View Full Version : Popular 40k Approved Forgeworld Units?

01-24-2014, 06:34 AM
Since I'll be going to Throne Of Skulls with my Guard army in March, I've been looking at how the new Warrior's code has effected the tournament setting.
As it turns out Escalation hasn't had as much impact on the January tournament but that may change in March, however there was a lot of reports of Forgeworld units being used especially from Orks (mostly Mek Dreads?).

So I'm curious to know what Forgeworld units I'm likely to come across at Throne Of Skulls and would appreciate any info on their capabilities?

01-24-2014, 06:37 AM
Not sure this will help, but each Month FW publish their best selling kits for that month so that might give you an indication of what you might face.


01-24-2014, 06:59 AM
It's not on the Dec. top 10, but I'd expect to see this (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Space_Marines/Space-Marine-Tanks/LEGION_SICARAN_BATTLE_TANK.html) beast fairly regularly with Space Marines- that gun on top is a 6-shot autocannon with rending and it denies jink saves, it's just about tailor-made to cut down Eldar.

01-24-2014, 07:20 AM
It's not on the Dec. top 10, but I'd expect to see this (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Space_Marines/Space-Marine-Tanks/LEGION_SICARAN_BATTLE_TANK.html) beast fairly regularly with Space Marines- that gun on top is a 6-shot autocannon with rending and it denies jink saves, it's just about tailor-made to cut down Eldar.

one might even give it the Legacy of Glory (Battle of Sarosh was it?) that allows it to have Skyfire, Interceptor, Tank Hunter and Night Vision on one of its guns for a turn - that Accelerator Cannon stands decent odds of killing even a Heldrake when it comes in, let alone any other flier that might try to annoy you...

01-24-2014, 07:53 AM
So how does one go about taking a forge world unit anyway, is there any restrictions or do you just field the listed unit in you army's force organisation slot?

01-24-2014, 07:59 AM
So how does one go about taking a forge world unit anyway, is there any restrictions or do you just field the listed unit in you army's force organisation slot?

ask your TO basically...

01-24-2014, 12:01 PM
Yes you just use the FW unit in the force org its book states. As to 'no problems' with SH at the Jan ToS, I take it therefore an Ork player conceding in turn 2 after only 9 minutes of game, isn't problematic?

01-25-2014, 08:20 AM
Yes you just use the FW unit in the force org its book states. As to 'no problems' with SH at the Jan ToS, I take it therefore an Ork player conceding in turn 2 after only 9 minutes of game, isn't problematic?

Make sure you have the relevant rulebook that contains the unit's rules as well.

01-25-2014, 08:39 AM
I would like to say, for an Ork, a Big Squiggoth would be popular, they certainly were before the recent rules set. However the Meka Dreads are neat, and the Mekaboy Junka's with Shokk Attack Gunz can be fun to play with. If someone is using a Lifta-Wagon, make sure they're using the recent FW Apoc rules, because under the IA:8's rules that thing is Over-Powered with 6th ed's Hull Points system. "customized" (scratch-built) Grot Tanks, and the Grot Mega Tank, are always popular and a way to get lots of Grotzooka's in a list (str 6 Blast Templates). If Super Heavies are allowed you might see a Kill Bursta tank with a D weapon or a Belly Gun, which has a 3d6 radius for the blast.

01-25-2014, 10:17 AM
Wo9nder if anyone is thinking to taking a plague tower and a full Nurgle CSM/DC allies list?

01-30-2014, 05:03 AM
Just read the article: Common Forgeworld units and how to defeat them! (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2014/01/40k-common-forge-world-units-and-how-to.html)

So being a guard player I'm curious are the Vulture and Thudd Guns really that good? How many points are they and where can I find their rules?

01-30-2014, 10:51 AM
Vulture is that good. TWL Punisher cannons on a bird that has strafing run hurts a lot of stuff.

My Nightwings blow them up first :)

01-30-2014, 11:02 AM
My Nightwings blow them up first :)

Just curious, Defenestratus.. Which Eldar forgeworld units have you used and which did you think were worth a purchase?

01-30-2014, 12:44 PM
Just curious, Defenestratus.. Which Eldar forgeworld units have you used and which did you think were worth a purchase?

I've got all of them except the Wasp and the hornet. Neither of the models really do it for me even though both look like great units.

The best Eldar forgeworld unit is the phantom. Duh.

As for "normal" games of 40k, the Nightwing has been, bar-none the best unit. I would have said the Warp hunter prior to the new Apoc rulebook nerf.

If you're running an iyanden list (as i have started recently) then a Wraithseer is a nice fluffy addition, plus with his D-cannon (don't believe anyone that tells you that its a wraithcannon) and his base S10 with spear is pretty boss. Furthermore, he has an inv save, 4 wounds and he can buff fellow Wraith constructs which is pretty boss. He can also spirit mark a unit. I run him behind a unit of AxeBlades casting FNP on them as they march towards their doom :P

Oh and the Phoenix bomber - is sick. The Nightstrike missiles can just lay ruin to horde armies. I've voluntarily boycotted from use because I feel that its just to good.

01-30-2014, 01:05 PM
Thanks! I have a wraithseer and unit of shadow spectres that I picked up late last year but haven't had a chance to assemble them yet.

Gonna have to give the night wings a look. Been hunting for something a little different to make my army stand out.

01-30-2014, 01:10 PM
Thanks! I have a wraithseer and unit of shadow spectres that I picked up late last year but haven't had a chance to assemble them yet.

Gonna have to give the night wings a look. Been hunting for something a little different to make my army stand out.

Nightwings are great because you really don't care about whether you go first or second if your opponent has a flyer of their own. They're incredibly resilient.

01-30-2014, 01:28 PM
Since I'll be going to Throne Of Skulls with my Guard army in March, I've been looking at how the new Warrior's code has effected the tournament setting.
As it turns out Escalation hasn't had as much impact on the January tournament but that may change in March, however there was a lot of reports of Forgeworld units being used especially from Orks (mostly Mek Dreads?).

So I'm curious to know what Forgeworld units I'm likely to come across at Throne Of Skulls and would appreciate any info on their capabilities?

I'm a good sport. You are likely to see Sabres.

01-31-2014, 10:24 AM
I looked up the rules for some of the guard units I'm interested in with a copy of the Imperial Armour Apocalypse 2 book, however they're clearly outdated as the units have no hull points. Where can I find the rules that are up to date & 40k approved?

01-31-2014, 10:36 AM
Check the downloads page on the forge world site. They have started updating things but some of your stuff might not be there...

01-31-2014, 11:18 AM
Nightwings are great because you really don't care about whether you go first or second if your opponent has a flyer of their own. They're incredibly resilient.

Unless they've got a Hydra :p

Just read the article: Common Forgeworld units and how to defeat them! (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2014/01/40k-common-forge-world-units-and-how-to.html)

So being a guard player I'm curious are the Vulture and Thudd Guns really that good? How many points are they and where can I find their rules?
Vultures are very good, though not quite as ridiculous as they've been made out to be. Likewise Thudd guns are good, but again aren't quite as good as they're made out to be, to get the most out of them requires not only multiple supporting HQ's including a Divination allied psyker, but a lot of really annoying fiddlyness in using the blast templates.

02-01-2014, 02:11 AM
I looked up the rules for some of the guard units I'm interested in with a copy of the Imperial Armour Apocalypse 2 book, however they're clearly outdated as the units have no hull points. Where can I find the rules that are up to date & 40k approved?

Try the Imperial Armour Apocalypse Book that came out last summer.
That has pretty much every land model in the range updated for 6th Edition.

If you check on the Forge World Website they have sample pages, one of which is very helpfully the List of Contents page.

Hope that helps you out.

02-01-2014, 09:06 AM
I was thinking of investing in some Sabre platforms for my GK who could do with some Lascannons for all the flyers, LOW and heavy tanks that are popular in this edition, found some rules online but I'm confused by two forgeworld downloads I've just viewed...
Imperial Guard Rules Update (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/i/Impgupdate.pdf)
Vehcile Hull Pts & Rules Update (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/v/vehicle6thupdates.pdf)

Sabre turrets are mentioned as having AA fire and interceptor but in the 2nd pdf Download where they are updated to follow rules for (immobile) artillery units they're listed without 'skyfire' or 'interceptor' and instead have the 'Scout' special rule?

02-01-2014, 10:26 AM
I personally own and like to take an artillery unit of heavy quad launchers (old thudd guns). They're ridiculously good at killing infantry and can even do a good job of taking out vehicles with low side armor (they are Heavy 4, Barrage weapons).

02-01-2014, 10:29 AM
I was thinking of investing in some Sabre platforms for my GK who could do with some Lascannons for all the flyers, LOW and heavy tanks that are popular in this edition, found some rules online but I'm confused by two forgeworld downloads I've just viewed...
Imperial Guard Rules Update (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/i/Impgupdate.pdf)
Vehcile Hull Pts & Rules Update (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/v/vehicle6thupdates.pdf)

Sabre turrets are mentioned as having AA fire and interceptor but in the 2nd pdf Download where they are updated to follow rules for (immobile) artillery units they're listed without 'skyfire' or 'interceptor' and instead have the 'Scout' special rule?

I use the rules as stated in the newest "Imperial Armor: Imperial Guard Volume 1 - Second Edition." The special rules for Sabre Weapons Batteries are: Immobile, Scout, Skyfire, Interceptor, and Defence Searchlight. They are also designated as artillery, not a vehicle.