View Full Version : local meta: What should I play?

02-11-2014, 08:01 AM
I sat out a few 40k games and started playing again in tournaments. For starters I noticed the drop in MarineArmies. I mean only one in the last tournament.

What I say was O'Shova Tau, Tau Marines with Inquisition, Regular Tau, Dark Eldar/ Eldar, plague marines ( zombies or marines and bikes burgled type), daemons, csm/ daemons, new nids, and dark angels.

To be honest I brought my daemons this time around. However I think I will retire my Tau for a bit since Tau seemed to be what half the people was playing still. I think I am the only Tau player to play devilfish and sniper drones though. Anyway I rather not do a Tau vs Tau, although I have done rather well in those battles.

The reason I bring this up is I want to play with an army that is not played by everyone. Ironically my Daemons and Tau used to be those armies. Anyway I have a few ideals. Oh I forgot about the Grey knight and necron armies there too.

Well thus is what I am looking at.
Grey Knights
Blood Angels or Space Wolves

Surprisingly enough some armies are not played as much as you think they would be. However the armies that I can actually field and I rarely see on the field are.
Blood Angels
Space Wolves

I always liked the Thunderwolf squad and a few other models from the army. My problem is I do have to pick up a few more models to field it properly. If I do field it, it probably will be allied with IG. Besides the custom characters I am hoping for an update to hopefully fix the army to where I like it as a whole instead of little.

Next is the sisters. I probably can do a sister/ inquisition or sister/ guard/ inquisition or sister / guard. I always wanted to run this force again. I used to run it a lot when it was legal back in 4th and early 5th. This project has been dropped a lot due to rule changes constantly changing the army line up. For example at one point you could run grey knights/ sisters/ guard. I have thought about doing sisters/ grey knights which should look awesome on the table.

All that being said. I think I might do sister/ guard with Inquisition, the old Mardi Gras Alliance list. The main question is do I run 2 Exorcist or have full access to IGs fast attack and heavy support slots. My main opposition will be Tau a d I have to deal with Riptide and broadside spam. I did thought about running mr. Drop 5 plasma shot tank, but due to taking a lot of glancing hits I am starting to second guess this decision. However I am debating running a tech priest and having my inquisition give prescience to the tank to prevent over heating.

02-11-2014, 11:39 AM
I always vote for Orks and/or Space Wolves

Orks: The random rules make the all games different if you want that,a big mek can remove a unit from the table (pseudo D weapon) or he blows himself with some mates up as well. Zzap Gunz suck their Grot crew into the laser shot if you roll too high. The book is flexible and has lots of Forgeworld support. You, as the player, can customize/scratch build any vehicle or unit in the books (GW or IA) as the ramshackle-ness of Orks allows for creativity to take the reins. The model range is very fleshed out from GW, and Forgeworld has some good stuff for Orks as well. (Squiggoth for the win!) They combine Three Stooges style comedy with Sci-Fi and still allow for the smart player to throw some powerful hurt on the enemy.

For the good stuff look at: Battlewagons with Deff-rollas, but in multiples, I recommend 4: The Dakkajet is awesome and cheap (like a vendetta) take 3 or more if you can: Lootas and Nob Bikerz are still the two best units in the book because of Firepower(Lootas) and survivability(Nob Bikerz): the Special Characters aren't that great because of point cost, but can pull some shenanigans under the right circumstances (Zogwort's Curse a Herald with Grimorie...) With Orks it's all about the multiples of stuff. If you can, take more than 1.

Space Wolves: They were my first army back in the end of 3rd. when I started playing. Their fluff is pretty rebellious as far as the Imperium is concerned, even going so far as to open fire on Imperial ships and loot destroyed ones. If you want an army that openly strikes fear into its friends and foes, then the Wolves of Russ are for you. With the 5th ed. book the Space Wolves got lots of good stuff, lost some too in my opinion, If you like Books then I'd hit up the Space Wolves Omnibus, parts one and two, as it follows Ragnar (HQ special character) on his trip from Human to being a bad-***. Unit wise, you can't go wrong with Grey Hunters for shooty troops and Blood Claws for foot-based Assault troops. The Wolf Guard offer a uniquely customizable squad that can adhere to almost any position you want. Long-Fangs... yea, their awesome. Lone Wolves are a bit strange as you want the unit to die, versus surviving the game. The HQ's are where the book really shines, you can make (pretty much) the ultimate Psyker, or ultimate CC-Chomper character, whose riding a wolf that can be the size of a Rhino... Space Wolves harken back to some 80's style Metal music (the kind that seems whacky by today's standards) with a healthy blend of science fiction tossed in the mix.

For the Good Stuff look to: Long Fangs, with 5 missiles and a Wolf Guard in Termy armour with Cyclone you got a unit that has 7 Krak or frag missiles that can "Split-Fire" (from the LF's sarge) Thunderwolf Cav with SS along with a Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf with SS and either Frost Axe (looks cool) or Thunderhammer (bring the strength 10 pain) or Wolf Claw (who doesn't like re-rolls?) give him a couple of puppies as wound buckets and either Saga of the Warrior-Born (chance of extra attacks in cc) or Saga of the Bear (Eternal Warrior) This gives you a fast and hard hitting CC unit that will be feared. Pop two of those units and some drop-pod Grey Hunters (take a coms tower Aegis line if you can) and you got yourself a "Shock and Awe" style list. (something SW's are known for in fluff)

02-11-2014, 03:18 PM
armies that I can actually field and I rarely see on the field are.

Guard is always a great choice. Actual humans on the board. With guns. Big guns. Lots of big guns.

You may not win, but you should have a lot of fun.

Dave Mcturk
02-12-2014, 07:39 AM
orkz... but wait and see if the new codex is actually coming !:D

nob bikers with the works are great looking and very effective...:cool:

lootas are surprisingly under valued ... our group has actually BANNED them... yes they are that good now with overwatch and snap shooting, and 48" range ... armour 10/11 or flyers are doomed, armour 12 is on dodgy ground - glance to death just as quick as necron can ... but at twice the range...:p

the flyers are nice ...

and contrary to popular opinion im having more success with the 'threat' orc choppy blob than the shooty ... but that might just be my meta.. but 120 st4 attacks that get 50% is much better than 60 that only hit 33%... :rolleyes:

02-12-2014, 04:22 PM
lootas are surprisingly under valued ... our group has actually BANNED them...

Your group could not kill T4 6+ armor save models? Lootas die to stiff breezes.

Dave Mcturk
02-13-2014, 11:53 AM
Your group could not kill T4 6+ armor save models? Lootas die to stiff breezes.

stick them in battle waggons... kff... cyborg bodies... meatshield... defence lines... with 48 " range they are very effective...

02-14-2014, 07:58 AM
That is a good plan to put them in wagons. Never seen anyone do that before, yet they do trots and Burma's.

I probably hold of on orcs since I only have 10 of them in my collection and rather wait for the new dex.

I been looking over space wolves and just realized they are probably the only army besides daemons that can have 6 psykers with divination powers due to allies. Blood Angels/ inquisition/ space wolves. Anyway I can have 5 psykers with prescience with a guard army which is rather nice. Also jaws is actually viable in my tournament scene, might get people off Tau.