View Full Version : Apparent Confirmation of new upcoming FW nids

02-07-2014, 06:41 AM
From Dakka,

As always some salt. But FW is usually much more open with upcoming releases and info. Would really like some nid love from FW again.

Forgeworld wrote:

Hi there.

When we mention that we will be updating the rules for our Tyranid models this means that for some of our Tyranid creatures there are no 6th edition rules for them although we did publish some in the 2013 IA Apocalypse book for the Scythed Hierodule (the Barbed version is in the GW Apocalypse rulebook), Malanthrope and some extra rules for the Heirophant Bio-titan. Several years ago we published the IA 4: The Anphelion Project book which was a campaign book that detailed all of our Tyranid models at the time. Since that time at least two editions of the 40k rules and Tyanid Codex have been published so an update of this book is sorely needed, which is what we are planning.

Although there will undoubtedly be some new Forge World Tyranid models in this book we can't reveal any details at this point.

02-07-2014, 09:09 AM
Check the FW blog #3

picture of unreleased nids.

02-07-2014, 12:26 PM
Makes sense - they have already updated IA 3: Taros after the Tau codex dropped, and brought it up to speed.

With the Nid book out, an updated IA 4: The Anphelion Project would be next in line.

02-07-2014, 12:43 PM
NEat! An actual TL Devourer looks like.

02-08-2014, 11:30 AM
Check the FW blog #3

picture of unreleased nids.

Where are the new Nids? All I see is a rip off of what the community has done for twin linked devourers. Just making sure I didn't miss the Nid minis.

02-09-2014, 10:45 AM
Where are the new Nids? All I see is a rip off of what the community has done for twin linked devourers. Just making sure I didn't miss the Nid minis.

I'd hardly say rip off. Many people came to the same conclusion without seeing what others had done with the devourers...

02-09-2014, 11:18 AM
Personally hoping to see a Tyranid themed Realm of Battle board(including rules similar to what they did for Necrons) w/ Capillary Towers(acts as Comm Array maybe), Spore Chimneys(+1 cover save within x range perhaps a reduced initative for non Nids in range), Spawning Pools(Reserve Entry point) and Hive Nodes(acts as Syanpse) and a return of Mycetic Spores

Maybe some Tyranid themed fortifications and guns that are able to be manually fired if Forgeworld knows that another FAQ is coming to change that for Nids currently.

02-09-2014, 06:12 PM
I'm not fussed about the devourers, personally I prefer the fleshborer hives on a flyrant or the carnifex devourers of a walkrant.

But I'd really like to see some new rules for say the malanthrope (serious buff monsters would be great) as well as some new nid gribblies. and if we're really really lucky....a variant list for the anphelion winged swarm (gargoyles as troops)

02-09-2014, 09:50 PM
Yeah I liked the look of the fleshborer hives on a flyrant as well for pairs of twin linked devourers happy someone mentioned that.

02-11-2014, 01:34 PM
Will be more excited when GW get the plastic Bio Titan/Norn queen sorted.

02-12-2014, 12:56 PM
maybe make the stone crusher cheap and a unit.. ultimate assault group would be cool since for the most part new nids are somehow not really a h2h army any more >_<

Nid Bits
03-12-2014, 05:40 AM
Anyone knows if they will be reintroducing Capillary Towers and/or Spore Chimneys??