View Full Version : CSM kits rumour - looking for corroboration.

Mr Mystery
01-21-2014, 03:57 PM

So I just read the following rumour on FB, but it doesn't cite a source.

Apparently, plastic Lord, plastic Havocs and plastic Chosen (power armour I assume) landing in February.

Anyone else heard this one, as it's new to me. However I would say it's completely out there, because as of 1st Feb, WD and releases both go weekly....allowing two weeks for Dwarf stuff, and one week for Hobbity goodness, we do indeed have a rogue week with nothing predicted. Three kits would fill that nicely.

01-21-2014, 04:24 PM
Hm. Can't see it - two of those things are covered by Dark Vengeance (yes, I know, I know). But who knows - a small splash to trial their distribution system might be a thing. Also might not.

Mr Mystery
01-21-2014, 04:27 PM
Dark Angels have kits in DV and regular...

I kind of want this to be true.

01-21-2014, 04:30 PM
No, that's totally true. My gut feeling has been wrong several times!

01-21-2014, 04:32 PM
Only heard it on natfka's blog, be a nice move forward if it's true.

01-21-2014, 04:33 PM
There were two separate mentions of it on Faeit, for what's that worth.

If games workshop are looking to release new models on a weekly schedule then it would make sense that eventually they would have to release chosen and havocs as there is no easy way to get them at the moment and what else would they make?

01-21-2014, 04:47 PM
should this rumor of "stand alone mini-waves" prove true, it would kinda raise my hope that there might be new eldar jetbikes and such coming on a similar basis...

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-21-2014, 05:09 PM
Yeah. It depends how it is done - they could just release 4 kits for one army, but 1 a week, or they could release all 4 in one week and have the other 3 weeks dedicated to other things like FW, BL ect - Or they could actually release a few a week for different armies which is what I am personally hoping for. Kinda curious to see how it will be done.

01-21-2014, 05:57 PM
I suspect we'll still see a bunch of kits released at codex time, but being able to fill the gaps in other lines (Eldar Aspects Warriors OMG PLEASE!) on "other" weeks makes good business sense.

Power Klawz
01-21-2014, 06:52 PM
I'm really hoping this rumor pans out. New chosen and havocs done to the standard of the recent SM tac squad release would really propel me forward in my CSM collection, especially if they can be kitbashed into standard CSM squads with some character. The old CSM plastics are really starting to show their age.

Then we can just move on to redoing obliterators, mutilators, chaos terminators and all the cult troops and everything will be hunky dory.

(oh and a new multipart plastic kit for the helbrute too.)

01-22-2014, 09:06 PM
Come on Greater Deamons! I've almost been tempted to bick up the FW Great Unclean one for some time, because the GW one is just, lets face it is embarrassing.

01-22-2014, 09:58 PM
In the last iteration of the rumour on Faeit 212, a guy which is supposed to be the source answered questions on the supplement/dataslate that is supposed to follow the release.

So when paying for VotLW unit could access to veteran skills for a per unit cost. I think he gave the example of fear being 5 or 10pts per unit and infiltration 20pts per unit.

Would be interesting, but still its only a rumor.

If true, it raises a lot of questions... Why paying for things that SM get free with chapter tactics for instance.

Power Klawz
01-22-2014, 10:46 PM
Come on Greater Deamons! I've almost been tempted to bick up the FW Great Unclean one for some time, because the GW one is just, lets face it is embarrassing.

I do remember some rumors kicking around about new greater daemons somewhere in the pipe, with options for named special characters in the boxes. I still think they'll materialize eventually, would have been nice with the recent daemon releases though.

01-22-2014, 10:51 PM
It was stickmonkey, complete with "finecast" additions for special characters

Mr Mystery
01-23-2014, 05:14 AM
It's still possible, though I'm struggling to think of any non-GD special characters for Daemons that are currently outstanding kitwise.

I mean, it's only an army I (ostensibly, helps to try finish assembling the models) play :p

Power Klawz
01-26-2014, 05:21 PM
I'm going to go ahead and assume that if the new "Long War" supplement thing is true you're going to hear an awful lot of moaning about it being an extra 50 bucks to fix a broken army.

Just thought I'd put that here for posterity.

John Bower
01-27-2014, 05:45 AM
I thought (well know) we already had a plastic Lord/Sorceror kit anyway. Why would you run a Lord in Power armour if you can run him in Termi armour? Apart from cost but still.

01-27-2014, 10:37 AM
I would run a Chaos Lord in power armour not TDA if...

I wanted him with a jump pack

I wanted him on a bike

I wanted him on a jugger

I wanted him on a palanquin

I was running him with 35 cultists and there was naff-all chance of the enemy getting a wound on him

I wanted to be able to sweeping advance... etc etc.