View Full Version : Pre-Battle Twilight Zonesque Fluff.

01-24-2014, 11:27 PM
Major Vinsay Delbine leaned over the holo-map. He pointed at a small city near a transway and river system. He looked at his platoon commanders and spoke: “This is a strategic point. Mizeconwellway. The enemy will want this position so we will have to fight the Tyranids tomorrow.”
“What kind of forces can we expect?” 1st Platoon’s Captain Biggus Deebag asked.
“I told you. Tyranids.”
“Yes Sir, but how many?”
The Major knitted his brows. “A big pile of them probably”
The Captain cleared his throat. “Well, um, how many are we bringing?”
“Everything we got. All three Vendettas, all our tanks, why?”
“Well, I guess what I mean is, what is the ratio of them to us?”
Major Delbine scowled. “What the…? Do I look like an intel officer? How the hell would I know?
“Excuse me, Sir” Delbine’s next words were a loud whisper: “How many points will the battle be?
“Points?!? What the frack are points?!? What are you talking about???”
“Didn’t you work out how many points this battle will be with the enemy commander?
The Major looked at the other platoon commanders. “Does anyone know what the hell he’s talking about?”
The other junior officers shook their heads negatively.
“Excuse me.” Said a cold voice in the rear. Commissar Frignet Halpon stepped from the shadows. “The Captain seems to be implying that we should be negotaiting with the enemy.” The Commissar quickly drew his pistol and shot Biggus Deebag.
“Now” said the Major “tomorrow we will fight the Nids with all the models we have and they will presumably fight us with all the models they have.”
Commisar Halpon raised one eyebrow: “Models...?”

01-25-2014, 01:57 AM
All three Vendettas! Major Vinsay Delbine is one of 'those guys' is he? When are his space wolf allies turning up? ;)