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View Full Version : Looking for a good Dull Cote spray

01-20-2014, 01:31 PM
Put the final touches on my 10-man death company, and went to seal the paint job with some dull cote matte finish (Testor's brand).
To my utter dismay, my minis are now excessively bright and shiny, instead of lusterless. This is no bueno :(

Any brand suggestions? I am really disappointed in the results I am getting from what is supposed to be a matte spray.

01-20-2014, 04:42 PM
Army Painter spray works well. Though, normally, I recall Testor's as also being pretty good.

01-20-2014, 04:48 PM
TBH try walmarts' generic brand, i've gotten better results than army painters spray.I know it sounds crazy, but test it on something first and you'll see

01-20-2014, 04:58 PM
I've used Krylon matte clear and have had excellent results.

Note: When spraying different brands of "Clear" over Testors "Clear" try a single test model and let it sit over night to check the results before spraying a large quantity of models! Odd things have been known to happen...

01-20-2014, 08:09 PM
Ive been using Testors Dull Cote for decades. Easily available from most hobby stores and Walmart. Just don't ovrrcote or model will take on a dusty look.

01-21-2014, 08:31 PM
@Ursa, yeah i have had that happen when it gets grainy texture. I too have been using Testor's since 1989, but just recently it seems ALL of their Dullcote cans are really just mislabeled Glossecote cans.
I will try the Krylon and Walmart special. Stupidly, I even tested on a diferent model just to make sure, and now a DnD mini I have painstakingly painted for my campaign is the fire-lizard guy that is COMPLETELY shiny.
Totally sucks.

Thanks for the advice folks!