies.
But even thou it was completed to a tournament just in time for Throne Of Skulls last month it still needed some work such as the crew, glyphs and other smaller details. But after burning myself out getting the army done I needed a break from the hobby.
Finally the centrepiece for my Grot Rebelz is complete! Too bad it has a tendency to blow up on me in games.


With luck I'll have a full army photograph of the (current) army to post tomorrow

04-18-2014, 09:45 AM
Alongside the Battle Bruiser's crew I also painted up Kapin Squigscream to act as either a commissar or an alternative commander to Grotskull. I wanted to make him look fearsome since it's his job to keep all this gretchin warbands in line.
Previously he had a large squig on a separate base (for appearance only) in the command squad but this time I've added a small squig to his base as well as bulked out his cybork arm.


I've also continued experimenting with carapace armour and this conversion is the look I'm going to go with, the boltgun was to be replaced with a hot-shot lasgun converted from a gauss weapon. But I'm unlikely to be fielding scions so I might build a veteran squad with carapace armour.


04-18-2014, 07:14 PM
Nice work......

04-19-2014, 07:46 AM
By Mork (Or Gork) This is...I can't even...

Amazing work...

Da sausage Grot Approves!

Darren Richardson
04-20-2014, 02:30 AM
Your Grot Kaptain looks amazing what with that pet squig as well...

Great work!

04-25-2014, 08:18 AM
I'm currently facing two challenges for both the Grot Rebels and Thousand Sons and would appreciate some suggestions on them...

Problem 1: What to do with the Dakka Tanks?
For my Hydra tanks in the last codex I converted these small support tanks adding a carriage at the back to keep the armour facing correct, I had planned to use them for my Wyverns but I fear their size could be a problem. See the Hydras never benefited from their small size as they were always in line of sight so they could have a wide range of targets, the wyvern being a barrage tank will often be behind terrain so I fear it's size may become an unfair advantage.

So now I'm wondering what to do with my 3 small tanks because I really don't want to ditch them cause they look awesome, I was thinking of using them as FW immobile weapon platforms but then someone suggested using them as a squadron of armoured sentinels since their base size is 60mm square. It's a tempting idea since all I need to do is remove the heavy bolter and add a big turret on the top for the main weapon, as for the close combat stats maybe a tank commander with a powerfist or something?

I dug up this image from the previous log for a side by side comparison.

Problem 2: Pre-Heresy Scouts?
Once I'm finished with the grots I'm likely to start work on a allied attachment of Space Marines for my Grey Knights so that my pre-heresy Thousand Sons can field an actual Contemptor dreadnought and legion battle tank. The best choice for the required Troop slot is a scout sniper squad, the problem thou is that Scout squads weren't present during the great crusade instead they had recon squads but I'm not keen on the idea of just having Maximius armour representing 4+ armour.
So I'm trying to think of a way to convert the armour to look less like a standard space marine? So far the best idea I've had is using scout torsos with Maximius armour legs.


Your thoughts on these two topics?

Darren Richardson
04-26-2014, 02:35 AM
wow those recon marines look amazing, I would go with those anyday in my army...

04-28-2014, 09:54 AM
A Grot Yard Sale
With a new codex I find myself not needing half of my chimeras or a 2nd osprey vendetta anymore so I'm now looking to sell them plus the hydra and griffon mortar turrets, if you interesting in buying any of them check out the thread posted on the forum HERE! (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?44339-Paypal-Converted-Osprey-Vendetta-Ork-Wagons-Guard-Armoured-Car-and-Ork-Turrets-(UK&p=415908#post415908)

Wyvern progress
Just finished up my Wyvern turret, the design was inspired by the large ork turret that you force round on the ork ship in the first level of the Space Marine game. Now all I need to do is get the Enclosed Trukk from Forgeworld to mount it on.


04-28-2014, 08:54 PM
I'm in the same boat. Haven't decide what to do to use the unit for both 30k and 40k. I was thinkin some power armor uppers and s out legs.

04-29-2014, 06:37 AM
I'm currently facing two challenges for both the Grot Rebels and Thousand Sons and would appreciate some suggestions on them...

Problem 1: What to do with the Dakka Tanks?
For my Hydra tanks in the last codex I converted these small support tanks adding a carriage at the back to keep the armour facing correct, I had planned to use them for my Wyverns but I fear their size could be a problem. See the Hydras never benefited from their small size as they were always in line of sight so they could have a wide range of targets, the wyvern being a barrage tank will often be behind terrain so I fear it's size may become an unfair advantage.

So now I'm wondering what to do with my 3 small tanks because I really don't want to ditch them cause they look awesome, I was thinking of using them as FW immobile weapon platforms but then someone suggested using them as a squadron of armoured sentinels since their base size is 60mm square. It's a tempting idea since all I need to do is remove the heavy bolter and add a big turret on the top for the main weapon, as for the close combat stats maybe a tank commander with a powerfist or something?

I dug up this image from the previous log for a side by side comparison.

Problem 2: Pre-Heresy Scouts?
Once I'm finished with the grots I'm likely to start work on a allied attachment of Space Marines for my Grey Knights so that my pre-heresy Thousand Sons can field an actual Contemptor dreadnought and legion battle tank. The best choice for the required Troop slot is a scout sniper squad, the problem thou is that Scout squads weren't present during the great crusade instead they had recon squads but I'm not keen on the idea of just having Maximius armour representing 4+ armour.
So I'm trying to think of a way to convert the armour to look less like a standard space marine? So far the best idea I've had is using scout torsos with Maximius armour legs.


Your thoughts on these two topics?

I would look to make my scouts have smaller shoulder pads like this art and maybe remove the backpack and put on an imperial guard backback and maybe a vox for one of them, then I would have them with las sniper weaponry (if sniper is your thing.) that way they are still wearing marine armour but the entire bulk except for the chest and legs are removed.

05-03-2014, 08:47 AM
Gobsmasha soon to be in the works!
I've always wanted to field Gobsmashas in my grot guard army using the FW Laser Tank Destroyer rules, only whilst the body is easily converted from a Leman Russ body the large armoured wheels are the troublesome part as my old rubber wheels won't cut it.


Fortunately the chap over at Blood & Skulls Industry (http://stores.ebay.com/Blood-and-Skulls-Industry) has agreed to build some for me, which is fantastic news as his other vehicle components and alternative tracks are top notch. So expect to see Gobsmasha tanks joining the Grot rebel's arsenal in the near future.

Wyvern Progress!
Well finally got my enclosed cab trukk from forgeworld to convert up for my Wyvern, only problem is due to an error in casting the main 2 parts won't go together without a good amount of work fortunately Forgeworld customer service is top notch and their sending me a replacement part. So till that arrives I'm going to have to work on the ork trukk plastic components and gretchin crew, speaking of which I was lucky in finding that commander arm as it makes the driver look bored which is only natural since an artillery tank rarely moves lol.

Here's a photo of it in progress, what do you think?


Of course the front will be a lot more armoured when completed, but to better represent the front armour value of 12 I'm also going to be adding a small ram to the front as well.

05-03-2014, 03:01 PM
I'm definitely stealing that idea for a Grot Wyvern. ;)

Christopher Valera
05-05-2014, 07:48 AM
Gobsmasha soon to be in the works!
I've always wanted to field Gobsmashas in my grot guard army using the FW Laser Tank Destroyer rules, only whilst the body is easily converted from a Leman Russ body the large armoured wheels are the troublesome part as my old rubber wheels won't cut it.


Fortunately the chap over at Blood & Skulls Industry (http://stores.ebay.com/Blood-and-Skulls-Industry) has agreed to build some for me, which is fantastic news as his other vehicle components and alternative tracks are top notch. So expect to see Gobsmasha tanks joining the Grot rebel's arsenal in the near future.

Wyvern Progress!
Well finally got my enclosed cab trukk from forgeworld to convert up for my Wyvern, only problem is due to an error in casting the main 2 parts won't go together without a good amount of work fortunately Forgeworld customer service is top notch and their sending me a replacement part. So till that arrives I'm going to have to work on the ork trukk plastic components and gretchin crew, speaking of which I was lucky in finding that commander arm as it makes the driver look bored which is only natural since an artillery tank rarely moves lol.

Here's a photo of it in progress, what do you think?


Of course the front will be a lot more armoured when completed, but to better represent the front armour value of 12 I'm also going to be adding a small ram to the front as well.

This is superb work, but you should have used the FW halftrack bits for the rear two wheels.


05-14-2014, 09:38 AM
Gretchin Sharp Shootaz!
Since I had to wait a while for a replacement part for my Forgeworld trukk before I could do anymore work on my Wyvern I decided to convert my grot Ratling squad, which was a fun challenge.


The completed Wyvern conversion will be uploaded tomorrow evening and I must say it looks bad ***!

05-15-2014, 10:47 AM
The Lobba Lorry
Well my replacement part for the FW armoured trukk cab finally arrived so I was able to finally complete my Wyvern conversion. I added an armoured ram on the front to help represent the front armour 12 value, plus I was able to create a little turret from a fuel barrel. I love how the driver looks so fed up waiting around while the gunner has all the fun.

http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/135/1/3/grot_rebel_supa_lobba_trukk__wyvern__up_by_proiteu s-d7ig8ph.jpg

Now is I find myself wanting to build a 2nd one that can also be used for my Manticore with a turret swap, problem is I don't fancy buying two kits again, so I'll wait till I can find the individual Wyvern bits online before I make plans to build another one.

Game Cards
When I was working on the Thousand Sons I created modified magic cards for their available Warlord traits, Psychic Powers and even the Weaponsmith mods. With each card numbered it was easier than needing to look them up in a rulebook as I just rolled the dice and shifted through the cards, it also helped me remember what Warlord trait was in effect and what powers needed casting.


Likewise I'm going to create some Warlord and Psychic cards for the grot rebels, with Taytonclait off Deviantart providing me with some excellent artwork for each warlord and psychic table. Of course the magic card appearance didn't suit the grots so I decided to create my own card design.

What do you think?


05-29-2014, 10:20 AM
Grot Tank Update
Someone suggested I repurpose the main part of my old converted Hydra and Griffon Mortar tanks (http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/268/e/6/grot_dakka_tank_ii_by_proiteus-d2zfvqt.jpg) as armoured sentinels, so with that in mind I started looking for suitable turrets and found a perfect match from the Blood and Skulls Industry (http://stores.ebay.co.uk/bloodandskullsindustry/).

At the moment they stand just a little shorter than a standard sentinel but I can expand the height with some banners on the turret if necessary. As for the main plasma gun armament I was thinking of converting plasma weapons like my old Plasma Russ (http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/062/2/1/grot_blasta_tank_by_proiteus-d3atgjm.jpg), but I think the forgeworld pre-heresy plasma guns (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/The_Horus_Heresy/Legiones_Astartes/Space_Marine_Legion_Army_List/LEGION_HEAVY_SUPPORT/Legion_Heavy_Support_Squad/LEGION_PLASMA_CANNON_SET.html) will fit right in (as photoshopped below).

What do you think?


Darren Richardson
05-29-2014, 03:42 PM
cool cards, I like them

- - - Updated - - -

I think the FW gun would work if it was more box like, rather then the rounded shape it is, perhaps scratchbuilding one might be better....

Love that mini sentinal though :)

06-09-2014, 11:11 AM
Da Lobba Lorry!
Well it's taken quite a while but I finally completed my Wyvern conversion, someone suggested the nickname Lobby Lorry which I like the sound of.
Had some difficulties such as the model being too long for any available spaces in my army case so made the front ram removable using some very long pins that go into the trukk's frame. I may make another one in the future but at the moment I still have the Grot Tanks, Flame Tank and Gobsmashas to work on.


Looking at this model I may go back to the chimeras and other vehicles and add some metal plates to make them similar to this vehicle, just not too much as to make them look ramshackle.

What to do next?
I'm going to a Combat Patrol Tournament next month and trying to decide what list to take as it will also decide what I'm working on next, the guard list is pretty much the same except for the 4th unit...

X2 Veteran Squads with Autocannons & 3 Grenade Launchers in Chimeras
Devildog or Carapace Armoured Veterans with 3 Plasma Guns

Or I could take my Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons and create a new squad, I've also got a hold of some rare Egyptian bits to convert some alternative captains and squad leader models...

10 Man Strike Squad: 2 Psycannons, 1 Hammer, Psybolt Ammo and Justicar with Halberd
110 – 5 Man Strike Squad: 1 Psycannon
135 – Rifledread

What do you think would be the best list? As it means I'll be either repainting my Flame Tank or creating a squad of carapace armoured Gretchin or 6 new Thousand Sons Marines.

Spire Guard Psykers
With the new Grey Knight FAQ stating henchmen Psykers are level 1 and have access to the disciplines I'm looking to add 2-3 psykers to my henchmen squad to make things interesting and add some variety to my choice in powers. I've been working on a conversion to represent the Spire Guard Psykers shown in the attachment, they'll be holding staffs and other magic items but not sure if the mysterious shadow warrior helmet will make them look Eldarish?

Darren Richardson
06-10-2014, 05:22 AM
yeah he does look eldarish, perhaps use some green stuff to make a Phsyic Collar (counts as hood) around his helmet, might not look so eldarish then...

07-22-2014, 12:38 PM
After painting up my Wvyern conversion I realised that my Chimera conversions could do with a bit more detailing, so I've added some extra plates and bolts as well as a heavy stubber and smoke launcher.


I'm also planning to use Vultures instead of vendettas in my upcoming list and the main and favoured armament choice has to be the twin-linked punisher cannons. I had planned to convert Predator Lascannon sponsons and the punisher cannon barrels to make them, however the barrels are hard to find online. So I decided to try an alternative using the left over gun barrels from the baneblade kit and storm talon engines to make these big chunky guns that will be belt feed from the slit on the valkryie doors. Note that I've just thrown the bitz together in this photo to get some feedback, I intend to cover up the gaps with plasticard.

I'm worried about them being a bit too chunky but then again this is greenskin tek, what do you think?


07-22-2014, 01:32 PM
the guns look like an interesting idea

07-23-2014, 01:31 PM
During my first few games of 7th edition with my Thousand Sons I encountered a problem, which was with all the blessings and additional powers from the henchmen psykers it was hard to keep track of who had done what after the psychic phase. So I decided to make some themed Psychic tokens printing them as 25mm Button Badges for extra durability. They are so cheap and easy to create I also made some temporary objective markers for the grot rebelz.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2014/7/23/632124_md-Librarian%2C%20Markers%2C%20Objective%20Marker%2C% 20Psychic%20Phase.%2C%20Psychic%20Powers%2C%20Sorc erer.jpg

07-24-2014, 06:11 AM
Awesome idea with the buttons. Where did you get them made?

Darren Richardson
07-24-2014, 04:46 PM
great Idea, I like them a lot.

08-08-2014, 09:42 AM
Rifle Runtz sneakin and shootin!
Been a while since I did an update, mainly due to the introduction of Warhordes in my local gaming community which I've been swept up in and have been recently painting up a battlegroup.
That said 40k will always be my favourite as for it's conversion possibilities more than anything else.
Anyway finally completed are the Rifle Runtz which shall act as my Ratlings snipers, like all of the grots it was fun to build and paint thou I'm moving towards the Model Color range for skin tones as GW paints tend to be too thick for the job nowdays.


Originally I was just going to have 9 Ratlings but a change to my list now means I need a 10th, problem is there isn't any more gretchin models that would make good snipers that I haven't already converted, so my 10th sniper is gonna have to be something different. :D

While I paint up my Hordes army I'll take the time to work on some small parts of the grot army such as my Primaris Psyker and repainting the remaining vehicles.

andreas pedersen
08-08-2014, 04:17 PM
Looking great!

09-22-2014, 12:16 PM
Rapiers - Been a while but I'm not back working on 40k and the Grots are going to be getting some awesome new tek soon! First up is my Rapier Laser Battery Conversion, using the last of my guard tracks, and chaos bike parts (from the Ork Botz) plus a few other bits. It's size matches up very well to the size of the original forgeworld Rapier model. The design was inspired by the Soviet tanks from Red Alert 3.


I'm hoping to have the other two built in time for a game this thursday. Only question is should I paint the vent up like a vent or try and pull off a glow effect as if there was a reactor inside, remember these thing have a 50% chance to explode when destroyed? :D

Vulture Gunship - I've also completed the Thundersquig Gunships's Punisher Cannons for it to be fielded as a Forgeworld Vulture! But just in case I need to use the Vendetta again the Horns and Gatlings Cannons can be swapped out for the Lascannons.


Won't be long now before I can field the full Grot Rebelz again without need of a Super Heavy or Allies!!!

10-02-2014, 03:10 PM
Gun crews completed for the Rapier Laser Batteries, been quite good in the few games I've been using the unpainted models in. Going from the top I had to use one of the Mek Gun Gretchin for the crew but made sure to give him a lasgun and a raised base, also wanted to make a grot who was visually cautious about his gun exploding! I also made a Tau Gretchin, I wanted to have the squig on a pole but it didn't work so he became part of the base's detail. Finally there is my grot mek who wearing the Ork Mek mask and swinging the spanner looks very tribal, he accompanied by an enslaved Ork Bot cause I thought they were too good not to have at least one still in the army.


Now to get the Thundersquig gunship Punisher Cannons and details painted!

10-07-2014, 09:03 AM
Way Better Than A Dakkajet!!!
I've finally completed work on upgrading the Thundasquig Gunship with it's new Twin Linked Punisher Cannon armaments so it can now represent a Forgeworld Vulture Gunship. Plus a new paint job with a few extra details.
Of course there are tournaments that don't allow Forgeworld units so I've magnetized the horns on the front so I can switch between the Punisher Cannons and Lascannon weapons for when I need to use it as a Vendetta.
It's proven it's worth in nearly every game and it is truly devastating against infantry and even MC.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2014/10/7/652959-Dakkajet%2C%20Goblins%2C%20Grots%2C%20Guard%2C%20L ooted%2C%20Orks%2C%20Osprey%2C%20Thundasquig%2C%20 Vendetta.jpg
http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2014/10/7/652960-Dakkajet%2C%20Goblins%2C%20Grots%2C%20Guard%2C%20L ooted%2C%20Orks%2C%20Osprey%2C%20Thundasquig%2C%20 Vendetta.jpg

Blasta Tank Stikes Back!
With the new Rapier Laser Batteries and Vulture gunship, I've decided to once again field my Leman Russ as a the Plasma variant. In the previous edition that tank pretty much destroyed itself with “get's hot” rolls in most games, but now you get a 4+ save to prevent losing the hull point. So time to bring my anti-termie machine back!


10-07-2014, 12:18 PM
Woah! Wonderful orky stuff! The models are superb, mate. And as we all know, red wunz go fasta! ;)

10-08-2014, 02:00 AM
Love the big ball of energy effect on the blasta tank!

10-08-2014, 02:06 AM
I've decided to once again field my Leman Russ as a the Plasma variant. In the previous edition that tank pretty much destroyed itself with “get's hot” rolls in most games, but now you get a 4+ save to prevent losing the hull point.

Uh... that rule was in 6th as well.

10-08-2014, 03:20 AM
Uh... that rule was in 6th as well.

I was referring to 6th edition :D

10-08-2014, 12:16 PM
I mean, the 4+ save was in 6th Edition. And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth, for in 5th vehicles simply ignored Gets Hot! altogether, so to go from 100% ignored to 50% ignored was considered a massive nerf.

10-09-2014, 07:50 AM
Actually having read the Betrayal book from forgeworld, pre heresy recon squads can have scout armour so you couldjust use the 40k scout models for them :P

10-12-2014, 10:58 AM
Things Just Got Weirder!
While working on the Rapier Laser Batteries I thought to myself that my current Weirdgrot conversion below (representing a Primaris Psyker) looks great for pyromancy and other physical forms of psychic powers.


But I think I need to get one who'd look right for Divination and could represent an astropath should I ever wish to field one. So I created this floating gretchin in a strait jacket with lots of rods and teslas sticking out. The idea being that when he sees the future he goes nuts and starts screaming about it and sometimes a nearby squad will listen and act accordingly.


Darren Richardson
10-12-2014, 02:54 PM
wow your Gretchin sorry Grot(was looking through my old Space Crusade today) characters really have some great character to them....

10-12-2014, 07:30 PM
Nobody ever listens to Tim

10-21-2014, 07:10 AM
Thousand Sons: Lost In The Warp
My plan after the grots was to rebuild my Grey Knights but I have to admit I have no love for the new codex.
I used to love playing my Thousand Sons using Grey Knight rules as the army was a blast to play due to it's combinations provided by the henchmen and inquisitors, even more so when Psyker Henchmen could pick almost any power. There were just so many fun combinations and psychic potential. But the recent release of the codex has taken a good portion of that enjoyment away.

Now what's left of my army is unusable due to only having 3 grey knights units with no 2nd troops choice or HQ, plus 2 rifledreads that have been made expensive and less effective. The result being... I just can't don't feel any passion or drive to rebuild my grey knight army.

So they'll likely be shelved till Forgeworld bring outs the Thousand Sons for the Horus Heresy, or I might actually consider rebuilding the army using the Space Marine codex instead.

What do you think?


11-04-2014, 02:35 PM
Walk Sneakily and Carry A Big Gun!!
The half painted Rapier teams have been put aside for a while as I have an upcoming tournament at my gaming club coming up, the catch being no forgeworld units. So the rapiers are out and I'm fielding the vendetta. To replace them I've decided to bring 'Agent Spookumz' my old Marbo conversion out of storage and since Marbo seems to have been forgotten about by GW I plan to field him as a Vindicare instead. So I've swapped his arms out and converted him an orky sniper rifle.


Busy In The Workshop
I've also finished work on the first set of expanded spiked tracks today and the Leman Russ Vanquisher tank is starting to take shape, with luck I'll have room for a small grot commander in the Cupola in front of the tank. >:E


11-04-2014, 03:21 PM
I like the spiky tracks! And the sniper rifle is ace.

11-04-2014, 03:36 PM
During my first few games of 7th edition with my Thousand Sons I encountered a problem, which was with all the blessings and additional powers from the henchmen psykers it was hard to keep track of who had done what after the psychic phase. So I decided to make some themed Psychic tokens printing them as 25mm Button Badges for extra durability. They are so cheap and easy to create I also made some temporary objective markers for the grot rebelz.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2014/7/23/632124_md-Librarian%2C%20Markers%2C%20Objective%20Marker%2C% 20Psychic%20Phase.%2C%20Psychic%20Powers%2C%20Sorc erer.jpg

Lovely work all around! Is there a how to guide for making these? They look like a great gaming aid! :)

11-04-2014, 04:21 PM
Lovely work all around! Is there a how to guide for making these? They look like a great gaming aid! :)

Simple really, just create the design in photoshop using a badge template and send it off to a badge making company for printing. I was fortunate to find a place that did a small number of different designs, most places have a 100 min order with a set number of designs.

Someone suggested I take on commissions to create some, but fears of a visit from GW legal have prevented me from doing so.

11-04-2014, 04:23 PM
Simple really, just create the design in photoshop using a badge template and send it off to a badge making company for printing. I was fortunate to find a place that did a small number of different designs, most places have a 100 min order with a set number of designs.

Thanks! Top work all around! This is the type of army I love to set up against. The visual aspect of the game is my favorite part! :)

11-05-2014, 10:08 AM
Thousand Sons: Lost In The Warp
Now what's left of my army is unusable due to only having 3 grey knights units with no 2nd troops choice or HQ, plus 2 rifledreads that have been made expensive and less effective. The result being... I just can't don't feel any passion or drive to rebuild my grey knight army.

So they'll likely be shelved till Forgeworld bring outs the Thousand Sons for the Horus Heresy, or I might actually consider rebuilding the army using the Space Marine codex instead.

What do you think?

I think you should keep going. I’m using mine as a just barely post heresy era with CSM rules and pre-heresy paint. IA:13 assists with this as it’s got the relic vehicles that were more prevalent at the time. It’s worth a thought at least.

11-07-2014, 10:08 AM
Kommand Tank Coming Through!
Behold the grot Kommand Tank that will represent my tank commander's Leman Russ Vanquisher. The spiked tracks really give it an orky feel without the ramshackle look. I decided to go with the Battlewagon turret over the original turret for the command tank because of two reasons; 1 the cupola on top allow me to put a gretchin commander in while the other is solid. & because this turret goes better with the tank.
I still plan to use the larger turrets for when I want to use the tank as a standard Leman Russ Demolisher or Battle Tank or even an artillery tank.


Now I need to get the 2nd one built by next Thursday for the first round of the club tournament as well as my Vindicare Assassin but to do that I need one crucial component...

In order to build my 2nd Vanquisher I need the Leman Russ Barrel component shown below, but it's proving hard to find online so if anyone has one to spare please let me know?


11-08-2014, 10:13 AM
Took 2 weeks but I finally got a decent picture of my Grot Rebelz Armies On Parade Board. Of course I couldn't fit the whole army on so instead used a selection of units, including the Rapier Laser Batteries with alternative crew. I was very please with how it turned out, at least as far as the board was concerned.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2014/11/8/661914-Aegis%20Defence%20Line.%2C%20Chimera%2C%20Goblins% 2C%20Gorkamorka%2C%20Gretchin%2C%20Grots%2C%20Impe rial%20Guard.jpg

The contest itself was a bit of a joke as the new manager of my store allowed a group of friends and family members to vote for one entry. It was a good entry but we had few other voters (with the manager making little attempt to get customers to vote) meant he won it by a landslide leaving the other 3 entries tied, so 2nd place was decided by the manager's vote and I won 3rd through a coin toss. Overall it kind of spoilt the experience and next year I likely enter at another GW store.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2014/11/8/661913_md-Commissar%2C%20Goblins%2C%20Gorkamorka%2C%20Gretch in%2C%20Grots%2C%20Orks%2C%20Rebel%20Grotz%2C%20Tr ukk.jpg

I'm not dissapointed that I lost, after all I did this for a laugh. It just rather than have a fair and balanced contest with 4 equally good entries the winner was decided through around 10 bias votes.

Darren Richardson
11-08-2014, 10:50 AM
man that sucks, I'd have happily voted for your characterful army any day....

11-10-2014, 04:00 PM
Bringing The Heavy Hitters!
Since I'm waiting for parts to arrive to complete my 2nd command tank turret and have yet to paint up my psyker with a local tournament starting this week I've changed my list round to instead feature 2 Leman Russ Demolishers, using the unused non-gw turrets which really makes them look intimating.


It's great as I can use the hull of this tank for either a pair of Leman Russ or artillery tanks simply by changing the main armament. Might have to go back and create a Plasma Russ using this same conversion build when I get the time?

11-24-2014, 09:59 AM
The Big Guns
Well I've finally got my Rapier crews painted up, only change made was giving one a russian hat because he look a bit bland. The grot mek has also come out well even thou gamewise he's just a standard guardsmen. If I ever do convert a guard Engineer I'll likely make him look like the goblin tinker Gazlowe from Heroes Of The Storm.

http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/328/9/b/rebel_grot_tankzappaz__rapier_laser_batteries__by_ proiteus-d87hst2.jpg

Darren Richardson
11-24-2014, 02:08 PM
looking great as ever mate, keep up the good work!

11-25-2014, 12:36 AM
Those models are just oooozing orkiness! :D

12-04-2014, 11:20 AM
Weirdboyz abd Warpheadz, oh my!
Completed work on my 2 Gretchin Psykers the one in a strait jacket being my Astropath proxy while the one with the minder representing a Primaris Psyker, I'll probably commission an artist to create some artwork for their psychic cards.

http://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2014/12/4/27508fd94dce1057cdd8c6e5210e4065_10465.jpg http://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2014/12/4/384a7ff85b9813f09cc4ca08e8a82405_10465.jpg

I'm likely to create a 3rd psyker similar to the Astropath but with his arms free. Up next some remote explosives and hard as nails Grot Warboss!

12-09-2014, 02:57 PM
Rebel Grot Speeders?
I plan to build two Tauros buggies (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Imperial_Guard/Elysian_Drop_Troops/ELYSIAN_TAUROS_ASSAULT_VEHICLE.html) for my army soon, essentially they're guard buggies that re-roll dangerous terrain and ignore immobilized results on 4+. Sadly thou it will take quite a lot of work to obtain to parts I need for the actual buggy conversions. So last night I tinkered with a few bits kicking round in my bitz box and game up with this concept...

So what are your thoughts as I'm eager to hear peoples thoughts on the idea of fielding 2 grot speeder as Tauros buggies?


It's not a skimmer but with the re-rolls to terrain test and 4+ ignore it's close, but while it has a cool star wars speeder look I'm worried it might look a bit too quirky even for gretchin. There also the fact it's not an actual skimmer so for counts as purposes it might be a poor choice?

So it's a bit hit and miss at the moment, the conversion will be perfected from it's current rough appearance if I do decide to go with it which is why I'm eager to hear some feedback on it.

12-10-2014, 02:51 AM
I like it! What are the parts?

12-12-2014, 12:32 AM
Like it? Love it!

You do know you'll have to paint those up at Luke's speeder on Tatooine...right?

12-13-2014, 12:09 PM
Bombs Your Way!
If one FW guard unit caught my eye as being something a gretchin would do it was the Cyclops remote demolition vehicle, basically it's 3 independent demo charges with toughness 6, 2 wounds and a 4+ save controlled by a squad of guardsmen at the back of the board. What sealed the deal was Kromlech's orky Goliath mines which I could help but by on black friday.


Used them yesterday, not by far the most competitive unit in standard games but a fun one to use as they can keep your opponent on their toes.

Well here he is; Commissar Yarrick or in this army Kaptin Squigscream, Boss Grotskull's 2nd in kommand, muscle and right hand grot. I decided to convert an exo suit for the rebel grot warboss as it was the only way he'd be likely wielding a storm bolter and power klaw, plus Yarrick is hard as nails. I was lucky as the flash gitz provided me with the crucial legs, power pack and cyborg eye.


I look forward to painting him in the near future.

01-11-2015, 04:09 PM
Finished converting up my first Ardgit that will represent Carapace veterans, the front half of the squad will be armed with riot shields. Also because I want to avoid painting anymore green I decided to give most of them gas masks, in doing so I kind of created a small version of the guy from the Fallout box art (http://content.bethsoft.com/bsw_cms_asset/22110_2_1.jpg).


Darren Richardson
01-12-2015, 01:47 AM
I like them, very bizarre riot police!

01-18-2015, 01:55 PM
The Ardest Gretchin There Ever Was!
Finally finished off Squigscream on Saturday, converted from a variety of bits (most from the flash gitz) I wanted to make a fearsome looking gretchin warboss to represent Commissar Yarrick. And that's just what I got, course the problem now is finding a place for him in the army.


I had to replace his original banner because the bone didn't come out the way I wanted but I think the fist works better, was worried about the black armour but the chipping damage highlights it well.

Rough Riders; Squigsuits or Wartrikes?
Made the mistake this week of starting to brainstorm ideas for Rough riders, so far I've had two ideas.


Inspired by the exo suit rough riders created by Flinty (http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/159138-StalkerWip2.html?m=2) I made what is essentially a Grot Squigsuit using a Tau Broadside power pack, crisis feet and bionic bits. The idea was to put a robotic arm on the back with the piston powered spear and have them modelled bouncing and running. Only problem is it doesn't take up much space on the bike base and the legs are a little wide, so they'd need to be mounted on 40mm bases which brings up the question; what is the official base for Rough Riders?

Unsure about the squigsuit idea I went to my local GW where 3 young players were building Orks, I spotted a Deffgun from a Loota kit and saw a Grot Trike, I've ordered some pistons and small wheels to experiment with this idea more later this week.

So I'm eager to hear which idea people think is better?

01-21-2015, 10:37 AM
Squigsuits are the way forwards!
By popular demand the Squigsuit wins! So I've completed the suit's lance weapon and added some plates. By the way if anyone has any Tau Battlesuit feet or Broadside cooling system let me know cause they're hard to find or expensive on the web.


Thought about adding a 2nd arm for the Rough Rider's pistol, what do you think? Does it work or should I stick with the one arm?


Darren Richardson
01-22-2015, 01:37 AM
I love your Squigsuits, they look barmy!

01-22-2015, 02:22 AM
Those are so cute!

01-22-2015, 12:26 PM
I just finished going through the entire thread, you are a superb converter! I eagerly await any more creations you've got stewing!

I'm only just getting into the hobby, so finishing an army at all is a big deal for me (working on it!) but I do have the dream of converting and kitbashing someday.

The Rebel Grots are very interesting, and I think if I played a game against an army like that it would be hard not to have fun, lol

01-24-2015, 11:35 AM
Those are so cute!

Oh they're nothing compared to the gretchin gun drones that now accompany them. :D
Since the 2nd arm made it look to humanoid and attaching it to the spear would make it too bulky I've decided to make 4 little gun drones to mount on the bases; that way they can represent the laspistols and boost the height of the squigsuits that aren't jumping for more fairer LOS.

What do you think?


Darren Richardson
01-24-2015, 05:11 PM
those gundrones look cute and add's even more character, I like them!

01-31-2015, 01:33 PM
The Bigger and Badder Blasta Tank!
Well finished working on my new Plasma Russ for my grot guard, decided to replace the old model which had a red paint job but little else which compared to the other newer tank conversions looked a bit too humie. So I decided to build a new version to match the more greenskin like appearance of the rebellion to match the brutal appearance of the command tank!


Gotta say I'm loving the flexible rivet strips from Zinge Industries, they're a god send. Plus the spiked tracks from Blood & Skulls Industry add to the brutal look! :thumbsup:

Started work on painting all 3 tanks today, got them based and inked so tomorrow it will be time to break out the sponges. Still can't wait to unleash all 3 fully painting on to the board. :)


02-01-2015, 01:22 PM
I like those treads! Great work :)

Darren Richardson
02-02-2015, 01:52 AM
great work on those tanks, they look amazing, can't wait to see the painted up.

02-12-2015, 01:33 PM
Blasta Tank Powered Up!!!
Completed the new an improved Blasta Tank MK2 with spiked tracks, ork glyphs and a brutal lookin front armour plating overall making it a huge improvement over the previous version. The sponsons and main armament are removal so if I ever want to field a Pask Punisher in the future I can do that.
I stuck with the original turret after realizing it was a much better fit after other players said the new one was too small for such a tank.


Anyway I'm loving the new version.

02-25-2015, 10:37 AM
Finally got round to completing my new pair of Grot Buggies, luckily for me Forgeworld has a 40 approved unit similar to Ork Buggies in the form the Tauros.


After this and the Squigsuit Rough Riders I'll likely be taking a break from my Grots at last

02-25-2015, 11:11 AM
They look great!

Darren Richardson
02-25-2015, 05:45 PM
excellent work as usual, your conversions and scratchbuilds are top notch and so very expressive.

03-06-2015, 10:26 AM
2 Weeks to get my 5 Squigsuits and 2 Buggies painted up for a local tournament, sadly I can only show 4 due to the fact I can't hold the squad leader's pose with blue tac. He's drop kicking an ork to the ground by the way.


You'll have to wait till he's fully painted.

Darren Richardson
03-06-2015, 04:51 PM
sounds promising, we'll be waiting patiently for him to be ready.....

03-06-2015, 09:08 PM
Fantastic conversions! Loving the Gun Drones and that Buggy is to die for, or from, depending on which end of it you're on...

03-24-2015, 01:14 PM
Squigsuits jump into action!!!
At last my Squigsuits are complete! Now my grots can possess the speed and ferocity of a Squig, perfect for Rough Riders proxies. Pinning my drop kicking squad leader was a real pain to get him to look right.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/t31.0-8/11062701_10153194145660982_1541752138869024202_o.j pg

Here is a more detailed picture of a painted Squigsuit, I'm glad I created the little Grot gun drones.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/10285696_10153194145790982_9148171526716466176_o.j pg

Now all that's left to get done is the 2 Leman Russes, my spotter tank and my new Hellhound modifications and then I'll be ready for the WAR IN THE NORTH!!!

Darren Richardson
03-24-2015, 05:51 PM
they look great, such character full little blighters.....

03-25-2015, 06:52 AM
Those really are just fantastic! Oozing with character!

Minotaur Painting
03-29-2015, 12:01 PM
Amazing conversions, too many favourites. Orks are awesome.

04-13-2015, 12:39 PM
Got the 2 Battle Tanks completed, 1 of which will serve as my Kommand Tank identified by the massive skull on the front. I went with the boxy turret because it just looks a lot more orky... I mean something a greenskin would like, that and the spiked tracks make it very intimidating. :)


The best thing about the battle tanks is that they can be used for other vehicles as well such as a Deathstrike Missile Launcher. When coming up with ideas I refused to have a giant missile, as I hate the idea that a general would put a weapon of such high yield on the front line. So I came up with this much better idea inspired by the Ork Audio Drama the Klaw Of Mork, to represent my Deathstrike Missile Launcher I will have a large tractor beam dragging down a asteroid/ship from orbit to drop on the enemy. Which makes a lot more sense as the weapon would need to not move to keep hold of it's ammo and any damage would make it lose it's the grip on whatever it's pulling down.


Going to play a few games to see if I like using the weapon and if I do I'll get it fully converted and painted.

04-13-2015, 01:00 PM

04-14-2015, 04:00 PM
The last wave of the Grot Rebelz!
Well here it is the last wave of Grot Rebel units, now I can take a nice relaxing break from the hobby and then return for a new project. First off the new Hellhound, I'll likely use it in larger games or when I need to remove the Wyvern to free up my Heavy Support slots for something else. Turrets a bit small but this was rush job as I needed it for the upcoming tournament this weekend.


I loved the small tanks I converted from spare bits in my previous version of this army to use as Hydras, however I struggled to find a use for them in this new army as the armoured sentinel idea didn't work out. But I finally did find a suitable use for the model in the form of a proxy for a Manticore implacement. (Manticore turret: AV10 2 Hull Points Immobile). Like before the idea is this tank calls down Grot Bomb Strikes with the D3 representing how many bombs make it to the target. I needed to add some plates round the tracks to make it clear it is an immobile vehicle.


Might make an alternative top with my shield generator (http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/003/7/c/grot_rebel_void_shield_generator_up_by_proiteus-d6x2tbh.jpg) for a possible Shield array proxy?

And that's it but before I go I will aim to get a good quality full army photograph to post on the log.

04-29-2015, 11:21 AM
Full Army Shot Teaser
Sadly I won't have the full army shots till next week, but here are some group shots from the recent tournament.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10421514_1103787499646743_368778084505480258_n.jpg ?oh=35f28d3b771e4d940531899772599299&oe=55DC3D85&__gda__=1440489711_b7073351c045d48ebb3daa5e629e657 4
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/q83/s720x720/11174982_1103788322979994_5203537062140930068_n.jp g?oh=0c3f17e6ed978c2d04d2cc916e29007b&oe=5597C365&__gda__=1439656560_8b930715f80557a3764308371d4dcc7 dhttps://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11169920_1103787799646713_1350146300841491958_n.jp g?oh=00fced36b9e4095dcc51f5a28bff44b3&oe=55E19ADBhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/q82/s720x720/11112933_1103787162980110_2254956631547159791_n.jp g?oh=40af164a888b4a03edbdd3f245c39a06&oe=55D0608B&__gda__=1439593902_0dc7c2b1d1fa6c24ea2db9bbd58c35a 7

05-10-2015, 10:57 AM
At long last I have a complete army shot featuring everything from my current Grot collection, all 2665pts. :D


Darren Richardson
05-10-2015, 11:58 AM
wow, that is one mad, but beautiful in a Mother only could kinda way, army!

Well done indeed, I wonder what next you will do?

05-10-2015, 12:37 PM
looks fantastic

05-12-2015, 05:46 AM
So crazy and funky, just like grots themselves. I love it!

05-18-2015, 12:31 PM
Why Can't I Quit You Gretchin!?!
Well since my new project is slow to start up it looks like the Grots are getting 2 new units. The first of which is the Night Tekz warband, these guys love using tech to gain the upper hand and thus use a Breaching Drill to surprise the enemy. I had to convert shotguns for most of the squad this time as the FW Breaching Squad can't take lasguns. I doubt I can ever quit doing the grots as making this squad has created some funny characters, such as Bobby on the right who looks like an old victorian police man or the Meltagunner nicknamed "Tank Missile!"


Gazza the Squad Leader even looks so bad *** he might take a leave of absence to man a very big gun, he could maybe even work as a gretchin proxy of Coteaz thou maybe that's a little too far?
After seeing the new mechanicus models I will be converting them into some rocket artillery so can't wait for that. :D

Darren Richardson
05-24-2015, 02:23 AM
see, an amry is never finished.....


05-25-2015, 04:24 AM
see, an amry is never finished.....

Sadly the shame can't be said for the Thousand Sons who I'm likely to sell unless the Tzzentch Daemonkin codex is something special. Even if I do a chaos army or pure marine force the Spire Guard henchmen have no real so I'm currently looking to find a buyer for all the Spire Guard models.

The Grots however once my new army project is done they'll be getting some new fancy tech, like this little concept below. :D


05-25-2015, 04:59 AM
The Spireguard could be very useful for Cultists if the Tzeentch Daemonkin are anything like their Khorne cousins!

And that's a great Morkanicus concept!

Darren Richardson
05-25-2015, 04:24 PM
lovely "Morkanicus" model indeed, it's a shame your Thousand Sons are suffering at the moment, lets hope GW makes them more useful soon....

05-25-2015, 04:40 PM
I feel the skilled looking Spire Guard are a bad match up for the cannon fodder cultists.

Even so I'm likely to sell the pre-heresy army and build a post heresy theme instead with the same Egyptian style with a touch of chaos and blue instead of red. This will allow me use of chaos daemons and a bit more freedom.

06-29-2015, 01:22 PM
Well here's the last grot warband, my infantry tray is now full, so unless I buy a new infantry tray there is unlikely to be another Squad. Plus I'm going to be taking a break from my grots believe it or not.


This squad was all about gear and I wanted them to look mekky, due to the original seragent Gazza Stripbolt looking too bad *** he was sidelined him for something else, instead we have a small night grot converted using the golbin shaman and a skatari head. With the exception of the Metlagunner and Ork Servo sku... er head they are all armed with Shotguns. Since they'd be emerging from the hold created by the digga I thought to give one a glow stick, which I was unsure at first but came out well.

Next up the digga! :D

06-30-2015, 01:57 AM
Nice! I particularly like the skitarii dome-head becoming a helmet :D

07-01-2015, 08:39 AM
With the completion of my final squad yesterday I decided to recreate a picture I took 9 years ago of the first grot rebelz, the army has been rebuilt twice and you can see how far I have come since then. So for those who wish they could paint that good remember, every expert was once a beginner. :)


The reason behind my choice for using guard rules was the fact a proper gretchin army using the ork codex would have been limited, very expensive and not very good. So I thought what's the 2nd weakest thing in the universe and settled with guard, and despite all the new ork units I don't think I can go back.

Looks what's taking shape on my model workstation. :D


07-12-2015, 02:19 PM
Huzzah finished yesterday, my gretchin digga! Perfect for getting behind enemy lines and tearing through enemy tanks. Had to correct some of the bend forgeworld parts thou but here it is.


AND WITH THIS THE GROTS WILL BE COMPLETED! But that doesn't mean I finished with them, 'The Red Gobbo' mecha will be built on the side of my next main project that I will start the log later this week.

One disadvantage to this army is my case is now full and extremely heavy to carry!

07-12-2015, 04:06 PM
you will have to build yourself a grot robot to carry your case...

02-29-2016, 12:24 PM
you will have to build yourself a grot robot to carry your case...

Nah already got this fella, Da Red Gobbo! :D

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2015/10/30/754202_md-Gorkanaut%2C%20Greenskin%2C%20Gretchin%2C%20Grots% 2C%20Imperial%20Knight%2C%20Morkanaut%2C%20Orks.jp g

2 weeks ago I was asked by Rob Baer from Spikey Bits to write an article on converting count as armies and miniatures. So if I've inspired you to convert your own stuff or you'd like an interesting read and see some of my earilest projects (& failures) click the image below....

http://orig15.deviantart.net/ff9e/f/2016/060/5/9/featured_image_spikey_bitz_by_proiteus-d9tk7yd.jpg (http://www.spikeybits.com/2016/02/the-3-golden-rules-for-counts-as-conversions.html)

02-29-2016, 01:10 PM
that looks excellent