View Full Version : Factory Militia

12-20-2009, 06:54 PM
I was thinking that it would pry help my army a good deal to get some infantry screens for my tanks. Anyway, the backround for my thoughts is basically this.

I have an ad-mech guard army. Its a very mechanized force, a couple of Leman Russ Tanks, Veteran Squads in Chimeras, etc etc. Anyway, I was realizing that it would help, especially when facing close combat armies that can wreck tanks, to have a light infantry screen. So I was thinking. What guard models would people recommend using to stand in for Factory Militia. I was partially inspired by stories of Stalingrad where workers were drafted into the army, or drove off the production line in the tanks they had just built. So, why not have in an emergency, the ranks of the Tech Guard could be increased by the workers of the forge, given lasguns, and sent into battle led by Overseers (Commissars)

So my two questions are
-What would be be good factory milita?
-What would be good Ad-Mech Commissars?

12-20-2009, 08:03 PM
I like the idea, very fluffy, very cool. I would suggest poking around pig iron productions (http://www.pig-iron-productions.com/), they are scaled well kit-bashing with GW stuff and there are some potentially cool looking stuff.

As for "Commissar" (overseers) I would envision them as being members of the machine cult, perhaps low ranking tech priests. With that in mind you could use tech-priest enginseer models without the servo-backpack, or do some fairly simple conversions with to make models with the mechanicus hooded robes. Alternatively, these guys (http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/iron-brotherhood-http05-p-147.html) would make for some really intimidating mechanicus enforcers (if i had my way, I would try to make an entire elite Skitarii force with them).

I would love to see some pics of your army by the way.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
12-20-2009, 08:05 PM
The militia might be well represented by Empire Free Company figures, if you want the un-regimented militia look (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat1300288&prodId=prod20048), and a Techpriest without a servo-arm for the overseer. To make firearms for the militia, cut the bow "prongs" off the crossbows provided to make a passable autogun.

I selected these ones since they don't require heavy conversions or mix and matching kits, which is fairly important for a horde unit. Needless to say, you'll prolly get better results through heavier conversions.

12-20-2009, 08:12 PM
That's a great idea, when I was first starting my guard army with the last codex I wanted to have a worker's militia (conscripts) with plain red flags accompanied by independent commissars. I spent ages scouring the net for miniatures wearing overalls/work gear or something I could at least approximate into blue overalls. I found nothing.

So er... I guess the point of this post is to wish you luck! And I hope you get something together to show us.

12-20-2009, 08:13 PM
I probably would, but making Skittarii made me spend a fair quantity on bits ordering. I do like the Empire Free Militia, they do work rather well actually. Wish they had 40K models with autoguns, but thats not happening.

Any other suggestions, im certainly looking at all viable options?

12-20-2009, 10:51 PM
Forge World make some great autoguns for their Renegade Militia, if you're willing to shell out.

For the factory militia/conscripts, the good ol' Catachan plastics could stand in with an appropriate colour scheme and little to no conversion; they've got that "blue collar horde" look to them, almost.

12-21-2009, 09:24 AM
Brettonian man at arms to represent the heavy forge leather aprons. These models will take the cadian/catachan arms with no problems.

I like the idea of conscripts with kommisars to kep them in line.

12-21-2009, 07:56 PM
I like it, the Men at Arms look rather cool. Just to have a good mish-mash of Militia, I'll pry pick up a box of men at arms, 1 or 2 boxes of catachans, and a catachan command squad for my militia, and possibly a few sets of renegade militia autoguns.
Wish they sold Pickaxes or shovels, so I could do a unit made to look like Miners, with pistols and pickaxes.

Hmm, so many options. I actually was suggested the steel legion commissar might work rather well, to perhaps reprasent a tech guard officer who is seconded to lead the Militia into battle. Its going to be that or one of the hooded Inquisitor Models. Or perhaps the Micro-art studio Angel Model could work. Strange Servitor/Battle Priests.....

I just wish they made a good tech priest with a Plasma Pistol....

Anyway, I'll try to get a pic of my army up eventually, right now it has about 60 Skittarii, an Officer/Inquisitor (depends on the day), 5 Chimeras, 2 LRBTs, a Vanquisher, an Executioner, and 3 Plasma Sentinals. Working on getting my Ad-Mech Land Raider Finished, and printing out some BOLS Ad Mech Transfers.

Subject Keyword
12-21-2009, 09:58 PM
Do they have robotic workers in their factories?
You could do production line droids who were hastily modified for combat.

They are angry. ANGRY!

12-21-2009, 10:05 PM
If you're looking for picks there's one on the IG Vehicle Accessory sprue -- still currently available in with most of the IG vehicles.

There's also some in the Dwarf Miners kit, but these have candles and runes on them that may not be appropriate.

I remember an article in WD around the time of the Medusa worldwide campaign that had some miners converted up using those IG picks, Catachan pieces, and a few random bits from various Empire pieces. They looked pretty good.

12-21-2009, 10:16 PM
Severplague-Nah, thats the Servitors I have, which I need to fix.

Interesting on the pick, I wonder if I could bits order about 15 of them?

Subject Keyword
12-21-2009, 10:28 PM
Severplague-Nah, thats the Servitors I have, which I need to fix.

You know I just want more robots around, Magos.

12-21-2009, 11:42 PM
I wish there were decent close combat robot models.

Subject Keyword
12-22-2009, 11:57 PM

I thought these would interest you.
The one in the middle would make a great medic.

And for extra enemy humiliation: