View Full Version : Help! My Wife Wants to Get me a Present

02-01-2014, 03:57 PM
So, here's the full story:

My wife has been suffering from some pretty serious back pain, partly related to her stress and partly related to her job, which involves driving all over the place. Partly as a result, she hasn't gotten around to getting her present for me for an informal gift exchange holiday (sucksday) that we invented to help us both cope with particularly bull**** day. She wants to get me something at the local Games Workshop store during a mall trip today... and I don't know what to ask her for!

The pricetag limit is about $30.

My interest in 40k has recently swelled again after a fun night in the monthly campaign (I've been focused obsessively on my Firestorm Armada fleet for the last month or so), so I would definitely enjoy a 40k gift... the question is, what?

I'm most into my Blood Angels at the moment. I've already got a lot of stuff: some bikers, some tacs, assault marines on foot, assault marines with jump packs, assault terminators, chaplains on foot and with jump packs, librarians on foot and with jump packs and in terminator armor, captains on foot and with terminator armor, sanguinary priests (three on foot, one with jump pack), a a couple of dreadnoughts, a drop pod, some razorbacks, a stormraven, two land raider crusaders, sternguard, sanguinary guard... I'm pretty set.

What's good these days. Have I missed anything in the last month? Any new tactical ideas? Any rumors? Any suggestions?

Mr Mystery
02-01-2014, 04:03 PM
*scuttles out of Spiv Corner*

Well, if it's something unique and Blood Angel, I still have the Games Day '2nd Ed' Captain on sprue.

I'd be happy to sell him for $30 and a little extra marital happiness (for you and your missus. Not a really nerdy indecent proposal)

02-01-2014, 04:20 PM
Why not Astorath or the Sanguinor? Might be a more memorable present, and fits well within your price boundary.

02-01-2014, 04:23 PM
Why not Astorath or the Sanguinor? Might be a more memorable present, and fits well within your price boundary.

I forgot to mention that I have both of those already.

02-01-2014, 09:20 PM
Sadly, my local GW shrine has succumbed. It's ok "what gift should I advise my lovely wife to add to my enormous collection" was kind of a first world problem anyway!

White Tiger88
02-01-2014, 10:05 PM
Go for one of these guys there all unique sculpts and pretty cool to have and paint!



Or for fun...


02-01-2014, 10:30 PM
Start an Inquisitorial detachment? Aegis defence line?

02-01-2014, 11:19 PM
Go for one of these guys there all unique sculpts and pretty cool to have and paint!



I have to admit... a jump pack captain is not something I already have. Though, I probably want to swap that axe out and replace it with something that will let me take advantage of a Space Marine captain's superior Initiative... maybe I can use the lance from my Vampire Counts zombie dragon kit to make a sort of a super power lance? It'll take some doing to avoid it sticking all the way out the side of the model, though... that thing is hecka long.

A jump captain... fly him in with some sanguinary guard and a priest. Strength 6 Ap 3 attacks on the charge? And then all those Strength 5 glave encarmine attacks from his backup dancers? That would be a pretty nasty unit.

02-02-2014, 01:52 AM
Start an Inquisitorial detachment?

My inner fluff-monkey cringes. Inquisitors? Working with Knights of Blood, a chapter excommunicated for their bloody rampages against the Emperor's enemies (and anyone else who got in their way... or stood too close to the front lines... or looked at them funny?)

I mean, I do want to try some inquisitors, but probably to work alongside my Sisters of Battle... though I have to admit that cooking up a plot that would put an Inquisitor alongside the Knights of Blood 5th Company for a one-off game or a campaign would be a lot of fun...

02-02-2014, 06:59 AM
Think less "working with" and more "monitoring for signs of brutal heresy, ready to execute at any moment", and there's your Inquisitorial detachment. Or better yet, make them a radical. There's plenty of Inquisitors who would say, look, these guys are totally purging the enemy like hell, we should lay off them.

02-02-2014, 11:56 AM
Think less "working with" and more "monitoring for signs of brutal heresy, ready to execute at any moment", and there's your Inquisitorial detachment. Or better yet, make them a radical. There's plenty of Inquisitors who would say, look, these guys are totally purging the enemy like hell, we should lay off them.

That's a really neat idea, actually. I always liked the idea of a radical daemonhunter with tons of bound daemons around... I could use the daemonhost model I have and also paint up some actual daemon models with chains and collars greenstuffed on.

02-02-2014, 12:47 PM
It's the joy of the Inquisition!

02-02-2014, 01:18 PM
I have to admit... a jump pack captain is not something I already have. Though, I probably want to swap that axe out and replace it with something that will let me take advantage of a Space Marine captain's superior Initiative...

You could just call it a relic blade.

02-02-2014, 01:20 PM
You could just call it a relic blade.


EDIT: Oops. We don't get those in the Blood Angels codex :mad:. Though come October, who knows what the options will be.

Da Gargoyle
02-07-2014, 12:01 AM
The Inquisition Radical, really ? I thought they were a little staid & predictable, i.e. Q. Is it Human? A. Yes master. Q. Is it breathing? A. Yes Master. Then stop it this instant!!! Sound of feet in heavy boots shuffling through a heavy oaken sounding opening and closing door, then a shot. Then the return of said heavy shuffling boots, with an inquisitorial voice, not unlike that of a parade ground seargent, NEXXXT!

02-07-2014, 12:06 AM
The Inquisition Radical, really ? I thought they were a little staid & predictable, i.e. Q. Is it Human? A. Yes master. Q. Is it breathing? A. Yes Master. Then stop it this instant!!! Sound of feet in heavy boots shuffling through a heavy oaken sounding opening and closing door, then a shot. Then the return of said heavy shuffling boots, with an inquisitorial voice, not unlike that of a parade ground seargent, NEXXXT!

The Inquisition has tons of factions. There are conservatives who want to maintain the status quo, various conspiracy-minded crazies who have crackpot ideas about how to awaken the Emperor, transform him into a benevolent God, or otherwise Save the Day, hard-liners who hunt Chaos in all its forms, and "radicals" who believe that Chaos weapons, daemons, and even sorcery can be used by the pure-at-heart against Chaos. As a chapter that is probably still more-or-less pure and loyal, but technically excommunicated, the Knights of Blood would be a perfect "plausibly deniable" tool for a radical Inquisitor... provided he could manipulate them without being turned into chum.