View Full Version : WIP WoC Nurgle Warriors

01-24-2014, 11:07 PM

Here is a WIP of Nurgle marked warriors for my WoC list. I have been running a 40 man block of Nurgle marauders with GW and a level 2 sorcerer, but I have decided to switch the marauders for warriors with great weapons. Plus it gives me a chance to use the plastic lord as the unit champion since it is a stellar model.

I decided to go for a more putrid white skin tone rather than the normal greenish tones. It started as a base of Bugman's glow. Washed with Arthonian Camoshade. Drybrushed with the old Rotting Flesh, then a final drybrush of Ceremite White. The armor is based with Leadbelcher, washed with Arthonian Camoshade. Then patched on of the new Typhus Corrosion, which I really like, mostly aiming for the armor joints and corroded pits. Then targeted drybrush of the new Ryza Rust on the the Typhus, heavier in the areas where the pits are, especially where the there are holes in the blade. Finally a light drybrush of Necron Compound on the armor edges and blade edges where the armor movements would prevent too much corrosion. The guts are painted with a base of Bugman's Glow, washed Druchii Violet, then Nuln Oil. At the time of the picture I had not the applied the Nurgle's Rot glaze. On the skin I applied bruising effects with patches of Druchii Violet, focused on the poxes. Then in the center of the bruises I painted a little of the old red wash in the centers, and on the poxes themselves. Finally on the poxes I dabbed Nurgle's Rot to give the poxes an oozing effect.

For the rank and file I built them as the basic warriors, with the Chaos Halberds bitz as great weapons so they rank up better, plus they look better than the great weapon bitz. The weapons have not arrived. Instead of the heads from the warriors set, I used a lot of left over Forsaken heads that I had from my unit of Khorne Forsaken. Pictures will come soon of the warriors.

01-25-2014, 09:11 AM
The Lord/Champion looks cool, but the rest look like Space Marines to me!

I think Great Weapons are a waste on Warriors, given they lose their high initiative. Ok perhaps if you're up against Elves, but then you rarely need the S6 anyway.

01-25-2014, 03:42 PM
I usually play against ogres. One guy runs a gutstar with 2 rare stone horns and a hunter riding a stone horn. My blender unit of khorne warriors had trouble dealing with the stone horns.

Those marines are the palentine blades for my emperor's children army that I use as chosen.

01-27-2014, 08:58 AM
I usually play against ogres. One guy runs a gutstar with 2 rare stone horns and a hunter riding a stone horn. My blender unit of khorne warriors had trouble dealing with the stone horns.

Those marines are the palentine blades for my emperor's children army that I use as chosen.

I know how it feels to want to tailor to play against the guys you play most often but often that proves to be a bad idea if you plan to play tournies and stuff.

The plague guy looks nice, looking forward to seeing more

01-27-2014, 10:27 PM
I am currently working on the command group while I wait for the bitz to arrive. A few touch ups on the armor plates then I am ready to tackle the cloaks. Although I have yet to decide the color for the cloaks. I was thinking a white cloak with a camoshade wash, but I worry that may blend in too much with the skin.


Here is my unit of Khorne warriors that I have finished a while ago. They have black cloaks, but the black maybe too dark for the unit. Any thoughts?

01-28-2014, 04:10 PM

Here are the command group. I have finished the armor except for some detail work. I just base coated the skin. In the third I decided to go with white cloaks.

01-29-2014, 12:17 PM
Cloaks look OK from that image, but honestly it's hard to tell as I get the feeling the colours/focus from the camera are skewing my judgement.

01-29-2014, 09:45 PM
The cloaks are just basecoated in the pics. I have washed them, and drybrushed them already so they are much different. Also I am for the most part done with the heads minus details.

Today I got the weapons bitz so they were glued to the RnF. Pics to come soon.

02-05-2014, 11:30 PM

Here is an update. The rank and file have been built and primed. The first pic is just a basecoat for the armor and weapons, while the second is the nearly complete armor. All that the pic was missing is the drybrush of Necron Compound and other details for the armor.