View Full Version : Another Eldar Exodite log

01-30-2014, 02:13 PM
Hello guys, this is one of my first posts here, so please be gentle!

The exodites of Tuzanor - Tuzanor roughly translates as "The sorrow of a lost dream"

As those who’ve seen my previous sparse and rarely updated blogs will know, I’m one of those people who can’t go “hmmm…a new army? Let’s build the minis straight out of the box and looking like the army was created by GW to sell more shiny stuff”
I have always gone about it the same way. Find an obscure theme, work out what parts to use for the models, weep when I discover how many boxes Id have to buy to make one squad, then suck it up get on with it. Previously I’ve built a Techguard army, White Scars using the Ravenwing rules, a colonial/revolutionary themed guard army and a Heresy era truescale World Eater army.
This gave me a slight hint that I was being very human-centric, so for the next army (eventually planned for ToS 2014) I was challenged to make a Xenos army.
Now which of the nefarious Xenos races to pick? After perusing the websites and codicii I decided to return to the second army I ever owned, way back in the heady days of rogue trader/ 2nd ed. circa 1992, Eldar.

So why Exodites? Firstly the modelling opportunities, I mean who doesn’t love the idea of space elves riding dinosaurs? Secondly there are some fantastic looking armies out there, so lots of inspiration.

Now the theme. Many of the armies already out there seem to stick to a couple of stereotypes.

- They are wood elves in space
- They are backward
- They all use dinosaurs instead of vehicles
- If they’re not dressed as wood elves then they’ve got lizard skin cloaks
- Aspect warriors are “shoe-horned” in as craftworld allies.

Of these, the third one is the only one I wanted to use. With this in mind I scoured the high elf and dark elf bits for inspiration.
Cold ones were a definite, as were the mage parts for my farseer/warlocks. However since I wanted them to have winter/snow bases they needed something to make them different from the standard CWE. Then I spotted the White Lion kit. Fur capes, top knots, scale mail kilts? Of course!
And so the Exodite idea was born.

My only rules-

- NOT wood elves
- NOT barbarians
- Footdar, NO vehicles beyond jetbikes
- Jetbikes modelled as armoured cold ones
- High elf scalemail on every model somewhere.

So far here’s the list

1500 Points

-Farseer with singing spear
-Avatar with Fast Shot
-5 Fire Dragons
-10 Guardians with Bright Lance
-10 Guardians with Bright Lance
-10 Dire avengers
-5 Windrider guardian jetbikes
-6 Rangers
-5 Warpspiders
-3 Shadow Weaver Platforms with Warlock with Singing spear

Since winning the Armies on Parade for the Bristol Store last year I’ve decided to enter this army this year, so this blog will show the progress of both the army and the display board I’ve already got planned.

Here’s where I am as of today


Part 1

01-30-2014, 02:14 PM
Avatar (awaiting paint)

Part 2

01-30-2014, 02:15 PM
Guardian Squad (finished)

Part 3

01-30-2014, 02:16 PM
Guardian Squad (WIP)

Part 4

01-30-2014, 02:17 PM
Windrider Jetbikes


Part 5

01-30-2014, 02:18 PM
Dire Avengers

Fire Dragons

Warp Spiders

Part 6

01-30-2014, 02:18 PM
Rangers (Prototype)

Wraithknight (VERY WIP)

Oh and a cookie for the first person to get the reference in the name.....

Feedback would be appreciated, and hopefully this log will be updated a lot more frequently!


Craig Lamb
01-30-2014, 03:40 PM
Very cool! Look forward to seeing more.

01-30-2014, 04:27 PM

I quite like the use of the scale mail skirts and DE heads- a different take than the usual more wood elf-y look.

01-30-2014, 05:02 PM
Those look fantastic.

Veteran Sergeant
01-30-2014, 09:04 PM
I really like the blend of Eldar and High Elf parts. For the most, very natural looking. And the Cold Ones weapons platforms are cool. But while the Cold One Jet Bikes are a stretch but passable, I think your Wraithknight conversion has stretched the trope a bit too far. It just looks kinda wonky. Like a Dr Seuss war machine.

Though I guess it can't be all bad (http://www.10mfh.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/dino_riders.jpg).

01-31-2014, 02:45 AM
Thanks for the replies guys!

@veteran sergeant- the wraithknight is still very, very WIP. Still needs armour similar to the Avatar, a holo-wing, and scatter laser side pods, which along with the rocky base will bring it back towards the style. Nice find with the Dr Seuss pic!


Lost Vyper
01-31-2014, 04:26 AM
Very nice work!

01-31-2014, 06:47 AM
The armour on the Cold Ones is great. And the scale mail. Love it!

Also, the twin-linked shuriken catapults are ace.

01-31-2014, 09:50 AM
Very nice! Thanks for the ideas :)

01-31-2014, 12:32 PM
Great work - time to expose you to the masses :)

Why do I see a a Wraithlord riding a Carnosaur in this army's future? Maybe a Wraithknight astride two Stegadons... I can dream!

The Imperial Fist
01-31-2014, 05:52 PM
These are amazing.

Keaton James Callaghan
01-31-2014, 10:31 PM
You sir are sickening.... Why you make me feel bad!

These are amazing i must say good sir.

Dave Fothergill
02-01-2014, 02:00 AM
I want a dinosaur with lasers on his back !!

02-01-2014, 03:45 AM
These are great, they remind me of a show I used to watch called Dino Riders. Look forward to seeing more.


Grey Mage
02-01-2014, 05:12 AM
Im doing a similar project and Im going to ask why you didnt come to a similar conclusion to me:

Exodite Knight Titans are a thing. Theyre what the Wraithknight is based on- specifically the Firegale in size and shape of the primary configuration, to a T scale to scale from Epic. So why Dino it up?

Cpt Codpiece
02-01-2014, 04:00 PM
These are great, they remind me of a show I used to watch called Dino Riders. Look forward to seeing more.


dino riders was the mutts :)

yes very much in the same vein, yet still within the bounds of the old fluff.

i likey...... one thought if you ever do a night spinner...... the arachnirock :)

The Imperial Fist
02-01-2014, 06:55 PM

The Imperial Fist
02-01-2014, 06:55 PM
Im doing a similar project and Im going to ask why you didnt come to a similar conclusion to me:

Exodite Knight Titans are a thing. Theyre what the Wraithknight is based on- specifically the Firegale in size and shape of the primary configuration, to a T scale to scale from Epic. So why Dino it up?
Because most of the newer fluff has the Exodites as being far less technologically advanced and both the Eldar path books and Horus Heresy novella featuring them have them riding giant lizards into battle.

02-02-2014, 10:37 AM
Hey guys.

@Lost Vyper. @Mitey Heroes, @Eldar Atog, @Imperial Fist, @ Keaton James Callaghan - Thanks for the support guys!

@ Bigred - Thanks for the welcome..........and maybe, just maybe....wraithlords on stegadons as cavalry!

@Dave Fothergill - sorry mate, all the dinosaurs with lasers have been requisitioned by the Warhost of Tuzanor, though we may have a cat with a water pistol if you're interested...

@Deadlift - Ha, Dino riders.....now there's a blast from the past!

@Grey Mage - While I remember the original release of the Eldar and Imperial Knigts (yes I am that old!), as Imperial fist mentioned newer fluff = bigger dinosaurs, and after all the conversion work that's going into all the other models, I didn't want to shoehorn in an unconverted model that didn't fit the theme...

@Cpt Codpiece - Keep watching.....Knarloc riders + Carnosaur heads + Support Weapon Platforms = Shadow Weaver Platforms...

Not much else to update today, just been planning the display board in sketchup, wanted some feedback. Eventually there'll be bridges linking the towers together, and the black ball in the centre will be a working plasma ball representing a webway gate.



02-02-2014, 01:57 PM
This is some really impressive work. I've always had a lil soft spot for the Exodites and you've done an amazing job of capturing their essence.

What's the chance of that big ol' Dread Saurian (see last month's WD) putting in an appearance? It'd make an interesting super heavy.

Peter Zuidgeest
02-02-2014, 03:21 PM
Love that idea! Great work ill be watching! :)

Cpt Codpiece
02-02-2014, 07:45 PM
having looked again at the fantastic conversions, im tempted to 'copy' the warp spider idea but use shredder ends rather than blasters :) that's if spiders don't get a plastic or re-sculpt or at least hints of one by Sept.

02-12-2014, 10:41 AM
Hello again guys, another update to show this hasn't been forgotten about!

Done some more work on the Carnosaur/Wraithknight, modelled the shoulder armour, scatter laser sponsons, the base and started work on the holo wing. Still a little rough at the moment as it's just masking tape and foamcore, still needs filler and filing. Then just waiting for the fire prism turret to arrive so I can build the back armour.

Also built and under coated the warlock that's going with the support weapon battery.
He'll look better once I start painting!

@FireHazard - possibly.....maybe as a Revenant or Phantom, depending on the size of the Dread Saurian....

@ Cpt Codpiece - thought of that for the spiders originally, but I couldn't get enough shredders from the bits sites at the time!

More to come


02-19-2014, 01:09 PM
...and we're back with another update.
Finally received the eBay parcels I've been waiting for, so work has begun on the support weapon platforms.

Firstly though, the build for my wraithknight (which my wife has lovingly named Mushu, after the Dragon in Disney's Mulan) is now complete, with the addition of the back armour cut from the turret of a Fire prism.

Then we have the weapon platforms (who she who must be obeyed has named Huey, Dewey and Louie). These started as Forgeworld Knarloc riders, though I've attacked them with my Dremel to remove the rider, all the straps and the head quills.
The heads will be remodelled so they're similar to the new carnosaur, scales will be added, along with armour made from the support weapon platform (as Dewey is stylishly modelling!)

The shadow weaver will be mounted centrally, just got to scratch build the mount itself

Thanks for looking

02-19-2014, 02:31 PM
This is one of my favorite army ideas I've seen in a while. Beautiful work, and I can't wait for more updates!

02-19-2014, 04:40 PM
Holy **** that's like something straight out of the old cartoon Dino Riders! That's absolutely awesome!

02-20-2014, 04:06 AM
Truly very inspiring and a amazing project! Great to see the background story and the motivation its very nice to see that someone picks it up like that and thats also how I started my Exodite Project of 2014 this year! Love the work you're doing and some ideas beg to be "stolen"! ;)
I used a non GW model for making my Wraithknight and used the actuall Wraithknight kit to merge with the model! And for my basic troop boys I used the High Elf Shadow Warriors bashed together with the Eldar Guardians for that cloth/leather feel to it...

Def will follow your project! Keep it going ;)

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
02-21-2014, 09:07 PM
While the dinosaurs are impressive, I keep on going back to the Guardian squads. They work out so well visually - if I wasn't already familiar with the kits involved, I'd think they were cast and sold like that!

02-23-2014, 08:41 AM
So...another update then.
Started work on the Armies on parade board, (yes I know it's not for 6 months, but I wanted to get a head start!) after sacrificing the board I made last year.

As shown in an earlier post it's going to be the mountainous citadel of Tuzanor.

So, some pics

First 2 show the basic outline of the mountains. Once the glue dries and I've got the drainpipe I'm using for the main towers I'll then use my hotwire cutter to sink the towers into the polystyrene, and carve the slopes to look more mountainous.


The next is a sketch of the tower positions.
I wanted to go with a certain aesthetic with the city, so the towers will be styled like a High Elf fantasy castle, with wraithbone supports for the platforms and bridges.
I also wanted the number three to be part of the look, so all the towers (except for the generators) are built in either 1 or 3, with 3 attachments (weapon towers or bridges)
The main tower (marked PB for "plasma ball") will have a platform 120mm across supported on three 40mm towers. The single and triple towers will all be made from 60mm drainpipe, with a 100mm platform on top.
The smaller towers attached to the 3 corner towers will have a custom built weapon system (2 as quad EML turrets, 1 as a prism cannon turret)
The towers marked with G will be 60mm towers without platforms, housing generators similar to the ones in Dawn of War, with fading LEDs inside the power crystals



Now while that dries I really should get back to painting guardians......


02-23-2014, 10:03 AM
Looks like I've found some inspiration for when I make some Eldar Exodites and a terrain board. ;)

03-02-2014, 01:46 PM
Another week and more grey plastic!

So I have a confession first. I've broken my own rules. Remember back in post one when I said "no vehicles"? Well that's gone out of the window after seeing the conversions one of the other Exodite (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?386256-Slow-Grow-Exodites-The-dragon-Knights-of-Elgadon) logs.
So what have I done? Shuffled the list a bit and added this


Yup. High elf dragon as a Crimson Hunter. Although it is still very work in progress (this is about 5 hours work today) using the 2 brigtlances, and the breath weapon as the pulsar.

Now I really should slap some paint on these, as Alex at GW Bristol wants to put them in the cabinet when they're done...


03-12-2014, 12:03 PM
More progress!

So this week I've spent more time applying paint to plastic, and I think I've finalised the crimson hunter. So I'd like some feedback on the figures, and if anyone can think of anything obvious I've missed then that'd help too!
The bases are unfinished so far. Started to apply a snow effect when I first started but I'm not that happy with it so I've decided to scrape it off the other bases and just apply a coherent snow once their all done (and I find a way of doing the deep, crusty snow drifts I'm after...any ideas?)

Firstly the Exodite Lord on Carnosaur/Avatar


Then the second guardian squad. Decided to build some unhelmeted so I can mix them within both squads. Still need to finish the bright lance cold one.


Then we have the warp spiders


03-12-2014, 12:04 PM
The Warlock Solnier, who'll accompany the support weapon beasts


And the finished Farseer Khadroni


Then we have the WIP shot of the crimson hunter. Still need to get a flying base for it. It and the wraithknight will both be painted in the same way as the Avatar, with the dinosaur being blue and grey, with the same green armour.


So what do you all think?


03-19-2014, 02:51 PM
Here we go again.

Not much so far this week.....decided that the warp spiders didn't work how I'd envisioned them, so work has started sorting that...
Going to give them the same legs as the guardians and fire dragons, but obviously a bit more dynamic. Luckily the shadow spectres are easy to take apart at the waist.

Also thought I'd do some more work on the display base.
Firstly cut the drainpipe into 15 pieces for the towers (and broke 4 Dremel cutting disks and 2 hacksaw blades in the process!), then bored holes with my new hotwire polystyrene cutter and glued them into place. I then used the cutter again to carve the mountains so they looked more natural rather than stepped


Then I started building the platforms and buildings. These were cut from foamcore, and the tower tops and main buildings were wrapped in thin card. Then all of them apart from the central platform were glued down.


The central on was left free as I want to get all the detailing on the towers and walls, as well as handrails before I fit the plasma ball and it's battery pack.

Still have to decide where to place the LED crystal generators.

More to come on Friday...

03-19-2014, 05:08 PM
I'm really excited to see how your display turns out. It'll definitely be just as stunning as the rest of this project.

03-21-2014, 03:31 PM
Okay, so I said more on Friday, and as it's Friday I think I'll just leave these here.....



03-21-2014, 07:29 PM
You certainly are very talented; your Wraithknight reminds me of the picture of an Exodite world from the 2nd edition codex. Love it.

My version of Exodites (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6Acks1VmmK0/UpEsGKbLiKI/AAAAAAAAbHg/RITMqs7Pq_Q/s1600/kingsley-corsairs-13.jpg) that I count as Dark Eldar Beastmasters

03-23-2014, 03:02 PM
Oh and a cookie for the first person to get the reference in the name.....

Tuzanor is the City of Sorrow from the Minbari homeworld from the Babylon 5 universe, it is where the Anla'shok are trained if I remember rightly. Do I get the cookie?

Beautiful army by the way and I love your display board idea, really looking forward to seeing that come along.

Metin Irfan Temel
03-23-2014, 06:20 PM
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... I finishied my exodite Army with the Last Codex, you can have it ... But Nice backbreaker One

Metin Irfan Temel
03-23-2014, 06:24 PM
Warwalker ;-) if you need an idea to make it

04-21-2014, 10:38 AM
Sooo....long time no updates...but this hasn't been forgotten.

Firstly I finished the crimson hunter. It's had a bit of a redesign since the WIP photos.
I rebuilt the pilot using a Reaver jetbike pilot and handlebars, then the back armour was changed from plates cut from a support weapon platform to plates cut from the guardian platform to match the Avatar's. I also added the hip parts from the war walker for some extra details.


Then comes the shadow weaver platforms. The previous WIPs were a bit rough. I decided to replace the heads of the Knarloc with the head and neck of a cold one, then sculpted scales in the same rough places as the cold ones. The armour is built from the support platform base itself, supported with milliput. Be aware that they still need detailing (straps/gems etc.)


Finally some work on the armies on parade board. All the bridges and supports are in place, although the central platform is still removable to make it easier to install the plasma ball and to detail the area.
The foam has been carved, and covered with a papier-mâché with polyfilla and black paint added to start the rock texture.
The turrets are mock ups while I wait for some wave serpent turrets and electronic components to arrive - the turrets will eventually rotate 250 degrees clockwise, then automatically reverse themselves while there is power. The turrets will also light up with blue LEDs.
The generators will have a decahedron crystal mounted in the middle with a fading blue LED mounted inside.



04-22-2014, 02:13 AM
That board looks amazing! :D

06-01-2014, 10:02 AM
Didn't realise it's been so long since the last update, well that's what holidays will do for you!
All has not been forgotten though, and I appear to have reached a few milestones without realising.

Firstly with the army itself I've finished the modelling of the shadow weaver beast and their handlers



These are the next on the painting bench so hopefully should be done before the middle of June.

Most of the progress has been with the armies on parade board.







Handrail stanchions, rails, plasma ball and floor detailing is all installed, next job will be fun with electronics- build the circuit for the generators, wire up the plasma ball and build the cradle for the turret motors. Then onto the paint!


06-01-2014, 11:10 AM
Your Armies on Parade board is fantastic and I look forward to seeing it progress, however I'm not 100% sure it's going ahead this year. My local store manager suggested as much and when I emailed GW I got this response

Many thanks for your email and we do apologise for the long delay in responding to you. Since the new web store launched we have received a large increase in both calls and emails.

We do not currently have any knowledge of if or when Armies on Parade will be happening, however the first place to find out about such releases would be on the website’s daily blog or in White Dwarf.

We hope this helps.



So as much as I want to see it progress I would think on which project you want to prioritise with your time, just in case AoP is a bust this year. I was about to start mine but think I'd rather spend time painting figures I'll use.

06-01-2014, 07:18 PM
I look forward to the day that Gamesday is just a place you can show up and buy Forge World without paying shipping and that's it.

But on topic, that display board is going to look amazing!

06-18-2014, 01:00 PM
Sooo....it's that time again.

Firstly some fun with electronics. The generators for the board are built, wraithbone uprights built and tested in place to make sure it all works. The whole generator assembly is removable, allowing batteries to be changed, and the power switch to be operated.


Still working on the plasma ball and the cradle for the motors, although the circuit with the latching relay is wired and tested.

Now.....warp spiders.....hate the GW model, and as shown earlier the original plan was to use converted shadow spectres. Now with 7th, and spectres being legal in Throne and Skulls, and the fact I thought the models didn't quite fit the theme I was going for I decided to play around with some bits.

This is what I ended up with. Swooping hawk body, Dark eldar blaster barrel, Eldar corsair jet pack (with 2 sets of wings) and the head is from the shadow spectres, with a white lion top knot added


And painted

Thanks for looking


06-18-2014, 08:47 PM
I'm really looking forward to seeing the completed display. I also like how you handled your spiders.

07-20-2014, 05:25 AM
Here we go again.....

Now I know it's been a while since the last update, so this is going to be a bit of a photobomb, as a lot of progress has been made with both the army and the board.

Firstly, now that we have a date for armies on parade (finally!) I've started painting the board. Mountains have their base coat and dry brush to bring out the texture, the towers have had their base coat applied, just the detailing and the snow to go.




I then set the army up to decide on placement





Now for some shots of the army, as it's finally finished! I know a lot of theses have been seen, but I sat down over two evenings this week and finalised (then applied) the snow on all the bases so that it was consistent across all of them.
The snow is a mixture 25:25:50 of PVA:white poster paint:bicarbonate of soda, I experimented a bit, and this gave me the deep, crusty snow drift look I wanted. Now to translate that onto the board......May have to bulk buy the bicarbonate!

Crimson hunter

More to come if someone could post a reply (curse you image limit!)

07-20-2014, 05:49 AM
That looks AMAZING!

07-20-2014, 06:26 AM
Thanks mate

Here's part 2 of the photo's



Fire Dragons

Dire Avengers

Third part still to come if some one could oblige?


07-20-2014, 07:47 AM
These really are beautifully converted and painted.

07-20-2014, 11:09 AM
Third and final part


Shadow Weavers

Warp Spiders

Farseer, Shadow Weaver Warlock, Jetbike Warlock


Army shot

There will be more updates as we get closer the September 13th, next should be a couple of videos showing the generators, webway portal and the turrets....

C&C always welcome!

07-25-2014, 01:17 PM
Absolutely amazing!!! :eek:

08-31-2014, 11:00 AM
With 2 weeks to go I think I've cracked it.
Presented below are the (almost) completed shots of the board for this years armies on parade. (I say almost as the snow needs a thicker coat once I've got some more bicarbonate)

The plasma globe warp portal, the generators and the turrets all light up, but I had to abandon the motors for the turrets. Couldn't get it to work and fit inside the space I'd allowed....should've built the motors first, then built the tower turret around them :(











Part 2 to follow if someone could oblige

08-31-2014, 01:31 PM
Very nice work

08-31-2014, 03:49 PM
Part the final....





So, with that I think I can call this project done.
Just wanted to end thanking everyone on all the forums I post on for all of your encouragement and support with this, it's been a labour of love, and one of the armies I've always wanted to build.
I'll let you all know how it goes on September 13th (and if any of you are likely to be near GW Bristol then, I wouldn't say no to a few more votes!)

Now onto Throne of Skulls 2015 with these guys, and to focus some time on my kill team project....

09-01-2014, 05:45 PM
i'm g;ad to see the whole thing come together

04-29-2015, 06:54 AM
Oooh it's a it dark and dusty here....

So with the release of the new craftworlds codex and ToS changing the points to 1875 I felt I should resurrect this thread.
Armies on parade was a big success,
this is what I won
Came second by only two votes to this
Though to be fair it was the guy that one the national title the first year they did it!

Updated list.
Having read through the codex I felt I had to run the Warhost since I was already running 2 guardian squads, and it meant I could run the wraithknight and the avatar without worrying about Lord of War slots. It would also mean I had to run a CAD as well.

Warhost formation
-defender host,
farseer with singing spear
3x guardian squads with Brightlance platforms
Vyper with scatter laser
Warwalker with 2x EML
Vaul's support battery with 2x shadow weavers
-Legends detachment
-Aspect host (BS increase)
5x Swooping Hawks inc exarch
5x Fire Dragons inc exarch
4x Dark Reapers inc exarch
-Wraith Constructs
Wraithknight with 2 scatter lasers

Combined Arms Detachment
- HQ
Autarch with reaper launcher and scorpian sword
- Troops
5x wind riders with 1 shuriken cannon and jetbike warlock with singing spear
5x Dire Avengers
- Fast Attack
Crimson Hunter

Total 1873

Started work on the new additions. Firstly the Vyper, a two elf beast that started life as a Kroot Knarloc similar to the Artillery beasts
Changed head and increased size of body and tail
Added scales
Added saddles and armour

Then the warwalker. I wanted to use the lizardmen stegadon but how to make it different?
I ended up using the spare carnosaur head I had left over from building the troglodon wraithknight, blending the neck into the body of the stegadon. The warwalker components have been mounted (I see the legs as a kind of steady cam system) just need to mount the weapons and add some armour similar to the Avatar/wraithlord to the neck

Just waiting for some parts (and Korhil for me to turn into the Autarch) to turn up and then we can really get to work.

05-03-2015, 11:09 AM
And another update.
Built the rider for the Vyper, just waiting for the parts to arrive for the pilot.
Also built the armour panels for the warwalker, thinking of adding wraithlord wings on the back of the warwalker cockpit.
Then my Autarch. Lots of thought with this one, wanted to stick to the high elf look, and after racking my brains on how to make him stand out I thought of using Korhil.
This is what I started with.
After attacking him with my dremmel and removing his chest, big axe and head (but not hair) I fitted a trimmed down head and chest from the dire avenger exarch.
About an hours work, 10 very thin rolls of GS and a new scalpel blade I resculpted the braids so they look like they're attached to the helmet. Left arm had the axe changed to an old Eldar chainsword, right arm had a reaper launcher pinned.
Still need to tidy up the GS and the left arm isn't attached yet, but still early days

More to come

05-03-2015, 01:12 PM
very cool idea

05-06-2015, 05:13 AM
It's that time again....didn't realise I could get so much done in so short a time!
Firstly more work on the stegadon/warwalker. Not much really, just added a holo field wing to the back made from 4 1mm thick squares of plasticard glued together, then cut and carved into shape once dry. Gems were added to it and the armour with GS. Still waiting for some EML's (if anyone can spare a couple I'd be eternally grateful!)
Then, as more of my parts have arrived, I finished the vyper's pilot and added gems to its armour too.
I also have the first of my Dark Reapers built. Still needs more GS to join the fur cape to the Phoenix guard legs, but the basics are there. Added GS to the head to give them the same face mask as the rest of the troops rather than all enclosing skull dome.
And I've built the last of the windriders.
Finally with my Autarch. I need some help. This is where I am at the moment.
Something just doesn't fit. I think it's the legs. But I don't know what to do to give it that wow factor.
Any thoughts?


05-06-2015, 02:58 PM
Quick update. After some feedback here's Autarch mk2

05-07-2015, 11:48 AM
Looks definitely better than the mk1. Would look even better with axe on the left hand and gun on the right, bit like the lothern skycutters hero but with gun on the right hand. Dunno how hard it would be tho.
Nice dark reaper by the way.

05-07-2015, 01:22 PM
The mk2 looks great. I've never actually seen an Exodite army in the flesh, very nice.

05-07-2015, 08:18 PM
Excellent Conversions. Those snow bases really make the models stand out.

05-10-2015, 10:29 AM
Another quick update today
Dark Reaper squad finished modelling, bar anything obvious I've missed

And some more GS work on the Autarch. I think he's about there now


05-20-2015, 12:03 PM
And now onto this weeks updates.
Didn't get as much as I'd hoped finished this week due to real life and driving lessons...
But here's where we are now.

Firstly I've built three of the guardians for the third squad of the defender battle host.
Now I know they still need some tidying up (why do some mould lines remain invisible until you photo the model aaaarrrgggh!)

Painting wise I managed to get the vyper finished, although it's still mounted on its painting base as I want to do all the bases at the same time for consistency.

What do you guys think?


05-20-2015, 01:27 PM
Lovely work. You're making me want to rekindle my long ignored Exodites! Is that a great Knarloc base for the Vyper? Also how did you carve/create the plasticard wing for your War Walker Stegadon?

05-20-2015, 02:49 PM
Lovely work. You're making me want to rekindle my long ignored Exodites! Is that a great Knarloc base for the Vyper? Also how did you carve/create the plasticard wing for your War Walker Stegadon?

Now you know you want to restart them, there needs to more of us "WTF is that?" modellers!

Nearly, it's a forgeworld knarloc rider. I got a set of 3, turned 2 into my shadow weavers, and then the third plus milliput/GS for the vyper ( you can see the earlier stages in a previous post.
The stegadon wing was done by glueing 4 pieces of 1mm plasticard together, cutting the rough shape of the wing out with a jewellers saw when it was dry, then shaving and sanding the edges to get the rounded look.

05-20-2015, 03:02 PM
Now you know you want to restart them, there needs to more of us "WTF is that?" modellers!

Nearly, it's a forgeworld knarloc rider. I got a set of 3, turned 2 into my shadow weavers, and then the third plus milliput/GS for the vyper ( you can see the earlier stages in a previous post.
The stegadon wing was done by glueing 4 pieces of 1mm plasticard together, cutting the rough shape of the wing out with a jewellers saw when it was dry, then shaving and sanding the edges to get the rounded look.

Thank you! I'll be having a go at doing up a fin using that method. It'll be nice to be able to scratchbuild them vs trying to scavenge something from existing kits! :)

02-01-2017, 05:58 AM
So…long time no update.

As you may have noticed in my other thread, I now have a dedicated hobby room at home, so that’s part of the reason for updating the Exodites. The other reason is that I’ve been challenged by a friend of mine to make a 1000 point army that uses a codex I’ve never used, but would fit in with one of my existing armies as allies.

To start with some progress has been made on the exodites, the Autarch has been finished and the Warwalker has been built and base coating has started



Now onto my erstwhile allies. After lots of thoughts I settled on a 1000 point Haemonculus coven to act as allies to the exodites. Haemonculus? How’s that going to fit in with the feral exodites I hear you ask?
Well with the release of the Sylvaneth miniatures I was inspired to build them as the Spirits of Tuzannor, extruding bodies form the rocks and crystals of the planet itself as the world spirits aids in fighting off the enemy. Kind of like a giant immune system

Current plan is:
Dark Artisan formation (Talos, Cronos, Haemonculus)
Scalpel Squadron formation
Grotesquerie Formation

Still waiting for some bits to arrive from ebay (wrack masks for the heads of the Cronos and Wracks), but heres where we are so far





02-01-2017, 10:13 AM
They entire thread is great. Those allies are spectacular in concept and execution. Well done sir!

02-05-2017, 01:51 PM
A quick update today. Built the third grotesque and after racking my brain for days about how to model a liquifier gun in a way that'd look consistent across all the models without it looking like I'd just slapped a gun on there, I had a brainwave. If the models are meant to represent psychic constructs formed by the world spirit then why can't the liquifier gun be a psychic blast?


Also got this guy on order from GW to convert into my haemonculus

Thanks for looking

02-08-2017, 11:29 AM
Update time. Built some more of the haemonculus coven, paint to come soon.

Firstly the haemonculus. Built using the dark elf sorceress with a replacement head and legs from the dryad kit (wanted these to be the embodiment of the seers of the world spirit), belt and left arm from the revenant kit.

I wanted a way to show which models were armed with liquifier guns, in a way that didn't look like I'd just slapped a gun on them. After lots of thought I hit on the idea of representing them as a psychic fireball as this could be modelled the same across the entire army.

Then since the eBay parcel I was waiting for arrived we have the wrack squad finished.

And I fitted the head for the Cronos http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m200/mark_kilburn/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-02/0B92A954-4BD7-4EFA-BC7A-3D456A2DA8D7_zpsvugzmdw7.jpg

Thanks for looking guys

02-09-2017, 06:21 AM
I might have to snitch some of your ideas for the Wracks and such.. that's a gorgeous idea. I'm also looking at acquiring some flock for a tree, so more potential applications can work out.

Question - what did you use for heads on the Grotesques?

02-09-2017, 09:12 AM
I might have to snitch some of your ideas for the Wracks and such.. that's a gorgeous idea. I'm also looking at acquiring some flock for a tree, so more potential applications can work out.

Question - what did you use for heads on the Grotesques?

Feel free to pinch as many ideas as you want, glad to know I'm inspiring someone and adding to this wonderful Community. Wait til you see what's planned for the venoms...
The grotesque heads are heads from the talos kit. Like the heads on the wracks and Cronos I noticed that if you rotated them so the chin of the mask became the back they looked similar to the wraith heads while being different enough.


02-18-2017, 10:51 AM
Big update this weekend. Managed to get the wrack squad finished.

And the grotesque squad

More to follow as the haemonculii and Cronos are next in line.

02-19-2017, 03:28 AM
Second update:
Finished the Cronos

The haemonculus from the grotesquerie. She was built using the dark elf sorceress, with revenant and dryad bits.

Also built the Dark Artisan Haemonculus using the mistweaver saih, revenant and dryad bits.

Feedback always appreciated