View Full Version : Space Wolves

Craig Lamb
02-03-2014, 07:29 AM
I assume I am not the only person who starts one project then decides it would be a good idea to start another. One day I will be sensible but until then I decided to start playing with Space Wolves;

http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb239/lambykins1/image_zps9690b5e7.jpg (http://s211.photobucket.com/user/lambykins1/media/image_zps9690b5e7.jpg.html)

I bought a job lot of old 40K models a little while ago and while looking through them found an old Ragnar Blackmane model. Well that was it then, ebay and GW website and bought an old space marines battle force set and a wolfpack set. I have told myself (and the wife) that no more will be bought until the current patch of models are complete.

http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb239/lambykins1/image_zps61babcc1.jpg (http://s211.photobucket.com/user/lambykins1/media/image_zps61babcc1.jpg.html)

http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb239/lambykins1/image_zpsdb07935a.jpg (http://s211.photobucket.com/user/lambykins1/media/image_zpsdb07935a.jpg.html)

http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb239/lambykins1/image_zps7e953b01.jpg (http://s211.photobucket.com/user/lambykins1/media/image_zps7e953b01.jpg.html)

Models are not fully finished C+C Welcome

Craig Lamb
02-21-2014, 11:31 AM
Here are a few updates;






C+C welcome

Darren Richardson
02-25-2014, 08:21 AM
your WIP is looking good so far.

One Suggestion, have you thought about how your going to attach the marines into the landspeeder, it looks like you have painted the waist connecting part, you'll have to file the paint off the connecting part in order to glue the marines in place, as glue doesn't stick to paint.

In future, one tip I have heard of is to stick a bit of bluetack over contecting joins which you can then peel off after painting so the parts can be glued.