View Full Version : 1850 - Clan Raukaan & Iron Hands

02-10-2014, 11:24 AM
First off, I'd like to stay with the Iron Hands chapter on this (I know white scars are great bikers, etc.) for fluffy and modeling reasons, but I'd like to get it as competitive as possible. Here's the core of the list, and how I use it so far... but I'm still hoping for some advice on effective troop choices/uses with it...

Clan Raukaan (primary detachment):

Captain - artificer armor, gorgon's chain, bike, axe of medusa, bolt pistol, digital weapons.

Command squad - 4x grav, apothecary, bikes

Scout Squad - 10x bolters
Scout Squad - 10x sniper rifles, camo cloaks
Tactical Squad - 10-man, rhino, plasma, combi-plasma

Thunderfire Cannon
Thunderfire Cannon
Thunderfire Cannon

Storm Talon - skyhammer missiles
Storm Talon - skyhammer missiles

Iron Hands (allied detachment) -- I could swap this out for White Scars to get hit and run and that would be more competitive... but I'm looking to stay as Iron Hands on this for fluff reasons :D

Chapter Master - artificer armor, shield eternal, bike, power fist, digital weapons

Bike Squad (troops) - 6-man, 2x grav, combi-grav, melta bombs

The plan goes like this: The Clan Raukaan Captain is my warlord, and rolls in hopes of the +1 FnP (making him a 3+ with the command squad) or something else useful like re-rolling shots for the grav guns in the command squad, etc. (The Clan Raukaan warlord traits table isn't bad)

Captain and Chapter Master join the Command Sqaud; take wounds on Captain first until he loses the first wound (pretty effective with a 2+/3++, IWND, and 3 or 4+ FnP), then pass wounds to the chapter master, etc.

The idea is to head up the field with my command squad, aiming for the toughest target or vehicle/gun-line, while providing as much support fire as possible. I usually like at least one troop choice in reserve (or 2 if combat squads).

So far the list has been pretty successful for me, but I've been rotating different troop types in and out and just feel underwhelmed so far... any advice on troop load-outs that would work well with this core idea? I feel like all-bikes would be too few bodies, and all scouts doesn't have enough punch.. thoughts?

02-10-2014, 02:47 PM
Here's another take on the list... don't know if this is too weak on the troops or not... thoughts on this greatly appreciated too :D

Clan Raukaan (primary detachment):

Captain - artificer armor, gorgon's chain, bike, axe of medusa, bolt pistol, digital weapons.
*NEW* Chapter Master - artificer armor, storm shield, bike, power fist, digital weapons.

Command squad - 4x grav, apothecary, bikes

Scout Squad - 10x bolters
*NEW* Scout Squad - 5x land speeder storm w/heavy flamer
*NEW* Scout Squad - 5x land speeder storm w/heavy flamer

Thunderfire Cannon
Thunderfire Cannon
Thunderfire Cannon

Storm Talon - skyhammer missiles

Iron Hands (allied detachment) -- I could swap this out for White Scars to get hit and run and that would be more competitive... but I'm looking to stay as Iron Hands on this for fluff reasons

Chapter Master - artificer armor, shield eternal, bike, power fist, digital weapons

Bike Squad (troops) - 5-man, 2x grav, combi-grav, melta bombs

*NEW* Hunter

An additional Chapter Master looks pretty fun haha kinda turns this list into a "hero-hammer" list with everything attaching to the command squad... and the hunter replacing a storm talon will help deal with AV12, especially seeing as it can drive on, out of reserves and shoot... but even if most troops are kept in reserve, I fear they might be too few and light...? Better? Worse?