View Full Version : New codex bad / not feeling the 6th ed --> house rules / house missions...

Lost Vyper
02-13-2014, 07:25 AM
Hi ya'll!

Lost Vyper from Reseda Prime -crew here, with a small info, on how we deal with the new codexes, cheese and boring missions and bad rules....

First of all, even when our games are more fluff than competitive, we all still want the victory. With that out of the way, here's few thing, we have cooked up, just to keep WH40K interesting.

First came the fact, that there was only six basic missions in the BRB. After about a year in, those were so played through, that I invented six more of those. These are called Lost Vyper missions and if you are interested, they should be up on the older topics or you can send me a message and I can email you the rules. We have play tested them and 5/6 were great to play, only one was so hardcore, that it normally ended in (at least mental) tears for the loser :cool:, so we don't play that mission any more. I replaced that mission with an extra one, so we now have 6 from BRB and 6 from my missions. If we play normal missions, we roll a d12 to get the result (1-6 BRB, 7-12 LVM). This has worked out great, so I encourage you to rummage through the internet or invent your own missions, if you are getting bored...

Second, the missions with objective grabbing or KP's in a 3 or 4-way game don't work for us (if you recall my meltdown couple of months back :p). In came the latest in our youtube-page, Man The Guns! -missions plus the latest Starfort-mission. Man The Guns! is made for 2 to 4 players, we have tested it so, that one attacker vs. two defenders and vice versa and it is AWESOME! More detail in those topics (in BOLS), but mainly the idea was: NO OBJECTIVES, NO BASIC KILL POINTS. And we succeeded. Another member (World Of Pain in Bols boards) and I have done tremendous work to get these up and running and still two of our club members have not tried these, but they'll get a taste :). In the Starfort -mission, the objectives are landing platforms, bastions, buildings etc. and the space rules are a refreshing change (every wound with 6 on a die is an AP2 wound!) and they work wonders!

Third, the stupid randomness of Warlord -traits and Psychic-powers. Easy...fe., if I play an Iyanden army (with an HQ without a fixed trait), I roll a die. If the result is fe. 4, i'll check ALL BRB tables, Iyanden, and the basic Eldar codex, which number four is most to my liking. Simple AND effective. On the first Starfort -mission (i had Eldrad, so fixed trait it was) Blood Angels -player threw a die and got to choose any of the BRB -tables and got the Target Priority! Sanguinor(?) stood in the middle of this blob of units granting them ALL re-roll one's!! Talk about fluffy trait with a destructive sidekick!! On the Psychic-powers, the same thing. Get the Telepathy,Eldar-powers and Divination-tables side by side and roll and choose the one you like (or one of the primaries)!! First time EVER, I had Invisibility on Eldrad, who disposed two Hammernators in CC by himself and without Fortune :eek:

Fourth...the cheese...mmm...cheese...Best example was the Man The Guns!, where CSM defended...he didn't get to bring Heldrake, so we saw massive amount of Sonic Blaster wielding Noise Marines and Blastmaster destroying Wave Serpents! Obliterators by the tons and stuff we just to see in the 5th edition = Nice, no cheese, FLUFFY...when I make my Eldar list, I COULD bring four (cos I just got 4) Wave Serpents, but don't, cos that's just, well...CHEESE...AND, I like to win (like the first Starfort test play) with an army including for example: Guardians (no WS), 4 HQ's, Rangers, Dark Reapers, Walkers, Spiders, DE allies (Baron, Venom,Hellions,Warriors) and JUST two WS's (which got demolished by Assaulting marines!)...

Well, there's my advises, what you can do, instead of relying GW to do it for you. I don't play tournaments, so obviously these ideas are for that "narrative" play...

- Lost Vyper / Reseda Prime