View Full Version : My First Tournament. Help Needed.

01-23-2014, 05:03 AM
Hello there

I am playing my first every 40k tournament in March and was wondering if some veterens could look over my lists to see its weaknesses. I have play tested the list 5 times and won four and lost one. I have never played Orks, IG, Nids, Dark Eldar, or Deamons. So i could have some massive holes in my list. Please be honest guys it will be greatly recived.

Dark Strider........................................... .................................................. ...................(100)
Cadre Fire Blade............................................. .................................................. ...........(60)

Riptide (Ion Accelerator, twin linked fusion Blaster, Early Warning Over Ride, Stimulant injector) .............(225)
Riptide (Ion Accelerator, twin linked Smart Missle System, Early Warning Over Ride, Stimulant injector)....(225)
XV8 Battle Suit (plasma rifle, Fusion Blaster, 2 Gun Drones)........................................... (76)

12 Fire Warriors.......................................... .................................................. ............(108)
10 Fire Warriors.......................................... .................................................. ............(90)
10 Fire Warriors.......................................... .................................................. ............(90)
10 Fire Warriors with DevilFish (Smart missile System, Decoy launchers)........................(183)

Fast Attack
8 Pathfinders (EMP Grenades, Pulse Accelerator Drone)............................................ ......(119)
8 Pathfinders (EMP Grenades, Pulse Accelerator Drone)............................................ ......(119)
Piranha Skimmer (Fusion Blaster, Decoy Launcher)......................................... ................(53)

Heavy Support
Hammerhead (Smart Missile System, Submuntion, Sensor Spines, Black Sun Filter).........(136)
HammerHead (Smart Missile System, Submuntion, Sensor Spines, Longstirke).................(180)

Aegis Defence Line (Icarus Lasscannon)....................................... .................................(85)

Thanks Guys

01-23-2014, 06:28 AM
It seems like a pretty solid list, although I would have given the Riptides the ability to use Skyfire and not stimulant injectors. They're already tough as it is. Putting the Cadre Fireblade and Dark Strider in the same 12-tau unit will be a huge boost.

01-23-2014, 06:45 AM
Looks pretty good, I think it would be good to drop the EMP Grenades and max out the Pathfinder squads. You want them Markerlighting, not running at vehicles. Giving the Fusion Blaster Riptide a Velocity Tracker instead of Stimm Injector would give you some more AA to add to the Icarus as you don't have any Broadsides. Not 100% on the Pulse Accelerator Drones either, like I say you want to be Markerlighting all the time.

01-23-2014, 09:19 AM
Thanks guys, skyfire is in and EMPs and stim injectors are out. Never thought of putting darkstrider with the 12 fire warriors. Thanks again to both of you.

01-23-2014, 03:12 PM
Id maybe just suggest replacing the second hammerhead with a Skyray for anti air support, and maybe upping the size of your Crisis Team and adding some marker drones to it as a Deep strike threat for taking out Barrage Artillery in his backfield.

Seeker Missiles from the Vehciles/Skyray don't need Line of Sight if you tag something with a markerlight.

01-25-2014, 09:53 AM
Its no good 'Tauboss' your fish men will always be crushed before the might of my Land Raider rush! Mwah hahahaha!

01-31-2014, 08:50 AM
Its no good 'Tauboss' your fish men will always be crushed before the might of my Land Raider rush! Mwah hahahaha!

Bob821. Hmmm I bet that is your xbox live, and your email. Imaginative, just like the codex astartes. You Imperial fools will always be jealous.

until we get into hand to hand anyway.

ttfn bro

Dave Mcturk
02-01-2014, 01:58 PM
keep your boyz {fish ?} in the tin cans until you nd them... 30" range and st 5 is better as a 'threat' than as a T3 target ..