View Full Version : Inquisitor Background Brainstorm

02-11-2014, 01:39 PM
I'm developing an inquisitor character for the upcoming Inquisition War campaign at my FLGS. We get extra points for our teams (Puritans vs. Radicals vs. Renegades) for writing background and vignettes between the fights, and I want to have a lot of material to work with. I'm turning to you, my fellow 40k background fans, to help me develop a backstory and personality for my inquisitor.

Here's what I've decided so far:

1) She is a Radical member of the Ordo Malleus.
2) She is a lady inquisitor.
3) She owns and sometimes goes to battle in a suit of terminator armor.
4) Her retinue includes a daemonhost and an Earth-Caste Tau engineer.
5) She has ovaries the size of small moons, as evidenced by the fact that she is a member of the inquisition and has convinced a bunch of Knights of Blood to work for her.
5) I like the idea of her being a member of some of the more ambitious and optimistic radical factions, like the ones who believe that the entire Imperium can be fixed.

So... go ahead. Pitch me some ideas. Entertain me with obscure bits of inquisitorial lore. This will be fun!

02-11-2014, 04:11 PM
How about this for a Radical faction, I just thought of it, so excuse any half-thought ideas or daft names!

The House of Poseravists, named for the grand Watch House on Poseravis IV where they first made a conclave, are a Radical faction of the Ordo Malleus, convened and created by Lord Inquisitor Carvast [Excommunicate Traitoris] to discuss his plan to ensure the power of the Emperor would return to the galaxy, that the Imperium might once more be led by his beneficence.

Carvast theorised that the Emperor was distracted from using his full and godly powers to return to life as he now partly existed as a warp entity and was under constant attack from the Daemons and black gods of that unholy realm, thus while able to project the power of the Astronomicon and perform miracles of faith, his full power was divided with protecting his own soul from the predations of the Immaterium.

Working from this reasonable assumption, Carvast thus concluded that the only way to assist the God-Emperor was to draw out the power of the Warp into the material realm, for every inch of power pulled through, for every daemon captured in the body of a host or within a weapon or otherwise drawn from the warp and into real-space, the warps power was weakened, allowing the Emperor more time to reassert His power, if enough was drawn away, the Emperor would have the time and focus to completely bring His powers to bear and He would be able to restore life to his crippled body and return once more to the Empire built in His name. So, the plan was simple, the knowledge on the summoning and capturing of Daemons must be allowed to spread, cults on every planet must form Daemon Hosts, Daemon-Imbued weapons should be forged and used in His name, anything to draw away the immense power of the Warp, victory by thousands of small cuts would be achieved.

Blood Shadow
02-11-2014, 06:08 PM
If you were to go hereticus and give her a null rod then you could play her as a remnant of Eisenhorn's order of untouchable psychic blanks.

But as I imagine you're probably set on the TA option so you need another angle.

If you're going radical malleus then what is it that she's done, what was it that made her do it?

Things she's done, clearly raising a Daemon host is pretty radical, is this the single deed or the result of years of dabbling like Eisenhorn, path to hell paved with good intentions....was it ambition that made her do it or pure survival or even pure evil spite, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?

Think of the timeline from when the key event happened to the where the inevitable path will lead, is she willing?

The knights of blood is an interesting angle too, perhaps she's encountered some xeno/ pre-heresy religious tech that could aid in stabilising the flaw.......

It'd be cool if you could link her redicalisation to the influence of the Knights in someway, either in the cause or in their common goals....

From what I've read about the knights of blood they're kind of semi-loyalist khorne berserkers, so perhaps she leads a Khorne DCA cult or a DCA cult that liked blood that little bit too much....

I've no idea how to explain the Tau guy, that'll really need some explaining......gambling debts or substance abuse is as much as I can come up with on that one......

Sounds like a very cool campaign.....one suggestion is to find out the name of one of your opponents Inquisitors and name them in your back story as being an arch rival......that'll add some extra fluff for your COs to work with too....

02-12-2014, 03:55 PM
If you're going radical malleus then what is it that she's done, what was it that made her do it?

Things she's done, clearly raising a Daemon host is pretty radical, is this the single deed or the result of years of dabbling like Eisenhorn, path to hell paved with good intentions....was it ambition that made her do it or pure survival or even pure evil spite, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?

Think of the timeline from when the key event happened to the where the inevitable path will lead, is she willing?

Interesting question...

So, I like the idea of reversing the typical trajectory of a radical inquisitor. Instead of being old and frustrated, she's naturally young and ambitious and a little bit reckless. As a result, I imagine that she's kind of a darling of the Radical factions. They would view her youth as evidence that they have a real, genuine point.

So, I think that for her the descent from purity to walking that fine line was less finding rare and heretical tomes or capturing and taming some cult's daemonhost, and more a matter of more experienced inquisitors in her faction giving her stuff or pointing her in its direction.

The knights of blood is an interesting angle too, perhaps she's encountered some xeno/pre-heresy religious tech that could aid in stabilising the flaw.......

It'd be cool if you could link her redicalisation to the influence of the Knights in someway, either in the cause or in their common goals....

From what I've read about the knights of blood they're kind of semi-loyalist khorne berserkers, so perhaps she leads a Khorne DCA cult or a DCA cult that liked blood that little bit too much....[/QUOTE]

I love this idea!

Ok, so what if she grew up on a hive world that was saved from its heretical and Chaos-tainted governor by the Knights. Although the Knights rampaged through the Hive - killing a huge number of relatively innocent bystanders in the process - they were also free to totally ignore the Imperium's rules. Once their bloodlust was sated, their Blood Angels nobility took over, and they left the survivors alone to rebuild their lives. The same bloodlust that demanded they descend to the planet to kill the heretics in person - rather than just delivering a lance Exterminatus from orbit - gave them the opportunity to show compassion and mercy to the survivors.

This gave her the idea that from virtue can come from taint, that there are shades of grey in the world. It also gave her some admiration for the Knights of Blood, which she retained even when they were excommunicated a few years later.

I've no idea how to explain the Tau guy, that'll really need some explaining......gambling debts or substance abuse is as much as I can come up with on that one......

What if one of those Radical Ordo Xenos types who think that the Imperium should cooperate with the civilized alien types made an introduction?

The House of Poseravists, named for the grand Watch House on Poseravis IV where they first made a conclave, are a Radical faction of the Ordo Malleus, convened and created by Lord Inquisitor Carvast [Excommunicate Traitoris] to discuss his plan to ensure the power of the Emperor would return to the galaxy, that the Imperium might once more be led by his beneficence.

Carvast theorised that the Emperor was distracted from using his full and godly powers to return to life as he now partly existed as a warp entity and was under constant attack from the Daemons and black gods of that unholy realm, thus while able to project the power of the Astronomicon and perform miracles of faith, his full power was divided with protecting his own soul from the predations of the Immaterium.

Working from this reasonable assumption, Carvast thus concluded that the only way to assist the God-Emperor was to draw out the power of the Warp into the material realm, for every inch of power pulled through, for every daemon captured in the body of a host or within a weapon or otherwise drawn from the warp and into real-space, the warps power was weakened, allowing the Emperor more time to reassert His power, if enough was drawn away, the Emperor would have the time and focus to completely bring His powers to bear and He would be able to restore life to his crippled body and return once more to the Empire built in His name. So, the plan was simple, the knowledge on the summoning and capturing of Daemons must be allowed to spread, cults on every planet must form Daemon Hosts, Daemon-Imbued weapons should be forged and used in His name, anything to draw away the immense power of the Warp, victory by thousands of small cuts would be achieved.

I really like this idea... I'll have to chew on it for a bit.