View Full Version : Wanting to start a tau army

Chung Ho Brian Lee
02-10-2014, 03:02 PM
Hey guys

Just want some help making a good tau army but I don't know where to start friends are telling to get 3 riptide and 4-5 battle suit, but seem point less haha


02-10-2014, 05:58 PM
Perhaps it would first be a start to find out if you want to play a regular Tau list or a Farsight list.

Since with regular Tau you'd need Firewarriors (or Kroot; or both) to fill in troops.

But really, 3 riptides? I mean, sure, they're nice and quite powerful most of the time, but you might also be "that guy" at some point.

Also, any amount of points in mind? What do you guys play pointswise? 3 tides are a decent chunk of points... and they're all Elite, just like battle suits, unless you run a Farsight list where they're troops (if I'm correct).

Lastly, what kind of army do you want to play? Any preference in playing style? Any models you really like?

02-10-2014, 08:05 PM
Doesn't hurt to start out with a suit commander, a squad of firewarriors, a squad of kroot, a squad of pathfinders, some crisis suits, 2 to start out with to accompany your commander, and a riptide. From there you can start experimenting by proxying broadsides, more crisis suits, maybe another riptide.

The thing about starting a new army is experimenting, looking to see what you like and works for you. People will try to tell you what you should get, but ultimately they are telling you what they would like or some net list that works for someone else. You won't know what works for you though until you play some games.

Oh, and don't glue any weapons on your suits yet, not until you've picked the load out that suits your taste, or you decide to magnetize.

Hope that helps.

02-10-2014, 11:56 PM
Also, any amount of points in mind? What do you guys play pointswise? 3 tides are a decent chunk of points... and they're all Elite, just like battle suits, unless you run a Farsight list where they're troops (if I'm correct).

Chaoschrist, the crisis suits do become a troop option with the farsight supplement (and you need to take 1 crisis suit team as a troop in a farsight supplement army), but the riptide does not.

I agree with both Chaos and Chaco - it depends on what you like. The "battleforce" is pretty good because it gets you 1 set of crisis suits, 1 set of Firewarriors as well as a couple of extras (a stealth suit squad and a piranha) that give you some other things to try.

Additional things to add to that, depending on how many points you are playing would be a second set of troops (either firewarriors, kroot, or another crisis suit if you are going farsight), one of the unique HQs, as opposed to using a crisis suit as one, (IE: dark strider, farsight himself, an ethereal, a fire cadre leader or shadowsun), and maybe either a riptide or a hammerhead kit (skyray/hammerhead combo and if you build it right, you have 3 different weapon options [the railgun, the ion gun or the skyray missles]). A Pathfinder squad is also all kinds of win since they gives you a ton of markerlights and a lot of bits for the different drone options that are now available.

The main thing to remember about any table top game, and especially 40k, is that you better like the look of the stuff you're buying. You'll be looking at it for a while between assembly, painting and game playing.

02-11-2014, 12:37 PM
Im surprised nobody has mentioned the "Macross" pattern broadsides unit, 3 HYMS broadsides, 6 missile drones, 1 commander with CnC node, Multispectrum Sensor suite and Puretide engram neurochip, its a great unit and imho works better than 3 riptides

Chung Ho Brian Lee
02-17-2014, 04:18 PM
Hey guys sorry for the late reply

Umm I've read to start off with a tau army and then in future to choose if I want to for far slight or just sick with the normal tau.

I'm thinking of have anti everything cus I know tau will also go well with my dark angels as they can have anti air and tank, that's why I'm thinking about going tau in case there is a apco game in my area soon

02-17-2014, 07:10 PM
this will only work if you get the farsight book. but I play a list like this and I have won several games. just know if you do, do this list give all crisis suits pulse rifles and missile pods, plus marker drones, besides battle suits I have no idea. but no matter what tau list you make always try to take at least two riptides

Chung Ho Brian Lee
02-19-2014, 06:25 AM
I got told not to bring marker drones cause u bring them once u will always want them in ur army

02-19-2014, 07:33 AM
that's how good they are. ill take them to always guaranty a hit any day instead of a shield or gun drone