View Full Version : Toll the Great Bell Once; Adetpus Mechanicus (40k/INQ28)

01-24-2014, 08:11 AM
Ok so i haven't settled on a thread title since it isn't ideal... on we go.


This project has been on and off for something like 18 months now. Ive been collecting parts here and there, as well as making little forays into the world of the mechanicum as allies and small warbands. Now i've committed to the full scale Ad-Mec project for the first 1500pts. As it stands i need to make;

- Magos Necron lord (this is one i've got some seriously slick plans for)
- 2-3 Dreadtides (dreadknight based riptide models)
- 26 infantry (5 skitarii, 15 thrall, 6 servitor)
- 3 wraiths (thrallax)
- 3 spiders (castallex)
- 10 scarabs (servo-skull swarm)
I'll also need to make some extra peices and models, but this is the plan on the broadstroke. It's down to one model is started in june and finished painting this week;


I've ordered close to £200's worth of models, and depending on sales of other stuff, perhaps another £111 from forge world. The shopping list is extensive, but damn this project is finally, after 18 months, firing every neuron and circuit i'm operating on.

First up on the WIP's are;

Skitarii Grade 1;

01-24-2014, 08:14 AM
Bases for the next two Dreadtides;

Magos count as 'staff of light necron lord';


INQ28 Artscale Iron Hand WIP;

I'm really happy with the magos, though the iron hand has some serious potential for uniqueness.

Keep your unaguemented flesh eyes, visors, bionics, scanning arrays or various mechanical enviromental notification systems open/ready for the updates... I've got such a nerd-on for this project.


01-25-2014, 05:32 AM
Got shared on the facebook page yesterday. That was neat. Thanks BoLS!

Well, this morning was made from pleasant. At 9am two parcels arrived containing all of this;


Two hours later, things were shaping up;


I don't think there will be an update before tomorrow evening now. I've got seriously large volumes of work to be getting on with, and this project's going to be something awesome... i hope.


01-26-2014, 11:02 AM
So it's the second day since the big delivery, and i've had a bit more time to work on this. I've been able construct the 3rd Dreadtide, based on a maniple rob theme, with a slightly more predatorial stance. I'm glad each riptide is different from each other, but still carries all the same hallmark symbols and qualities. I hope with some more work to refine it further. Here's where i stand today however;



01-26-2014, 07:51 PM
Simply amazing work! It's impressive how you managed to make the 3 large mechs so diffrent yet keep a unified aesthetic between them all.

You might get more big kits to play with if the rumours of a new Imperial knight model in March turn out to be true, I hope it is because I want to see you mix in that kit as well!

Keep up the good work, and I wait with baited breath to see where this project ends up.

01-27-2014, 10:38 PM
Looking fantastic man! I am looking forward to seeing progress!

02-01-2014, 03:51 AM
Simply amazing work! It's impressive how you managed to make the 3 large mechs so diffrent yet keep a unified aesthetic between them all.

You might get more big kits to play with if the rumours of a new Imperial knight model in March turn out to be true, I hope it is because I want to see you mix in that kit as well!

Keep up the good work, and I wait with baited breath to see where this project ends up.

Oh i can't wait to get my hands on some house knights if it's true. that'd just be tippity top.

Looking fantastic man! I am looking forward to seeing progress!

as you wish...

Update time, it's been a while since i've updated this so here's where the dreadside Mk2 sits;

and i've put together a base for a flyer, though it still needs some more work to make it look a bit less plain.


The base has some smashed stonework on it, some badly worn statues which are all broken. Basic stuff like that,
