View Full Version : WW1 Inspired Imperial Guard project.

01-27-2014, 04:14 AM
I recently began working on an idea I've had for a while now, a WW1 era British Army themed Imperial Guard army. Not the most original idea I know but still, I really like the look of the historical uniforms. I picked up a Cadian Battleforce as well as some extra bits from Kromlech, West Wind Productions and Pig Iron Productions and got to work. Here is the WIP stuff first:


This is one half of an Infantry Squad. The squad features heads from West Wind Productions and backpacks from Kromlech. As well as the extra bits I also added GS shin wraps and shaved the forward sights off the lasgun. The sergeant makes use of one of the Pig Iron Kolony Command Head, I thought the cap would help him to stand out from the rest of the squad. I also made a slight conversion to the Vox Caster, I thought that the vox pack looked a little too techy for the look I was going for. Instead I clipped a couple of aerials from the vox pack and glued them to a Kromlech backpack.


For the heavy weapons team I have used the Auto-cannon team but decided against mounting it onto a tripod. Instead I have created a gun carriage from a 1/72 scale German Wagon. I have drawn inspiration from the WW1 field guns such as the 13 pounder.

01-27-2014, 07:52 AM
Nice project so far. :)

Darren Richardson
01-27-2014, 09:12 AM
I like the idea, I look forward to seeing how you handle the treads...

01-29-2014, 09:03 AM
After completing the assembly of my infantry squad I thought I would have a go at something a little different so I decided to build my sentinel. I went for the Armageddon style enclosed cab (protection from gas attacks) and made a couple of small additions. I wanted the sentinel to feel as though it is un-perfected technology, so I added a few extra pipes and tanks. I also added a couple of armor plates to the upper sections of the legs as well as a storage compartment behind the cab.


Finally I have the completed half of my infantry squad. When painting them I tried to be as historically accurate as was possible. I made use of pictures of the British uniforms and equipment to try and match the colours.


01-29-2014, 09:27 AM
Here is the start of my Grenadiers (stormtroopers/veterens). I wanted them to stand out from the rank file whilst steel feeling like the rest of the army. This meant that the current Stormtrooper miniatures wouldn't do. Instead I went for the maxmini greatcoat legs, I felt like this would add that air of elite to the standard Cadian kit. I also felt that the west wind production heads were a little bland for my needs, therefore I went for the Maxmini Neobrit Trencher heads. They still had the tommy helmet and gas mask but looked a little more 'techy'. To represent the Hot shot lasgun I added a pipe from the lasgun magazine to backpack. To finish off, I added some GS cuffs and an extra shoulder plate.


For the sergeant I used the bionic arm from the command squad sprue, mainly because I really like the sabre and I think some bronze bionic gizmos will give it that industrial era look.

Let me know what you think.

Lord Ezekial
01-29-2014, 10:55 AM
I love the theme! The heads with the gas masks look great and really give off the WWI vibe. Great work!

01-29-2014, 01:06 PM
The infantry really pull it together.

Great theme!

Please keep this one going.

Darren Richardson
01-30-2014, 03:20 AM
your IG Tommies are looking great, I really like your paintwork on them, and the senty gives off a great Steampunk vibe with the extra conversions, I really can't wait to see some tanks now...