View Full Version : White Dwarf - Now with free rules

01-29-2014, 10:53 AM
Just got my copy of White dwarf and seen the new Dwarf Hero - Belegar Ironhammer has his rule set printed in White Dwarf :)

I'm not going to lie I was really worried the new weekly Magazine would be lacking but its surprisingly good

Mr Mystery
01-29-2014, 10:58 AM
Can you give us a review of the stuff?

01-29-2014, 11:07 AM
Literally only got in 20 minutes ago, but..

32 Pages long

9 pages dedicated to the new dwarf models, Hammers/Longbeards, Dragon Slayer and Belegar Ironhammer

A write up covering the New Nids that is surprisingly insightful

A Painting guide

Design notes for the Dwarfs

And Hobby Bunker on the last page with a converted Ork Wagon and Some more Nids

It defiantly feels like a white dwarf magazine, Maybe not Worth £2.30 I paid but better vaule then the Old version for sure

01-29-2014, 11:13 AM
Belegar Ironhammer is a bit of a Beast in Combat, Very High weapon skill, Stubborn, Can double his attacks for one turn, ASF +1 to wound with a 4+ ward, and immune to KB/HKB

01-29-2014, 12:09 PM
Ironhammer sounds sweet. I am just worried that the White Dwarf will be even more of a joke from GW.

John Paul Weir
01-29-2014, 12:50 PM
Sounds like I'll be buying a copy this weekend.

01-29-2014, 05:27 PM
Is there any mention of whether these rules are exclusive to WD, or just a reprint of what is in the army book? And how did you get your copy so early?

01-29-2014, 05:30 PM
Ironhammer sounds sweet. I am just worried that the White Dwarf will be even more of a joke from GW.

As in the White Dwarf character? Or the magazine?

If the latter, what about it was a joke, exactly? It was a lengthy product advertisement, with a few hobby sections, battles, and Black Library pieces. Were they laughing about that? Are you implying there was a pun intended?

Besides, jokes are good things. :)

That said, the (old) "new" format was certainly better than before, but it still took a lot of flipping through ads and catalog pages to get to the good stuff.

If the new one actually has rules prints, and potentially supplements or dataslate equivalents, I'd say it's a step up. Every week, no less? Yes please.

Then the people interested in immersing themselves into the fluff, hobby, and collecting side will probably enjoy Visions.

01-29-2014, 07:22 PM
Did the magazine give any release schedule of the dwarfs?
Also, how much is the White Dwarf? Since im in Canada, the message was the weekly is a pot of paint ($5) and im sure visions is going to be roughly 15...... id be paying 35 dollars a month for advertising and the hope of some new rules?
I really hope Visions will have redirection back to the tournament scene. Including non-embarassing battle reports (lizardmen vs. TK, the DE one was god awful); get rid of miniature hall of fame (twice a year fine, monthly is just handjobbing it) and armies on display (these pics can easily be shown on the website and not waste pages).

01-30-2014, 03:40 AM
Did the magazine give any release schedule of the dwarfs?
Also, how much is the White Dwarf? Since im in Canada, the message was the weekly is a pot of paint ($5) and im sure visions is going to be roughly 15...... id be paying 35 dollars a month for advertising and the hope of some new rules?
I really hope Visions will have redirection back to the tournament scene. Including non-embarassing battle reports (lizardmen vs. TK, the DE one was god awful); get rid of miniature hall of fame (twice a year fine, monthly is just handjobbing it) and armies on display (these pics can easily be shown on the website and not waste pages).

There are no subscriptions to WD Weekly, so you can pick and choose which editions you buy.

Visions is a high quality printed publication full of pictures, in a new a5 size format. It's focussed on hobby and artwork, so it's likely to have little to do with the 'tournament scene' other than perhaps images of armies for events, and their hobby backstory. It will certainly include AoP:

It’s an eye-popping hobby extravaganza packed from cover to cover with pictures of beautifully painted miniatures including everything from Golden Demon and Armies on Parade to Kit Bash, Blanchitsu and so much more.

01-30-2014, 05:21 AM
Is there any mention of whether these rules are exclusive to WD, or just a reprint of what is in the army book? And how did you get your copy so early?

It does not say if they are exclusive or not, Just a Page Titled "THE RULES"

Here is the Stat line for those interested:

M3 WS8 BS4 S4 T5 W3 I4 A4 LD10

White Dwarf is almost always delivered a week early where I live so i'm expecting the new format to be similar.

There is also 1 article by Jervis Johnson about a mini game to decide who goes first.....While I agree going first can be a huge advantage the "Scout Game" he suggests just sounds wrong to me, But Ill let the internet decide that once everyone reads the article.

01-30-2014, 11:58 AM
The Jervis game is the one he was running a demo if at games day. Actually a pretty neat, quick way to fill a lunchtime or break with your models.


Asymmetrical Xeno
01-30-2014, 02:22 PM
on Visions, someone has done a video review of it :


It is litterally just a magazine of nothing but photos of miniatures with a few paragraphs or sentences here and there (in 3 different languages).

Personally, I think I'll pass on both.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
01-30-2014, 04:13 PM
I'm iffy on it too...

01-30-2014, 06:41 PM
on Visions, someone has done a video review of it.
It is litterally just a magazine of nothing but photos of miniatures with a few paragraphs or sentences here and there (in 3 different languages).
Personally, I think I'll pass on both.

I thought the Visions was supposed to be similar to the old Chapter approved. With some tactica from Blacklibrary perhaps (the digital only documents). Experimental rules, Datasheets, Unit and Charakter focus/background, cool battlefield shots (returning to some very nice terrain tables with close up shots, maybe with some NEW BACKGROUND from a codex/armybook battle). More focus on the artists and their works, projects and own visions(!?)...

This just shows close ups on the same models that have been in the latest army releases (AND THEIR CRAPPY SECOND HAND PAINTJOBS COMPARED TO THE OLD ONES)... Nothing new other than the angles on some models, if even that?!

GW - How about showing us a real VISION here... Maybe something that's actually something a gamer/customer WANTS to buy?

And three languages!? NO WAY, think again! I know printing and the cost for multiple languages is a small sum compared to the ammount of White Dwarfs you ship!

01-30-2014, 09:39 PM
@Rajden: I'm not sure why you would think a book called "visions" which has been described as eye candy would include tactica, rules or datasheets. All items that they sell in PDF and eBook formats separately.

@Asymmetrical Xeno: Thanks for posting the video. It was very very helpful. I actually had some hopes for the visions book, given the size and cost, but the repetitive nature of the photos combined with a weird layout isn't drawing me in.

01-31-2014, 07:39 AM
I got my copy of visions too, Thing that annoys me about it is all the pictures seem to been taken with different cameras and I don't know if its because its not A5 size but everything looks fuzzy to me.

If they are going to produce "Eye Candy" I would expect high quality photos of these well painted miniatures, currently this is not the case!

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-31-2014, 09:45 AM
@Rajden: I'm not sure why you would think a book called "visions" which has been described as eye candy would include tactica, rules or datasheets. All items that they sell in PDF and eBook formats separately.

@Asymmetrical Xeno: Thanks for posting the video. It was very very helpful. I actually had some hopes for the visions book, given the size and cost, but the repetitive nature of the photos combined with a weird layout isn't drawing me in.

yeah, I was hoping for more too but that video put me right off. I'm not sure what they are thinking really. I dont really like to bash peoples work, but it seems very lazy to me.

01-31-2014, 11:05 AM
yeah, I was hoping for more too but that video put me right off. I'm not sure what they are thinking really. I dont really like to bash peoples work, but it seems very lazy to me.

I have to agree with you on that, I was expecting something fresh and new. A departure from the old WD which many called a sales catalogue and not much else. To be honest I didn't have a problem with the monthly WD and I hope the weekly editions are an improvement on that because Visions just isn't. If I had just taken a subscription out with WD and found out I was getting this Visions instead I would be asking for my money back. I'm not sure what GW are doing at the moment but I had hoped they would be listening to the fan base a bit more and this was the reason for this new direction. Visions just looks like a way of selling photos of their models and that's just not cool. To be fair I haven't got a copy so it could be better than what were seeing in this review but I shall wait to see what some of BoLsters who will get it have to say.
With it's multi language format too, it just has the feel of a lazy publication.

01-31-2014, 12:36 PM
The thing that got me excited in the White Dwarf was the little mini spoiler in the design notes that says Hammerers have 2 A each, about time. Really looking forward the Dwarf book or it being announced, maybe in the next mini Dwarf issue.

01-31-2014, 07:18 PM
Belegar Ironhammer is a bit of a Beast in Combat, Very High weapon skill, Stubborn, Can double his attacks for one turn, ASF +1 to wound with a 4+ ward, and immune to KB/HKB

Must be that horrible looking thing that he is wearing on his head.

Really do not like it.

02-01-2014, 04:00 AM
Must be that horrible looking thing that he is wearing on his head.

Really do not like it.

He is wearing a back banner (like space marines), if you look at 360* view you see its easy to remove.