View Full Version : I need to straighten something out!

02-06-2014, 05:07 PM
hi guys, any help on the following issue would be amazing! Basically I purchased two hydra flak tanks from FW and the thing I was worried about became apparent! The barrels of the guns are not straight, but curved! So does anybody know or have any advice on how to correct this short of asking FW to replace them.

Any and all comments on this matter would be welcome!


02-06-2014, 05:17 PM
Forge World have a Downloadable PDF on their Website explaining everything you need to know about resin models.

This Dave
02-06-2014, 07:47 PM
hi guys, any help on the following issue would be amazing! Basically I purchased two hydra flak tanks from FW and the thing I was worried about became apparent! The barrels of the guns are not straight, but curved! So does anybody know or have any advice on how to correct this short of asking FW to replace them.

Any and all comments on this matter would be welcome!


Having dealt with a lot of warped Forge World stuff here's the easiest way to fix them:

Run a sink with hot tap water. Put the bent parts in the water and make sure they sink. Leave them there for about 5 minutes. Take the parts out and they should be soft. Gently bend them back straight. When they cool off they should stay in the new position.

Hope that helps!

02-06-2014, 11:09 PM
if they would let the resin cure long enough they wouldnt warp. warpage comes from removing them too early, or improper storage once demolded.

02-06-2014, 11:14 PM
Having dealt with a lot of warped Forge World stuff here's the easiest way to fix them:

Run a sink with hot tap water. Put the bent parts in the water and make sure they sink. Leave them there for about 5 minutes. Take the parts out and they should be soft. Gently bend them back straight. When they cool off they should stay in the new position.

Hope that helps!

I prefer to dip them in boiling water for just a couple of seconds, then straighten them out. Either way, the end result is the same.

Veteran Sergeant
02-06-2014, 11:58 PM
if they would let the resin cure long enough they wouldnt warp. warpage comes from removing them too early, or improper storage once demolded.Quality control is not Forgeworld's problem good sir. You will pay six hundred dollars for that Thunderhawk model that requires an online tutorial just to fix it enough to assemble, and you will like it.

02-07-2014, 01:19 AM
Another very handy trick if you need to bend one specific part that water is having a hard time with is use a hair dryer very sparingly for a couple of seconds and slowly bend. I found it easier to hit the one specific spot for things like staves where for the most part it is straight.

02-07-2014, 03:13 AM
Quality control is not Forgeworld's problem good sir. You will pay six hundred dollars for that Thunderhawk model that requires an online tutorial just to fix it enough to assemble, and you will like it.

Well, it is a hobby

resin and metal bends, if it didn't, it would snap, its either we have resin or we don't have models like FW ones, where the volume of sales can't justify an injection mold

02-07-2014, 03:27 AM
Quality control is not Forgeworld's problem good sir. You will pay six hundred dollars for that Thunderhawk model that requires an online tutorial just to fix it enough to assemble, and you will like it.

Yeah, imagine a company that's thoughtful enough to put out a "How To Guide" for download so you can make an informed purchase.
Where's the profit in that?

02-07-2014, 11:24 AM
Having dealt with a lot of warped Forge World stuff here's the easiest way to fix them:

Run a sink with hot tap water. Put the bent parts in the water and make sure they sink. Leave them there for about 5 minutes. Take the parts out and they should be soft. Gently bend them back straight. When they cool off they should stay in the new position.

Hope that helps!

cheers just done what you said and it's all good! hope that's in the pdf file!

02-07-2014, 12:17 PM
Quality control is not Forgeworld's problem good sir. You will pay six hundred dollars for that Thunderhawk model that requires an online tutorial just to fix it enough to assemble, and you will like it.

Or it got hot in the back of the UPS truck?

Heat causes warpage. And Forgworld can't exactly send a refrigerator truck for deliveries.

02-07-2014, 12:33 PM
Or it got hot in the back of the UPS truck?

Heat causes warpage. And Forgworld can't exactly send a refrigerator truck for deliveries.

Which is too bad, because that would be awesome.

"Honey, the Forgeworld truck is here!"

The door is opened. *Boom... cush* Smoke pours out. That Forgeworld operative dons his protective gear and enters the back of the truck, emerging moments later with... a thunderhawk, still covered in frost.

02-07-2014, 12:51 PM
Which is too bad, because that would be awesome.

"Honey, the Forgeworld truck is here!"

The door is opened. *Boom... cush* Smoke pours out. That Forgeworld operative dons his protective gear and enters the back of the truck, emerging moments later with... a thunderhawk, still covered in frost.
I am now imagining FW deliveries to be done by one of the cargo Drop Pods from the Dawn of War games.

. . . actually a Mechanicum Lander carrying case/display diorama for Titans would be pretty awesome, come to think of it.

This Dave
02-07-2014, 02:15 PM
cheers just done what you said and it's all good! hope that's in the pdf file!

Glad to hear it helped!

02-07-2014, 02:37 PM
i am now imagining fw deliveries to be done by one of the cargo drop pods from the dawn of war games.

. . . Actually a mechanicum lander carrying case/display diorama for titans would be pretty awesome, come to think of it.

That would be awesome!

02-07-2014, 05:25 PM
cheers just done what you said and it's all good! hope that's in the pdf file!

Should be, it's almost a cut and paste.
It's still worth downloading the pdf though, there's six pages of hints and tips with pictures to illustrate them for the absolute beginner.

02-10-2014, 11:26 AM
Another option is to take a tea kettle and wait for it to whistle; once you have steam put the part in the steam and it will release the stiffness quickly. It can also allow the piece to return to its original shape without any manipulation from you.
This also works exceptionally well for all of finecasts f@ck ups. I had to fix an entire unit of eldar rangers for my wife that had cork screw rifles and it worked great.

Veteran Sergeant
02-10-2014, 09:01 PM
Or it got hot in the back of the UPS truck?

Heat causes warpage. And Forgworld can't exactly send a refrigerator truck for deliveries.
My company ships stuff at a fraction of the margin and it's heat sensitive too.

The reality is that FW QC is ****.