View Full Version : Forge World weathering powders -Toxic? Do I need a mask?

01-31-2014, 05:32 AM
Hi all,

While I was searching the interwebs, I came across some articles which said that pigments are toxic and cause damage to you and potential offspring. Scary stuff.

So, are Forge World ones toxic. Do I need a mask?

What other supplies do I need apart from the powders themselves?

Many thanks.

01-31-2014, 06:12 AM
you can experiment with a "fixer" to thin your powders and help them stick to your model. Some use water but I prefer Isopropyl alcohol as it evaporates cleaner. I don't wear a mask and I don't know anyone else who does when using pigments.

This video may help you, although the brand is different the techniques the same.


01-31-2014, 06:16 AM
I can't speak for their toxicity (though I'm not dead yet!) but stuff you'll need largely depends on how you want to use them. Some form of medium will give you a suitable means to apply streaks and targeted weathering, applying a sealant to the target area beforehand can be helpful in working with them. A sealant afterwards is essential.

You can also use them in a bit more of a creative fashion, it's really down to experimenting with what works. FW have some masterclasses which give you a great starting point.

Here's a couple of examples of powder applied as a soot/ash layer to add grime and texture to some palatine blades I did for the holiday swap. This was simply stippling and sponging the powders onto the completed paintjob, pusing them around to get the desired effect, and then sealing carefully with matt varnish.

