View Full Version : Wolf Tail Talisman against Warlocks powers?

12-22-2009, 11:34 AM
Here are some questions related to Space wolves and Eldar Warlocks:

An eldar warlock has psychic powers that are always available (no Ld test required).
A wolf tail talisman negates a psychic power that targets the unit on 5+

1) It is possible to use the 5+ granted by a wolf tail talisman if an eldar warlock uses its Destructor power?
2) What about the other warlock powers (enhance, embolden, ...)?

3) What if I have a rune priest with a rune staff in range? Can I try to nullify the Destructor?
4) What about the other warlock powers (enhance, embolden, ...)?

12-22-2009, 12:32 PM
as far as i understand it and i am a eldar player, warlock powers go off automatic with out a psychic test required thats is why a hood would not work, not test is need for the power to go off. I believe in the rulebook ( i dont have it in front of me) u cant, because the power does not require a test, i believe they are minor psychuc powers.

12-22-2009, 12:39 PM
That would solve the question for the rune staff and psychic hoods.

But the wolf tail talisman is not limited only to powers that require Ld tests.
It simply says that "if the unit is affected by an enemy psychic power roll a dice. On 5+ the power is nullified"

12-22-2009, 12:49 PM
RAW - codex trumps rule book I think you have therefore answered your own question.

12-22-2009, 01:01 PM
Seems like Wolf Tail would block Destructor on a 5+, but no other Warlock power affects the bearer.

12-22-2009, 01:03 PM
as far as i understand it and i am a eldar player, warlock powers go off automatic with out a psychic test required thats is why a hood would not work, not test is need for the power to go off. I believe in the rulebook ( i dont have it in front of me) u cant, because the power does not require a test, i believe they are minor psychuc powers.

No such thing as minor psychic powers anymore.

Now, you're correct that a psychic hood does not work against warlock powers. However, a warlock power is still a psychic power, you just don't need to take a test to use it. Psychic hoods are only triggered by taking a psychic test. A Wolf Tail talisman, on the other hand, simply negates psychic powers on a 5+. It doesn't matter if the power requires a psychic test or not.

So yes, you can block a Warlock psychic power with a Wolf Tail Talisman.

Edit: And Jwolf is right. The Warlock power has to target the unit with the Talisman, so Destructor is the only one this works against.

12-23-2009, 12:29 PM
No such thing as minor psychic powers anymore.

Now, you're correct that a psychic hood does not work against warlock powers. However, a warlock power is still a psychic power, you just don't need to take a test to use it. Psychic hoods are only triggered by taking a psychic test. A Wolf Tail talisman, on the other hand, simply negates psychic powers on a 5+. It doesn't matter if the power requires a psychic test or not.

So yes, you can block a Warlock psychic power with a Wolf Tail Talisman.

Edit: And Jwolf is right. The Warlock power has to target the unit with the Talisman, so Destructor is the only one this works against.

well thats good to know, I dont have the space wolf codex guess i need to get it lol. So only powers direct at the squad with the wolf tail.

01-12-2010, 12:23 AM
and as such the templars would negate it as well if they take the abhor the with vow which says any psychic attack directed at them is ignored on a 5+

01-12-2010, 01:31 AM
and as such the templars would negate it as well if they take the abhor the with vow which says any psychic attack directed at them is ignored on a 5+

Seems correct, rle68.