View Full Version : Deflectorshieldgenerator timing

Nefarius Drapesh
01-24-2014, 05:42 PM
Sorry, if this already has been discussed. Search function didn't show me anything at least.

When does the deflector shield projected by a deflector shield generator collapse?
German version of stronghold assault reads after a deflector shield collapsed "weitere Treffer" (meaning "further hits") are hitting the units beyond. "weitere Treffer" thus would imply hits from further units or hits from further models of the same unit as long as this unit has the splitfire USR.
Would the German version read "verbleibende Treffer" (= "remaining hits") it would be clear, that all and any other shots, hit the units under the deflector shield.

First question: Is it "further hits" in the original english version or "remaining hits" or anything else?

So let's say a devastator unit with 4 lascannons shoots at a unit under the deflector shield:

Do all 4 shots hit the shield simultanously? As shooting from one unit is resolved simultanously.
Having a very good chance of literally vaporizing the shield but no chance at all to harm anything beyond the shield.

Or, assuming the first lascannon shot caused a glancing or penetrating hit, do the remaining 3 lascannon shots already hit the unit beyond?

(i hope i explained the problem acceptable, while discussing all the theory with a friend about shooting a deflector shield and stuff some shots really went up my head... ó,Ò )

Thx in advance for any help.

01-24-2014, 05:58 PM
English would likely take priority, since that's what the rules were originally written in, though for simplicity's sake it might be easiest to avoid jumping between languages and stick to the wording that your gaming group will use.

Nefarius Drapesh
01-24-2014, 09:17 PM
But how does the deflector shield generator work now?
What happens when a devastator squad with 4 lascannons shoots a unit within the deflector shield zone?
Do you roll for every lascannon seperately, as soon as the shield collapses the other lascannon shots hit the unit.
Or do all 4 lascannons hit the shield?
And some reference pages would be really helpfull...

Nefarius Drapesh
01-27-2014, 11:08 AM
...could still need some help... ;)

01-27-2014, 12:31 PM
The way I understand it is you roll on the void shield until it is down then the remaining hits go to the unit that was shot at.

01-27-2014, 01:58 PM
I am of the understanding that since all hits resolve from a unit at the same time, no matter what happens to the void shield, Unit X shots all resolve against the shield. if unit Y then shoots, any shots that hit resolve against the unit.


Unit A fires 10 bolter shots and 2 melta guns shots at Unit C. unit C is protected by a VSG. 8 bolter shots hit, as well as 1 melta gun shot. Regardless of whether you roll the melta hits or the bolter hits first, EVERY shot unit A fired hits the shield (because they hit at the same time).

Unit B is now free to fire at Unit C with no shield present (provided the shield was blown up by Unit As shooting)

This is how I have seen it described on several different rules questions threads and makes the most sense to me.

01-28-2014, 08:59 PM
is the shield an actual target or is it a protective feature that the covered unit can make use of?

a titan has the same kind of shields but if a unit shoots at it then do you roll to penetrate the shields first and once they are gone roll against the titans AV with shots from the same unit?

dont have the books at hand right now, but those would be the questions to ask i assume.

01-29-2014, 01:06 AM
You are never actually targeting the shield itself you are targeting the unit/building, so you as the attacker resolve the attacks that hit in the order of your choosing, so if the first Lascannon in the 4 lascannon example was sufficient to drop the shield its effects no longer protect the unit, you then continue to resolve remaining hits, and as the void shield is no longer present they are applied to the targeted without the need to deal with any shielding.

01-29-2014, 10:08 AM
So by that logic, If I hit a vehicle with 3 glances from gauss weapons, and a str 8 lance hit, if I resolve the gauss hits first, I don't even see if the str 8 hit pens? That makes no sense to me. We will agree to disagree :)

01-29-2014, 05:04 PM
Page 15 of the BRB "Mixed Wounds"

A void shield has an Armour Value of 12. A glancing or penetrating hit (or any hit from a Destroyer weapon) scored against a void shield causes it to collapse. After this, further hits strike the original target instead.

Also like to point out when firing on a vehicle from the same unit but differing AV front and side vantage points the attacks are resolved seperately as well.

The reference pages in the back of the basic rulebook indicates this is terms of order things are determined as well, in that first you determine the order you wish to resolve mixed wounds then roll for the Wound table for non-vehicles or AP for vehicles

Though I would have to amend my earlier belief that lascannon shots would bring down the shield then be applied to the unit, since technically all the units hits have gone to the shield at AV12 and then are being rolled to Wound via AP for the shield, if the wording said further wounds strike the original target there might be an argument for it but it says hits which by that point have all been applied to the shield, and now you are rolling to wound, and in the case of the lascannons they all share the same Wound Pool, unless some were precision shots.