View Full Version : Eldar 750 point lists

Da Gargoyle
02-05-2014, 12:27 AM
I expect to be in a tourny later this month for 750 points. I have 3 lists so far with my preference for the first one listed and then the 3rd one. The second one I dreamed up to see if I could overcome my distaste for Dire Avengers now blade storm is about. But the other two lists allow maneuverability with minimal loss to firepower.

Spiritseer (Cerberus) with Shard of Anaris
Warlock Council (Coven Balefire) - 3 Warlocks on Jetbikes + Spears
5 x Wraithguard with wraithcannon
10 x Guardian Defenders with Star Cannon
5 x Rangers
1 x Wave Serpent Holo Fields TL Star Cannon & Shuriken Cannon -

Exactly 750 points

List 2

Spiritseer (Cerberus) with Shard of Anaris
Warlock Council (Coven Balefire) - 4 x Warlocks 2 with spears
10 x Guardian Defenders + Scatter Laser
10 x Storm Guardians + 2 flamers + 2 power weapons
6 x Dire Avengers
1 x Wraithlord (Bej-Jai) + scatter laser + star cannon + ghost glaive -

Total 743 points

List 3

Spiritseer (Cerberus) with Shard of Anaris
Warlock Council (Coven Balefire) - 4 x Warlocks 2 with spears
10 x Guardian Defenders + Scatter Laser
10 x Storm Guardians + 2 flamers + 2 power weapons
4 x Windrider Jet Bikes + Shuriken Cannnon
1 x Wraithlord (Bej-Jai) + scatter laser + star cannon + ghost glaive

Total 743 points

I'm looking in the first list for the Jetlocks to act as outriders for the Serpent. In that first turn a turbo across the board could present anenamae, (as in I see an enemy) with two really close threats while relying on the invuln' & jink/shield saves for the units. The Wraithguard are in the Serpent and the other two squads camp and snipe at range.

In the other two lists the Coven is there to support the Wraithlord, who is to tough to insta death and if I get enervate, I can have a wound restored each turn. 4 locks 4 in 6 chance of getting destructor/enervate. In list 3 those bikes can snipe early and then shoot out last turn for objectives.

The Spiritseer is obviously the Warlord and Shard of Anaris confers a few surprises for anyone getting into cc with him. I have to work on what else he could do. Depends on psyker powers.

What do ya think???

02-05-2014, 01:05 AM
I like list one, but would change the star cannon on the serpent to the scatter laser since the wraithguard are in it you have enough high str low ap around and it then really opens up the fire power of the shield. Other then that I prefer farseers over spiritseers but that because I always fail the Ld 9 tests.

Dave Mcturk
02-06-2014, 08:31 AM
at 750 pts ... very difficult to 'hide' wraithlords / avatars etc... they will get picked on ...

using units that at least have a 3+ armour save is a start ... so warp spiders / fragons in a ship if you like them / or gjb { sorry windriders :rolleyes:}... at low points games imo fragons do just as well as gun-guard and are 10pts cheaper per dar...

a cheap seer with shard is easiest way to get fearless ... but putting a cheap farseer on a bike with shard is only 45pts more and then he/she can keep up with the bikes...

if you are going to take guardians over gjb ... stick the shardseer in with them and max them out ... then at least they wont run off

the ten man guardian unit in transport really benefits from a spearlock and mb a seer ... with the two fusion guns it makes them almost as good anti-tank as fragons... not sure i would ever bother with power weapons on guardians ?

spiderz can be brilliant as anti tank / anti monster ... especially if you get the right warlord power !

imo jetlocks with spears are fantastic anti tank but again in smaller games they have nowhere to hide !:confused: ... but you can always stick one in a gjb squad and hope he gets lucky !

i have had some success with reserving maxed out avengers with an autarch [usually fusion gun + shard] ... but on foot they can be very vulnerable !

good luck ! :cool: