View Full Version : IV Legion; 175th Grand 'Garrison' Company - A Horus Heresy Log

02-05-2014, 06:26 AM
This isn't my first attempt at Iron Warriors. Indeed, its closer to my 4th. After the completion of the 122nd (there's photo's out there folks) 1500pt force some time last year i grew wiery of the style and lists i had built. Simply put; i couldn't build the army i wanted to play.

That, however, has changed. Between 6th edition and my now closing wishlist of projects (The Adeptus mechanicus is on hold until the mailman brings me much needed re-enforcements. Mid feburary is looking likely at best) and some recent trade actions i've been able to get around to building the army i've wanted to for a long time. A true pre-heresy Iron Warriors army.

Now, before i break into the fluff i'm going to give a little bit of theoretical as to my force. I want the ability to play a small force of well armed marines, preferably with fortifications when i use them in a 40k codex context, or with lots of armour in a 30k context. Essentially because 40k's reached the point where i'm growing wiery of building increasingly cheesy forces i've more or less given up playing to win. We'll see what kind of fun fluffy lists i can build over the next two or three years (yes, i'm committing to my first long term project that isn't Orks)

So it's time for fluff.


The 175th Iron Warriors are a fine example of the Iron Warriors role as garrison troops. On the world known most commonly The Base they, along with elements of the XIII, helped maintain and defense an imperial re-supply position. It was not uncommon for large volumes of Legionary arsenals to be either constructed or delivered to the world. Indeed, it's defence systems, star forts and bastions where among some of the highest quality constructions for a base of its kind. The 175th had originally been a full Grand Company, however it's original Warsmith along with a fully a third of the company where killed during a breaching effort some years earlier. To this day it is unknown if pity or punishment was intended when the company was given the role. What is true is that they conducted themselves to the very best of their abilities.

Over the course of the twenty years they were stationed in the sector The Base came under attack several times from Greenskins looking to expand their feral empires. Through combat efficiency and the untold crafts of the siege the utterly slaughtered each attack with almost no causalities in return. Their efforts and efficient management won them praise, though often backhanded, from several Legions who had used The Base as a point to re-supply and re-arm.

In years to come the remaining members of the well armed and well trained 175th would face a great many difficulties. Least of which would come when a squad from the VI legion brought news of their fathers betrayal of The Emperor.

It's not especially in depth yet, but i wanted to give, and get, a feeling for the task at hand. Before I committed to a full scale attempt, beyond purchasing Betrayal, I found several of my old tanks and have begun to work on the scheme. I've tried some new things including spraying washes to get dark metal. It's bloody effective.


02-05-2014, 06:27 AM

At least i think so.... still, there's work to be done and adjustments to be made. I am, however, happy with the metal colouring.


02-05-2014, 01:53 PM
Very nice! Love the paint job and the headlights look brilliant, are they Blood and Skulls Industry?

02-06-2014, 11:55 AM
Very nice! Love the paint job and the headlights look brilliant, are they Blood and Skulls Industry?

It's actually an LED i've build into the model.

Ok ladies and gents, it's time to take a pew. Today saw the a point of no return for this project.


It joins my small collection of Horus Heresy materials (i've got a few more on the way)

And of course, the promised hour is here. I've taken dodgy photo's partly out of excitment, and partly because he's not yet up to full quality photo's.

May i present the WIP Lord of Iron;


C&C welcome. However yes, i think it's fair to say the Storm of Iron begins.



Lord Ezekial
02-06-2014, 03:16 PM
Love it! Lord of Iron is looking great!!

02-07-2014, 04:24 AM
Thanks mate

So, before i pop off to work i thought i'd show off my early WIP's for my next set of models. The photo isn't ideal, but it should give you the impression of the models. The two are a mixture of the Deathguard dread (tastefully remade into IV legion) and a standard contemptor. I've mounted the assault/fist dread on a rocky base, giving him a striking pose. The Mortis, by comparison, is on a flatter base with a more static (as per expectation) post. The limbs are magnetised, so other options will be appearing.


The paint job's the basic coats, enough to give you an idea of the stages before i do a full tutorial when the scorpius arrives.


02-08-2014, 04:07 AM
It's time for today's WIP, possibly the last for this weekend. I've been tinkering away, and i've finally got some half descent photo's of the work. They've all got a uniform 'light dust' weathering. My favourite so far however is the contemptor WIP on the one with arms. I've actually developed some idea's for him, and a back story.

So may i present Thane the wounded and his friends;


C&C welcomed,


02-08-2014, 03:28 PM
Subbed! Love these, I shouldn't since I myself happen to have a Heresy Era Imperial Fist army...

02-09-2014, 06:10 AM
Subbed! Love these, I shouldn't since I myself happen to have a Heresy Era Imperial Fist army...

Interesting you should mention Imperial fists....

I'm taking a day off from the hobby (or at least trying to not paint), but i did recieve interesting news last night. Apparently someones seen my work and has decided to hire me to paint several Imperial Fist tanks (which i'm happy to do) for there legon force. He did ask for to mirror the base work i've done in my army as it's how he imagined his Defenders of Terra being themed.


That should give you the rough idea, though i do need to do a little more work on the metal and lip before i call it done. It's quite an interesting oppertunity, since i've never done Imperial Fists on any real scale (one or two test mini's). I can't wait for the project, i love painting tanks. I could probably do it ever day for the next two years and lead a life of bliss.


02-10-2014, 10:01 AM
Looking totaly great! Can't wait to see more!

02-11-2014, 04:08 AM
Thanks mate!

Well, theres been a desire to see infantry for this army. Sadly i'm still two weeks away from being able to order any, however i do have a PIP to show. This is my librarian conversion, though i need to get my hands on a MKII axe yet, as well as refine the warpcraft work around the eyes and cable.



02-13-2014, 06:41 AM
Unusually i have decided to open up my commission project with a photo of paints, but no models.


As the colour pallet might suggest, it's the VII legion. For those interested i am using;

Vallejo air;
Golden yellow
Dark yellow
Army painter; strong tone and daemonic yellow. I can't say i'll use these last two much, but they offer a different texture and layer when i'm painting.

And during the hour or so since i've cleaned up the studio i've had time to get my eye in with the mix ratios with the new paints. So, here's the basic paint work for my first drop pod.



02-15-2014, 05:09 AM
Hello folks.

So it's time... the VII legion is underway. The clients happy with what i've done far, baring a few minor touch ups and group weathering work to get the tracks uniform I think it's done. The first model is a spartan, the weapons are current being worked on but have been magnetised for easy of transport.


I've actually been booked to do the vlka fenryka by the same guy, which has even more tanks than this does. Looks like this logs going to have my VI legion joined by the VI and VII.


02-16-2014, 11:29 AM
VII legion return tonight. This time we've got two predators; The client asked for a slightly muted colour scheme with the plasma as it's going to be swapped between the VI/VII legions, and thus can't stand out from either too much.


Hopefully this will prove to be eye candy for some of you


02-17-2014, 04:48 AM
Dah! No iron warriors! BOOOOOOOO!!! No, just kidding, they look tottaly great!!!

02-17-2014, 07:10 AM
Off to a great start on both armies

02-18-2014, 03:47 PM
Dah! No iron warriors! BOOOOOOOO!!! No, just kidding, they look tottaly great!!!

IV legion will be back... but the VII is paying for it :D

Off to a great start on both armies
Thanks mate! the yellow's really fun to paint.


03-01-2014, 03:53 PM
Ok folks, a few days ago i took delivery of a pair of second hand tanks for the IV legion. While i have to repaint them, i felt it necessary to take a photo of the previous owners work because frankly for hand work it's very good.

It also means my hobby desk is now AV 14 all round.



03-02-2014, 12:00 PM
It's evening, and ive been toiling away this afternoon. The Typhon, predators and spartan are now complete;


03-02-2014, 12:02 PM

The clients approved them so they are off to their original home on Tuesday. Next up is the Centurion part of this commission, but first i'm taking a day or two break and working on the White Scars.


03-02-2014, 01:41 PM
All good things!

03-16-2014, 06:25 AM
Well ladies and gentlemen the long promised tutorial has arrived. Well the first part at least, stage 1.

The aim of this is to allow you to build a deep dark rich metal ahead of the following stages. The next stages will get into more complex techniques and designs, but this is the easy to do stage. I use an airbrush, but anything done here can be easily replicated using a spongue or brush if your patient enough. The oil paints phase is a traditional paintbrush, and later stages will be more brush heavy.

Vallejo air black
Vallejo air Steel
Gamecolour brown
Vallejo thinner (or windowcleaning fluid does the job i'm told)
Orange, brown and black oil paint (pick the colours that suit you),
White spirit.

Pretty simple all in.... lets begin;

Step 1; Basecoated black and then sprayed in Vallejo Air Steel

Step 2; depths and area's sprayed with a mixture 75;25 of Vallejo steel and gamecolour brown.

step 3; Using a thinned down Gamecolour brown in to the deeper sections and depths to add even more shading.

Step 4; Vallejo steel is applied once more, thinned down. This is where you avoid the depths but for gentle passes and go with heavier on the panels and open spaces. This will give your steel a nice depth ready for the final part of this stage.

03-16-2014, 06:25 AM
Step 5; Now this is where it gets fun and smelly. I use oil paints for the wash stage as they can be thinned almost infinately and don't try quickly. Colour pallet included in the photos.

The colours applied are put on a pallet and mixed to varied degrees (i stick towards a brown heavy mix for the hull, a black tinted for the wheels and orange for the engine compartment. I've had those oil paints since 2009, and they still function without issue even now.


Any questions please ask them. I'm also trying to get my hobby blog to 200 likes so if anyone here wants to throw a like my way then please visit Nerd by design (https://www.facebook.com/nerdbydesignuk).


01-20-2015, 02:29 PM
I really like your work - please post some more pics of your Iron Warriors and keep us updated!