View Full Version : 2000 points White Scars tourney list

02-04-2014, 08:22 AM
So I was playing around with lists for a tourney at the start of May, nothing to powerful, but competitive enough and themed to fit.
This is what i came up with:
Korsarro Khan - Probably be with a Plasma bike squad, i Think in the Command squad with the chaplain makes it to large of a target.
TOTAL= 150pts
Chaplain - With the command squad, my hammer unit, he boosts their combat potential a lot!
-digital weapons
TOTAL= 120pts
Command Squad - I know.... people don't like them for combat.... but I have had great success with this build, and chappy makes it better!
-3x lightning claws
-3x Storm shield
-Company Champion
TOTAL= 240pts

Bike Squad - These 2 squads are my armor hunters and monster hunters, anything the melta guns can be good against, they will target.
-5x bikes
-2x meltaguns
-attack bike
-multi melta
-melta bomb
TOTAL= 185pts
Bike Squad
-5x Bikes
-2x Meltaguns
-Attack Bike
-Multi Melta
-Melta Bomb
TOTAL= 185pts

Bike Squad - These guys are my heavy killers, or combined fire units to reduce squads to ash.
-5x Bikes
-2x Plasmaguns
-Melta Bomb
TOTAL= 150pts
Bike Squad
-5x Bikes
-2x Plasmaguns
-Melta Bomb
TOTAL= 150pts

Scout Squad - My objective sitter/sniping/quad gunning unit. Kitted out to fire off some shots, and not just sit there on an objective.
-7x Scouts
-Camo Cloaks
-6x Sniper Rifles
-Heavy Bolter
-Hellfire Rounds
TOTAL= 110pts

Legion of the damned - Honestly, i loved their rules and fluff. I have been modeling up a unit and figured this is the perfect time to use em!
-5x Legionaries
-Plasma Cannon
TOTAL= 165pts

Stormtalon Gunship - My flyer, fits well with the theme of the army, and packs a punch, give it good balance to target all but av13+
-Typhoon missile launcher
TOTAL= 145pts

Landspeeder Squadron - Again, goes well with the theme. I use them to help rain fire onto units, or in a pinch pop transports with missiles
-2x speeders
-2x typhoon missile launchers
TOTAL= 150pts
Landspeeder Squadron
-2x speeders
-2x typhoon missile launchers
TOTAL= 150pts

Fortification - Mainly to deal with enemy air, and giving my scouts and whatever else some nice cover.
Aegis Defense Line
-Quad Gun

2000pts 45 models total.

all models are kitted like this mainly already (a few need arms swapped.) i have no grav guns so i went plasma instead.

I also have to play with:
drop pod
tactical squad
more scouts and a speeder storm
Master of the forge, on bike, with beamer (fully converted and was in the list before i played around with the chappy)
2 vindicators
las/heavy bolter pred
maybe some sternguard?

Any thoughts or comments or suggestions would be welcome!

02-04-2014, 11:41 AM
I like this, it's different to the usual extremely spammy White Scars lists you usually see.

My only thought at the moment is that the Command Squad could do with changing one of the Lightning Claws to a Power Fist for some extra power just in case.

I would probably drop the Scout Heavy Bolter too, it probably isn't going to accomplish much, just stick with another Sniper Rifle.

02-04-2014, 11:43 AM
Where are you expecting to take your heavy losses? I know you have redundancy in your list but it does seem like it would be very painful to even lose a single model.

02-04-2014, 05:26 PM
Yeah as a fellow white scars player since about mid 5th edition I love the direction you are heading with this list, as it is very similar to what i tend to field with mine. I do worry about your model count though, because your list would be relatively easy to take apart due to your low model count. I'm also curious if there was a reason you wouldn't field at least one of your bike squads with the grav rifles?

02-04-2014, 06:05 PM
Mainly because i don't have any grav rifles, if i can find a way to convert them, i may convert the plasma bike squads to grav rifles.

Model count is an issue, but unless i run full squads its always going to be an issue, i can ditch the legion, but thats a late game hitter that is very hard to deal with, i could also ditch the command squad.... but then i literally have no punch em in the face unit.

Ive always found with my White Scars that i have a lower model count than most, and that is something that the white scars chapter tactics can help with now. I'm not going to win every game in the end anyway at a tourney, so i am going for the fun of running a full on biker list, with all the bikes fully converted to choppers.