View Full Version : Tyranids vs Necrons (Assault or Shooty?)

02-05-2014, 05:52 PM
I'm running a Tyranid army and without a Spore Pod I can see getting smooshed long before I get into combat with Necrons. So I was devising a Shooty list at 1000pts. But considering what Necrons can do in shooting I wasn't sure that would be a good path either. Now I'm in a mexican standoff with my two lists.

Any thoughts?

02-05-2014, 06:50 PM
Shooty Tyranids are generally better in assault than Necrons. Go shooty, shoot as you close in, and charge when you get close enough.

EDIT: Also, regardless of whether you go assault or shooty, Venomthropes are your friend.

02-06-2014, 11:12 AM
I run both Necron and Nids, and can promise you that Nids *can* outshoot Necrons in certain circumstances. They are rolling more die, and can often out-range necrons, so it is not an impossible road to go down. That said, obviously if you can close into CC, usually it will favor the bugs. Since the necron's have a lot of mid-range shooting you may not feel the affects quite as much up until the turn before the assault, so just keep in mind it could get ugly right before the crush.

Since you seem to have an opponent in mind, what type of necron are you expecting to go up against?

02-06-2014, 11:25 AM
If it's the same army he's brought before, I'm expecting a squad of immortals, possibly two squads of warriors, 3 wraiths 2 with lash whips, and a warlord who is also a destroyer I forget his name, but he comes with the mindshackle scarabs, maybe 2 annihilation barges. That's about what's he's brought before. Teslas on the barges I think and a lot of gauss weapons. Depending on if he has the points, he may also bring a Shard guy.

John Bower
02-06-2014, 03:07 PM
If it's the same army he's brought before, I'm expecting a squad of immortals, possibly two squads of warriors, 3 wraiths 2 with lash whips, and a warlord who is also a destroyer I forget his name, but he comes with the mindshackle scarabs, maybe 2 annihilation barges. That's about what's he's brought before. Teslas on the barges I think and a lot of gauss weapons. Depending on if he has the points, he may also bring a Shard guy.

You will need to get rid of that lord with MS scrubs from range, under no circumstances go CC with him. Take a Tyrannofex for the barges, punch them down before they can come into use. Biovores, but keep them back where he can't hit them, but you can launch spore mines to your hearts content. Spores will outshoot him. Those wraiths would worry me, I don't know much about them, but again you might want to knock them down from range. warriors are easy, they will go after you, get 1 attack unless they charge, so will the immortals, swamp him in bodies, if you really have to go CC with the warlord then use cheap units en masse. Gants or Gaunts with toxins. If he's a destroyer he'll tie them up for hours otherwise. And don't under any circumstances charge him with characters, he'll chew them up and spit them out most likely, or at least, they'll chew themselves up from the Mindshackles. Like was said, Venomthropes are your friend. And use the intervening cover wisely.

02-06-2014, 03:17 PM
Thanks for the input guys! Awesome info. The game is on Monday. If you like I'll post results.

John Bower
02-06-2014, 03:32 PM
Thanks for the input guys! Awesome info. The game is on Monday. If you like I'll post results.

Would love to see a batrep from it for sure, don't worry if it's not a good one, just notes on what happened and why, and any mistakes by either side always help. :)

02-11-2014, 01:52 AM
Well I lost, but it was the closest battle I've ever had with Necrons. We were doing a city fight and each of us had 2 buildings claimed for most of the game and then he managed to overtake one of mine which left it 3 to 1 and at the end of the last turn my last troop model (a genestealer) managed to win combat which reclaimed the contested building but I only rolled a 1" consolidation so I was unable to take the building next to me which would have tied the score had I rolled a 4". Still a lot of fun, I've never had a competitive list against Necrons and almost tying sold me on the Shooty Army.

Thanks for the help guys. I would have given a turn by turn batrep but I forgot to take notes the first 2 turns.