View Full Version : Basic 750pt Tau List

01-29-2014, 11:00 PM
I'm fairly new to the hobby and am still working on building my first army for the Greater Good. I'm really excited about learning how to play at a decently competitive level. I'm building a list at 750 because I've heard that it is a fairly good size to learn a lot about the game. This is the first list I've put together so far (it currently totals at 717 pts).




6x Fire Warriors w/ Pulse Rifles
6x Fire Warriors w/ Pulse Rifles
6x Fire Warriors w/ Pulse Rifles
6x Fire Warriors w/ Pulse Rifles


5x Pathfinders
5x Pathfinders


Crisis Team
- 2 Shas'ui 1 Shas'vre each w/ 1 TL Plasma Rifle & 1 Burst Cannon



I was just curious about suggestions to make it more all around competitive (and also fill out those last few points), while still retaining a a good feel for the Tau army (I don't want to spam 2 Riptides in a 750 pt army). I would be open to just about any suggestions. I'm still not sure about the Aun'va, but I figured that his rerolls for morale would really help with the small squad sizes I have. However, I'm not sure if he is worth the 100 pt cost and am looking for some feedback on that (though he is just so much less squishy than an Ethereal). Thanks for the help everyone! For the Greater Good!

01-30-2014, 06:43 AM
I'm fairly new to the hobby and am still working on building my first army for the Greater Good. I'm really excited about learning how to play at a decently competitive level. I'm building a list at 750 because I've heard that it is a fairly good size to learn a lot about the game. This is the first list I've put together so far (it currently totals at 717 pts).




6x Fire Warriors w/ Pulse Rifles
6x Fire Warriors w/ Pulse Rifles
6x Fire Warriors w/ Pulse Rifles
6x Fire Warriors w/ Pulse Rifles


5x Pathfinders
5x Pathfinders


Crisis Team
- 2 Shas'ui 1 Shas'vre each w/ 1 TL Plasma Rifle & 1 Burst Cannon



I was just curious about suggestions to make it more all around competitive (and also fill out those last few points), while still retaining a a good feel for the Tau army (I don't want to spam 2 Riptides in a 750 pt army). I would be open to just about any suggestions. I'm still not sure about the Aun'va, but I figured that his rerolls for morale would really help with the small squad sizes I have. However, I'm not sure if he is worth the 100 pt cost and am looking for some feedback on that (though he is just so much less squishy than an Ethereal). Thanks for the help everyone! For the Greater Good!

Get rid of Aun'va, he is very squishy. A normal etheral would give you the same boosts to your fire warriors for half the points. But if they get killed they are worth an addtional victory point to your oppenent.

In such a small army, your HammerHead will attract every anti tank weapon in the first turn, try getting some more XV8's in there (missile pods, flamers). Or for the price of a hammer head, you can have two prianhas with fusions blasters, fast with meltas. AS for being competitve try useing a cadre fire blade(one extra shot for not moving) or darkstrider(-1 toughness modifier to his shooting attacks and his whole unit. They can also fire over watch then move D6 when being charged). Farsight is well worth his 165 point price tag now, he doesnt scatter when he deep strikes, he has two AP2 weapons and if he has good fire support from his body guard he is nasty. But dont put all your points in a farsight blob that may not turn up until turn 4. I cant emphasise enough that play testing different list is the best way. Because what works for me, wont nessasserally work for you.

For the Greater Good

01-30-2014, 09:56 PM
Thanks for the help! I think I may end up going with an ethereal or commander and pulling the Aun'va. Pretty much everyone I've talked to sate about the same thing on him. I do like the Farsight idea, but I don't think I'll try for it in a 750 point list (maybe once I move up to a larger army).

Thanks for all the advice! Its really helping me learn the ropes.

01-31-2014, 06:34 AM
Just an idea for a 750 list, it has most things this list and is also a bit fun. Just remember each units speacial rules.

Cadre Fire blade (60)
Etheral (50)

3 Stealth suits
shas'vre with fusion blaster and two marker drones (129)

6 Fire Warriors (54)
6 Fire Warriors (54)
10 Kroot Carnivore (60)

Fast Attack
Pathfinder Team (55)
Pathfinder Team (55)
Piranha with fusion blaster (50)

Heavy Support
Sky Ray Missile Defence Sheet (115)
1 Broadside Suit (65)

747 in total

For The Greater Good

02-04-2014, 09:13 AM
I like this second list considerably better. I would elect to drop the lone Broadside and replace it with a second Pirahna. I would recommend putting a Seeker Missile on one of the Piranhas and then add either sniper rounds or a pair of Kroot Hounds to the Kroot unit with your remaining points. I believe that would put you spot on at 750. I think you will learn with this list that you may have more marker lights than you need. If the opponent drops that Sky Ray on turn 1 or 2, you may have a lot of wasted marker lights! Maybe drop one Pathfinder Squad for another Fire Warrior Squad.

Cadre Fire blade (60)
Etheral (50)

3 Stealth suits
shas'vre with fusion blaster and two marker drones (129)

6 Fire Warriors (54)
6 Fire Warriors (54)
10 Kroot Carnivore w/ 2 Hounds (70)

Fast Attack
Pathfinder Team (55)
Pathfinder Team (55)
2 Piranha Squadron with fusion blasters, seeker missile (108)

Heavy Support
Sky Ray (115)

Dave Mcturk
02-04-2014, 10:51 AM
at 750pts most ppl have the same problem... but T3 troops on foot are just cannon fodder even with a 4+ armour save... i play v tau... and they are the first thing i would fry !