View Full Version : The WD Team might be full of geniuses...

Chris Copeland
02-01-2014, 03:51 PM
I love White Dwarf. I have for years. I've had a subscription for a long time. I went to San Antonio (the nearest big town to me) to buy some nerd stuff. I went to the GW store so that I could check out the new White Dwarf. The $4 price tag seemed completely reasonable to me. I'll probably swing by the GW store more often now... which is, really, the point of making WD only available in store.

I'm thumbing through the new WD now and thinking, "Yeah, I'll go by the GW store more often"... if that was GW's intent (rhetorical question), it worked... Cope

PS I regularly drop $4 at Starbucks so the cover price of WD doesn't bother me... I'm not a rich man (far from it)... I just think of four bucks as "not much."

Mr Mystery
02-01-2014, 04:04 PM
Yup. It's not great, but it is a good move.

Gets people in store, and at a pocket money price every week.

Chris Copeland
02-01-2014, 04:12 PM
Exactly. I don't live in SA. I mostly go there to get my nerd on. I have a LGS that I love (Dragon's Lair, San Antonio). However, GW has just dramatically increased the chance that I'll swing by the GW store on my way to Dragon's Lair. Well played, GW... well played...

02-01-2014, 04:19 PM
Dragon's Lair is cool stuff! I've only been to the one in Austin, though.

Yeah, I think this is exactly the intended effect. A weekly release window and a weekly magazine to support it is entirely aimed at getting you in the store every Saturday - or at least excited about something new every week, rather than every month. Pricing it at pocket money levels is lovely. Perfect example of the way we react to prices irrationally (monthly it's more expensive; weekly it's way cheaper).

Chris Copeland
02-01-2014, 08:40 PM
Follow up: is it a sure thing that the two new mags are only available at GW stores? I'm hearing from my friends in San Antonio that both are available at LGSs...

02-02-2014, 05:36 AM
Here, WD weekly is $6 (so roughly $24 a month), which is certainly more then I pay for a cup of coffe. Visions is $13. Between the two, that's $37 a month. I could almost buy a squad of Cadians with that. Yeah, there seems to be more pages for your money, but there doesn't appear to be more actual content. Hell, Visions appears to just be 200 or so pages of pictures of painted models, with basically no text.

I stopped buying WD back in like, 2002 because I felt it had become bad value (more cost, less hobby, more advertisements). From the reviews I have seen of the new format, I will not be changing this.

At best, I will buy a copy if there are rules in it for something I need (assuming I can't just get them elsewhere).

02-02-2014, 07:03 AM
The monthly Warhammer Visions is worthless in my opinion. Nics pics to be sure, but no "content" at all. I have been a supcriber to WD for many years - I have from issue 100 onwards, but I will now be cancelling that.

The weekly mag though is OK. Cheap(ish) I suppose, though works out more per month. However, not everyone has the time to go to a local store EVERY weekend to pick one up. I would subscribe to it, but sadly that is not an option. Does anyone know if GW will keep older issues of the weekly one in store?

Chris Copeland
02-02-2014, 09:07 AM
I don't know about elsewhere around the globe. It's been confirmed that both magazines are being sold at LGSs. So, it's still a brilliant move as it makes me get off my duff and go into the store to buy a weekly fix of nerdy goodness. I don't need the Visions mag, I think. However, I'll totally pay $4/wk for White Dwarf... it's about the same as a trip to Starbucks for me.

PS: I'm guessing that older issues of WD will stack up in the shops just like the current ones do. I hoping that I'll be able to pick up two issues every two weeks since I'm not driving all the way to San Antonio every week.

Da Gargoyle
02-11-2014, 06:47 PM
No, I don't think they are genius. Visions is built for 6 year olds who want to look at pictures. I mean really can anyone just look at photos for more than five minutes? We renewed our subscription to WD in October and now we have Visions, a truly lazy production that they don't even customise for their international markets. I like the pictures but I need the text for the entertainment value. Now there are no articles or opinions or reasoning.

The lad at the GW store said they went that way because the copies of WD that sold the most were the ones containing Golden Daemon or Armies on Parade pictures. I have a more cynical view of it and think unless there is unprecedented demand, once the subscriptions are up it Visions will drop out of print.

In the mean time my subscription ends and if the wife wants it she can buy the weekly mag. I reckon even that will pall once she realises that it is the marketing tool for the next release. I don't see much more in it than the army of the month, Dwarves in this case.

As far as rule updates are concerned, if it's not on the net I wont be using them. Or its off to flames of war.

02-11-2014, 11:57 PM
Didn't work for me. Looked at a couple and figured I am not paying money for rules that will be in the army book and catalogue pictures of the new models. As for Visions, if it had been all about variant paint schemes/conversions and things I might have picked it up, but at least for the new bugs it was nothing but the big 3 hive fleets we already see plenty of. Not really interested. About the only thing I did like in it were the couple Ork trukk/battlewagon conversions which were pretty cool. Not enough to make me pay $12 for it though...

02-12-2014, 12:55 AM
Getting the White Dwarf without leaving home ist now even easier for me. I like ebooks but I donīt have any apple device. So I wasnīt able to buy the monthly Dwarf online, because it was only sold in the ibookstore. The new weekly dwarf ist sold as an epub by the black library and it costs less than the printed version. No need to make my way to the store every week.