View Full Version : Warp spider question

Stone Edwards
02-04-2014, 09:47 AM
So this is probably mostly hypothetical as I doubt this will ever come into play (although I run an Autarch with a warp spider generator so maybe) but I'm still curious.

Two mostly related questions: First one, if warp spiders were embarked on a transport could they use their warp move when they disembark? From reading the rules I want to say that they could but they still couldn't move more than 6" away but wondering if anyone interprets the rules different. Second, can you use the warp move to embark on a transport? I can't find anything in the rules that you prevent this assuming all the spiders are within 2" of the access point.

So anyone have any issues with how I interpret the rules? As I said this will probably never come into play but was something I thought of this morning and am curious. Thanks!

02-04-2014, 09:55 AM
It would be difficult for them to embark at all, since they have the Jet Pack type, and neither Jump Infantry nor Jet Pack Infantry can embark on a normal transport. If that restriction were lifted, though (e.g., a superheavy transport), then you're exactly right. They could absolutely use their warp jump move when disembarking as part of their "normal move," though of course they'd be stuck within 6" of the access point (which would make the warp jump move kind of pointless, of course, since they could simply choose to move as jet pack infantry instead - all the benefits, none of the downside). When embarking, the only important thing is that they get within 2" of the access points during the Movement phase - doesn't matter if you walk, fly, or teleport there.

So subject to the normal restrictions against Jet Pack Infantry embarking at all, you've got it.

02-04-2014, 10:00 AM
My gut feeling is that it is a no, but I don't have my brb with me.

Don't jump infantry just count as Bulky so taking 2 transport slots?

Page 78: "Only Infantry models can embark upon Transports (this does not include Jump or Jet Pack Infantry), unless specifically stated otherwise".

02-04-2014, 01:20 PM
Since they are Bulky, I would think they can embark into a transport but would count as 2 models. The rule just says they would have to be within 2" in the movement phase, so you could use your any movement to get you there, except disembarking which is explicitly stated. As for disembark, place the model in base contact with one of the vehicle’s Access Points and make a normal move which could include a jet back or warp jump rule. So long as you end its move wholly within 6" of the of the Access Point it disembarked from as per the RAW. So yes you can use it to pass through impassible terrain or such but you can only end 6" from the door.


02-04-2014, 01:21 PM
Page 78: "Only Infantry models can embark upon Transports (this does not include Jump or Jet Pack Infantry), unless specifically stated otherwise".

Warp spiders are:
UNIT TYPE: Jet Pack Infantry.

... yes more confusing.

02-04-2014, 05:24 PM
No, units with the bulky/very bulky rule cannot embark in a transport unless the vehicle's special rule specifically say it can.

Hence Terminators can ride in Chimeras but not Rhinos. Jump pack assault marines can go in Storm Raven but not a Rhino.

02-04-2014, 06:56 PM
Wolfshade, would you mind providing a page quote for that? All I'm seeing is "Only Infantry models may embark upon Transports (this does not include Jump or Jet Pack Infantry), unless specifically stated otherwise. Some larger Infantry models count as more than one model for the purposes of Transport Capacity . . ." (BRB pg 78) and "Bulky: Bulky models count as two models for the purposes of Transport Capacity" (BRB pg 35).

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
02-04-2014, 07:52 PM
No, units with the bulky/very bulky rule cannot embark in a transport unless the vehicle's special rule specifically say it can.:? I thought it was the other way around? The Bulky rule is "Bulky models count as two models for the purposes of Transport Capacity.", while the Rhino specifies "Transport Capacity: Ten Models. It cannot carry models with the Bulky, Very Bulky or Extremely Bulky special rules."

02-04-2014, 09:24 PM
You can't embark Jump Infantry or Jet Pack Infantry unless the transport has a rule specifically allowing it.

02-04-2014, 09:30 PM
You can't embark Jump Infantry or Jet Pack Infantry unless the transport has a rule specifically allowing it.
Yeah. Terminators can't ride in Rhinos because the Rhino's Transport Capacity rule specifies, "It cannot carry models with the Bulky, Very Bulky or Extremely Bulky special rules." But the prohibition against carrying Jump Infantry or Jet Pack Infantry is in the BRB, and must be overridden on a case-by-case basis.

02-05-2014, 06:26 AM
Yeah. Terminators can't ride in Rhinos because the Rhino's Transport Capacity rule specifies, "It cannot carry models with the Bulky, Very Bulky or Extremely Bulky special rules." But the prohibition against carrying Jump Infantry or Jet Pack Infantry is in the BRB, and must be overridden on a case-by-case basis.

Nabterayl has it. Grey Knight Terminators, for example, can get in an Inquisitorial Chimera if they want to, as Chimerae have no rule restricting them from doing so like Rhinos do, they just take up two spaces due to being Bulky.

Stone Edwards
02-05-2014, 10:46 AM
Thanks for the replies! Totally forgot that jump/jet pack units can't embark on a transport so that's really all there is to it. Oh well I liked the idea of warp spiders warp jumping into a transport and then moving the transport 30 more inches :)