View Full Version : 2000pts DA

02-03-2014, 04:39 AM
Hi folks,

I have a game coming up this pm against a 2k point Eldar list that I do not know.

With the modals I have and with bit of knowledge of what Eldar armies normally are about I have drawn up this list. There are a few tournies coming up in my area for 2k lists so I would appreciate any advice about swapping out units.

HQ Belial - 190pts
Goes with

Troops DW - 470pts
10 man unit
2x plasma cannon

HQ Ezekiel -145pts
Goes with

Troops DW -270pts
5x TH/SS
1x Missile launcher

Troops Tactical squad -215pts
10 man sqd
Vet sgt
Heavy Bolter
Drop pod

Elite DW Knights - 295pts
Land raider

Heavy Support Deva sqd 215
10 man sqd
Heavy bolter
4x missiles
Vet sgt

What do you think?