View Full Version : Vector Strike vs. Interceptor

01-24-2014, 05:05 PM
Which happens first?:

Vector Strike (happens after the movement phase)
Interceptor fire (happens after the movement phase)

It came up in my last game - Does the Heldrake's Vector Strike occur before it is shot down by a Lasconnon with Interceptor?

My Master of the Forge manning the Aegis Defense line Lascannon hit the Heldrake, it missed its Invulnerable save, I rolled a 6 on the Pen chart - Poof!

We played it off as "yes", the Vector strike occurred. A very fun game against a great opponent.

Thanks for your input.

01-24-2014, 05:10 PM
They both occur at the end of the movement phase, correct? That would make them simultaneous, which I believe means that the Heldrake's player would get to pick the order to resolve them in. So, effectively, Vector Strike would go first. That's just off the top of my head, though.

01-24-2014, 05:36 PM
I believe so:

A small discussion (5 minute break while my opponent looked up the rule book to find out if I was cheating) occurred when he tried to claim that after I Vector Striked with my Helldrake over his Quad cannon - destroying it, he could also fire it using the intercept rule as the shooting was simultaneous with my vector strike as they both occurred at the end of my movement phase.

I brought to his attention the paragraph on page 9 of the BRB under The Turn - Exceptions - where it says that if 2 actions occur simultaneous, the player whose turn it is determines which order the actions occur. ...

01-24-2014, 06:20 PM
Wolfshades quote does kinda leave me wondering how the hell that turkey even got far enough to Vector Strike a Quad Gun - or rather why it would be placed so far forward as to allow that...

01-24-2014, 07:20 PM
According to the rules the player whose turn it is chooses the order... but I think that's a stupid rule and would just do them both at the same time. The thing was shot at by the gun as it came diving at it, was wrecked by the gun but slashed through it before smashing into the ground. Makes sense to me, that's how I would play it.

You would have to be pretty short-sighted to put an Aegis Line gun in a position that it could be Vector Struck from the table edge though.

01-24-2014, 09:32 PM
In my example/game he hit one of my Land Speeders with a Vector Strike - I was running a pair of them up one the side of the table to get around his terrain cover saves - My Aegis line with the Lascannon was wa-ay back in my deployment zone.

01-25-2014, 04:21 PM
They both occur at the end of the movement phase, correct? That would make them simultaneous, which I believe means that the Heldrake's player would get to pick the order to resolve them in. So, effectively, Vector Strike would go first. That's just off the top of my head, though.

This is correct. Acting player gets to choose order of simultaneous actions, and since it's the Heldrake's turn, his player gets to choose (and would choose the Vector Strike, of course).

01-27-2014, 02:05 PM
According to the rules the player whose turn it is chooses the order... but I think that's a stupid rule and would just do them both at the same time. The thing was shot at by the gun as it came diving at it, was wrecked by the gun but slashed through it before smashing into the ground. Makes sense to me, that's how I would play it.

You would have to be pretty short-sighted to put an Aegis Line gun in a position that it could be Vector Struck from the table edge though.

Unless the Hell Drake got Outflank from a special character, then it could roll in from the side