View Full Version : Death Guard, 30k Potl.

01-22-2014, 01:10 AM
So first time posting with bols. I'm thinking about building a 30k death guard army. I love the terminator models and want to stay with the death guard way of war. No vehicles slowly foot slogging towards the enemy. Looking to get this to 1850 points, then will bulk up after I build and paint to that level eventually adding Mortarion. This army will be built for fun, not super competitive play. I have lots of 40k armys for that. But since I haven't had a chance to play any 30k games im looking for feedback to see if this will even work. I will be playing against almost every codex as we have a good sized group of gamers with very diverse armys. So rough list:

Typhon 200
Preator. 177
Paragin blade, volkite charger, digital lasers, cataphractii
2 cataphractii terminator squads 5 man 502
Reaper autocannon, pair of lighting claws, volkite chargers x3,
Power fist x3, chainfist
2 Deathshroud squads 5 man. 470
x5 meltabombs
2 Grave warden squads, 5 man. 430
Heavy flamer, x1 chainfist

Total. 1,779

01-24-2014, 02:16 PM
So I take it no one here plays 30k?

Lord Ezekial
01-30-2014, 03:58 PM
Hey, I just started playing 30k as well! I also do death guard. If you have the new book (Massacre) that have a specific trait for the force (i forget what it is called) but it allows you to take veteran tactical squads and 3 heavy support squads as troop choices, that way you can get your grave wardens in as troop choices. Looking at your list I would say you are going to have difficulty getting across the field and anti tank weapons (minus your melta bombs). I too love a fluff army and it looks like you have what Calas would take into battle. May I recommend a Spartan Tank? You can deliver Calas and his buddies up close (and even Mortarian when you get a model), plus you get a quad lascannon which can be nasty. I like to take a couple of Contemptor dreadnoughts just so I have so mobile fire power as well. Hope this helps!

01-31-2014, 02:56 PM
Thanks for the feedback Ezekial. I really like the idea of a Spartan but I was worried if I just take one it will be taken off the table right away, even with how durable it is. So that being said I would probably need 2 of them. I looked at the new book and the specific trait it's called the reaping. It makes veteran tactical squads and heavy weapon squads non compulsory troops. So I don't know if that works on grave wardens. Plus I would still need 2 tactical squads to fill out my compulsory troops. I think I would pick up some Spartans over the contemtors, just due to the fact that I sort of have an obsession to terminator armour and land raiders. With my entire collection I have 12 land raiders all with forge world doors and over 120 terminators not counting my w.i.p. Death guard.

Lord Ezekial
02-02-2014, 03:57 PM
With all of those terminators it sounds like you have a first company for sure. I think the grave wardens are heavy support so if you use the reaping you should be able to take them as a troop choice (giving you more terminators in your army). I think some regular squads as marines should be good, especially with the fury of the legion rule that you can use to gain extra shooting. Or you can take the scout squads and have them sit on objectives to snipe as well .

As far as the spartans go, ( I have one) they really draw a lot of fire but for the most part can take it. Not to mention you can have 25 guys in there, so that is like 12 terminators. I think part of playing 30k is also enjoying the fluff of the army as well, so if you want all terminators with Typhus at the head, I say go for it, as he would be the one with all of the terminators and his speciality, the grave wardens.