View Full Version : Attacker / Defender mission rules from Reseda Prime FLCG

Lost Vyper
02-07-2014, 11:13 AM
Hello yaŽll!

If you are tired of playing the same scenarios, where the Objectives are seized in the last turn, or the last Space Wolf Terminator is hiding in the building, just to deny you the kill point, we have an option for you...these are the rules for a mission without objectives and the sole purpose is to kill as much as you can in 7 turns...interested? If so read on, here we go!

Last two BATREPS (Good vs. Evil and Humans vs. Xenos) are played with these rules



- This is a mission which has an attacker and a defender

- Attacker must place every Deep Striking & Outflanking in reserves (if you want a fully fluffy game, youŽll place them in in DS or OF accordingly), and youŽll write down on which turn theyŽll come in and show it to the defender also. If fe. Drop Pods are to come in turn 2, but the Shield Generators are still operational, you must make the drop in you own table half.BUT...if the Drop Pod SCATTERS in to the Defenders side, this is ok

- Defender places EVERYTHING on the table --> NO fliers, reserves outflanking etc. This is the last stand...defender should have a wall (like in our FLGC) or multiple buildings creating a defensive wall (with a passage for vehicles in the center). This wall is placed in the 24" marker from the defenders board edge (short one) and barbwire in the 36" (middle of the table)

- Attacker deploys first and goes first, no stealing the initiative. Attacker chooses (if he/she wants) Night Fighting on turn 1, after the deployment

- Attacker MUST destroy the two Shield Generators (AV12, 3 Hull Points), that are preventing the Outflanking and Deep Striking on defenders table half

- Defender has 2 x Aegis Defence Lines + Quad-Guns at disposal, and also a Bastion with Heavy Bolters (FOR FREE, not using the FOC). Aegis defence line is placed in front of the Shield Generators, which are to be protected, thus gaining the 4+ cover save

- Attacker has a secret passage way (ours was a sewersystem) to gain entry within the compound. Place the entrance near the attackers Deployment Zone. Attacker can use the entrance, as embarking in a vehicle, within 3". Models are travelling "underground" 12" / turn, fe. If a unit enters the passage way in turn 1, and they disembark from there in turn 4, they have travelled 36" from the starting point. Unit can enter the compound anywhere on the ground level (if, of course, travelled enough distance...) AND after disembarking 3", they CAN assault also. Attacker must be clever with the exit point, because thats the exit point for the rest of the game and it can be blocked, by standing/parking on top of it.

in our match, i disembarked my Wraithguard with D-Scythes and Woosh! Up in the Warp went a whole lot of CSM -troops...

- Attacker has a " Wave after wave of my own men! " (Futurama) style of Eternal War in use. Every infantry units can re-join the fight from the Outflank, using the own table half as an entry point. If a unit HAS Outflanking special rule and the Shield Generators have been destroyed, they can re-enter the game with normal Outflanking rules. Vehicles, Characters, Independent Characters and Monsterous Creatures do NOT come back

- Match lasts 7 Turns

- This game needs at least 3000-3500 points to work. We have tested this with both 3000 and 3500 points and this is FUN!

- Quad-Guns (if destroyed) are worth 25p and the Bastion 50p. Attacker can target and assault even the empty Bastion

- Victory is 75% of the points (in the end, EVERY SINGLE MODEL with itŽs upgrades is calculated, so thereŽs no point of hiding that one model to deny victory points...)

- Lost Vyper / Reseda Prime