View Full Version : 30k Sons of Horus

Aspire to Glory
02-04-2014, 12:25 AM
Ok, so I know that technically this is a 40k List Subforum, but I have a 30k (Horus Heresy) list for you lads to yea or nay.

It's deliberately Elites heavy. HH is more thematic and campaign based than 40k, and I absolutely adore the Sons of Horus fluff, and a spearhead of Justaerin is too sexy to pass up. Thanks!


Sons of Horus 2k

Abaddon (215)

10 Justaerin: 3 power fists, chainfist, 2 power axes, 2 pairs of lightning claws, 2 power sword, 7 combi-bolters, multi-melta (620)

Apothecarion Detachment: 2 w/ a. armor (110)
Attach to the tac squads.

Contemptor Talon (395)
1) twin-linked Lascannon, dread ccw
2) 2 kheres AC

15 Tacs: Sgt w/ a. armor (220)

15 Tacs: Sgt w/ a. armor (220)

Predator Squadron (260)
1) predator cannon, LC sponsons (125)
2) executioner plasma destroyer, HB sponsons (135)

Da Gargoyle
02-04-2014, 01:14 AM
I know its not directly on thread, but you can see where the bad blood was just going to explode with this unit. Pretty much anyone else naming them would likely drop the "u". Can you imagine the brawls in the pubs.

Aspire to Glory
02-04-2014, 02:33 AM
I know its not directly on thread, but you can see where the bad blood was just going to explode with this unit. Pretty much anyone else naming them would likely drop the "u". Can you imagine the brawls in the pubs.

I think that's why they became such adept brawlers.

02-12-2014, 02:05 AM
I wish you lived closer to me. That way you could play vs my all terminator death guard. So many terminators!!!