View Full Version : Tervigon conversion idea help

02-06-2014, 01:32 PM
Hi BOLS community!

I am an avid converter of stuff, and have got a sizeable Genestealer cult force. With the new nid codex out now I'm revisiting them after 6 years of Hiatus and was looking for some suggestions for finishing my Tervigon.

The idea is that the magus has got hold of a cloning devise (in true cartoon villain fashion) and has mounted it on the back of a heavy walker unit. So far I've got hold of a cheap second hand defiler, and after some work have got it to some semblance of usability. The original plan was to have a big specimen jar on the back with a hybrid in it, and some kind of sci-fi capsule cloning device next to it. A Magus would be sat somewhere on it using it as a massive throne and covering the psyker and synapse part of the Tervigon's rules. The problem is now i have the model in my hands i'm not quite sure how to fit it all on! At the moment the specimen tank will sit really, really high off the back of the defiler and look ridiculous, but if i make the cab unit at the front higher the model will be stupidly front heavy... also i can't think about how to make anything that looks even remotely like the clone creator. any suggestions?

wayne williams
02-06-2014, 02:26 PM
i would think that the lord of skulls war machine with all those blood tanks on the back ( to double as cloning tanks /vats ) would be a better base unit for your project could get very expensive though.

02-06-2014, 03:45 PM
I had thought of that, but its a bit too big for a Tervigon, and also wouldn't make sense as a monstrous creature. I might try and get hold of a couple of those tanks though, they would work quite well if theres a way to use the ornamentation but hollow out the 'windows' and replace with clear plastic for a specimen tank, then have a door on a second one :)

wayne williams
02-07-2014, 04:52 AM
i just remembered this " hope the link works " http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Warhammer_40,000_Terrain/ZONE_MORTALIS_CONTAINMENT_TANKS.html sorry im not good at this kind of thing but i think that mini might be usefull to your project.

02-08-2014, 07:59 AM
You've hit gold there! I'd totally forgotten about those, they'll work way better! cheers man!

wayne williams
02-08-2014, 08:03 AM
happy to help i would like to see a pic of the finished project if thats not to much to ask. and good luck.

02-09-2014, 05:50 AM
I'll try and get one up, if i figure out how to get my ipad to upload onto here, I'm also trying to find a good place to put up photos of all my conversions. I'm being pestered by my gaming group to put them online :)