View Full Version : Is a "traitor" inquisitor with "traitor" guard and chaos allies to cheesey?

01-23-2014, 02:10 AM
Just wanted some feedback. I have a full renegade guardsmen army that is IDF heavy with three squads of mortars, full ordnance battery, MOO, and every traitor that can carry a grenade launcher with current allies of iron warriors from CSM. I feel the new inquisitor with servo skulls would really benefit my gun line but I don't wanna be "that guy". There are plenty of the books about traitor inquisitors and I was thinking of doing a heriticus one maune with a retinue of death cult ladies. Thoughts?

Mr Mystery
01-23-2014, 04:02 AM
Nope. Not in the least.

You may not be able to play it in any kind of official capacity, but the background is there, with rogue Inquisitors crossing the line into damnation on a shockingly regular basis.

Go for it dude!

01-23-2014, 04:06 AM
IG/Traitor Guard need all the help they can get sometimes. After facing a guy who came at me with Deathwing Termies allied with Grey Knight Termies, you can imagine that I'm inclined to take whatever advantage I can.

01-23-2014, 05:31 AM
I have a full renegade guardsmen army that is IDF heavy with three squads of mortars, full ordnance battery, MOO, and every traitor that can carry a grenade launcher with current allies of iron warriors from CSM. There are plenty of the books about traitor inquisitors and I was thinking of doing a heriticus one maune with a retinue of death cult ladies.
Yeah, nice, go for it...

I feel the new inquisitor with servo skulls would really benefit my gun line
Oh... "That" guy

01-23-2014, 07:15 AM

If Unaligned:

If Khorne:

If Tzeentch:

If Nurgle:

If Slaanesh:

Of course, if you're not motivated by fluff, and the only reason you're doing it is to benefit your army and make it better, well *sucks through teeth* that's kind of the dictionary definition of 'That Guy' behaviour.

01-23-2014, 07:21 AM
Yeah, fluffy as heck, even a renegade Inquisitor is still doing his best for the Imperium, who knows what his scheme is! Maybe by leading the traitor guard he's pulling them away from the really vital planets that they might otherwise hit!

01-23-2014, 09:28 AM
you could also look to Daemonhosts, they can get some nice stuff if you roll lucky on their chart, and it's fluffy. Even Eisenhorn has one.

01-23-2014, 11:37 AM
I'm suddenly taken with the idea of a full Daemonhost army now. Use the GK list, Coteaz to make Henchmen Troops, and away you go.

The conversions would be awesome fun to make. I could finally use those Mantic Ghouls for something...

01-23-2014, 01:34 PM
I'm purely going for fluff. I like winning as much as the next player but I want my armies to be legit. Since I have a heavy nurgle theam about the whole force maybe I won't do death cult but some converted crusaders and arco flang. As for competitive play that's not my thing.

01-23-2014, 02:41 PM
Then go, man, go! Go and create a something like Revivicator Radical Inquisitor to support your army! Even the name suggests that Zombie Cultists are appropriate!

Hmmm... You could do something like going all 'Resident Evil' themed, and have the Henchmen as the evolved G-Virus versions of zombies (Death Cultists for Lickers, Crusaders for Mr. X, etc...)

01-23-2014, 05:17 PM
I love it York. I'm really apprrciating the community support and feedback here. Nothing I lile more than modelong oppurtunities to make something unique.

Blood Shadow
01-24-2014, 04:29 AM
I'm completely cool with the fluff angle here, but one caveat is to make a winning fluff argument don't be taking loads of special equipment on your Inquisitor. Things like Rad grenades, Terminator armour, Psy-cannons etc...this could leave your opponent questioning your motives.

But taking a Deamon Weapon and other exotic stuff shouldn't be an issue...

I'd also not be proxying Coteaz or the throne of judgement, or taking Inq specific warlord traits, again this is just to make it clear it's for fluff reasons not to bend the rules for advantage.

DCA's deamonhosts etc are very compatible with Chaos, as are arco-flagellants (could proxy deamon beasties) but no Jokaeros or priests, Psykers are a grey area.

I'd not be taking any Inquisitorial upgrades for vehicles either such as Silver armour or Psy Bolts.

If the Inq is a psyker I'd also question the ability to allow him to cast blessings on CSM codex units....some players may be OK with this, but I've no idea what it'd do to the games balance.

01-24-2014, 04:46 AM
I appreciate what you are saying blood. I'm picturing a standard inquisitor some glyph (servo) skulls. Maybe a deamon weapon and some power armor. I don't think ill take him as a psyker or any psyker like companions; however I do have an old chaos dwarf I was going to use as a jakero and paint his armor with some iron warrior suggestions. Why do you suggest against this?

01-24-2014, 05:08 AM
I think rad grenades on a nurgle themed force would work pretty well fluff-wise!