View Full Version : Yo marine guys is this worth it??

01-20-2014, 08:10 AM
Just starting out in 40k and looking to get a good haul straight away and spotted this http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?sbk=1&nav=SEARCH&itemId=261378683797 and was wondering if its worth it

Its a lot of stuff and that case *drool*... So any advice what should I offer?

01-20-2014, 08:46 AM
Doesn't look too bad to me.
Perhaps consider how much it would all cost new, then way up the repairs/and repaint that would be required.
Quick back of the evelope calculation I am not convinced that it is 5000pts+, though i suppose it does depend what wargear it has.

Perhaps the other cosnideration is, having read the codex, does this collection enable you to play the type of army you wish?

If so, and you can affford it, why not. Certainly I like the case :)

Arkhan Land
01-20-2014, 11:24 AM
If you have the patience wait and do everything you want on natural auction on ebay, this seems like a good deal but if you dig harder you will do better I garuntee you, I probably spent around the same price last year for a similar take except minus a dread or two and plus 3 landraiders (all oop ones) and also complete company set of rhinos/razors 3 vindis, 3 predators, two whirlys, 3 Speeders, a full bike squad and two attack bikes and then an almost completely weaponless job metal T-hawk. This lot would be a significant amount of less work than I probably had to put in (stripped all of that, had to redo tanks suffering from "Put together by a 9 year old with marine epoxy" syndrome). A few months ago I picked up an Amry and a Figure case for the cost of a figure case new off craigslist/trading post specifically because he said he didnt want to have to ship it when he was selling his Fists on Ebay.

My recommendations is to pickup the Infantry in 30-50 dude lots for 50-60USD/30-40GBP +SH work them into the configurations you want then go for tanks at around 5-20USD/7-15GPB +SH on natural auctions and for the same price you could do buy precisley what you wanted, not mention having the extra money headroom for purchases you make at a Buy It Now price for the real specific things you want. Also make sure you grab two decent Bits lots so you can have felxibility and repairability

I guess in summary I think it would be cheaper to get them in seperately

Sorry I'm gonna use dollars for a sec:
my guess on a chapter would be $180 spent on infantry through lots, 10 tanks at 15 a piece is $150, 3 raiders for $100, Fast attack $100 split between bikes and speeders to get two good squadrons of each, $80 on two flyers, $90 bucks for dreads, then you have $200 left over for cases, bits, and specifics, and a codex.
Same cost as what you're buying but you get a complete chapter yr gonna have to do paints anyways cause half this jerks stuff aint painted.

HOWEVER... it will take much much much longer and sometimes youll have to buy two tanks to make one whole one

and you probably wont get as cool of a case : /

01-20-2014, 11:44 AM
Job lots and army lots are almost always the cheapest way to go per point. You pay more if you get them in squads and such.
HOWEVER, you have to ask yourself, how much are you going to pay on units that you aren't really going to field because they're behind 2-3 better units in the same slot that you will have available.
In general, I would suggest looking at an army that's 200-300 pounds and has only what you want, then fill it up with smaller lots. The other option would be to buy the whole thing (and this is a good deal but not a great deal) and re-sell the units that you're not interested in.

01-20-2014, 11:14 PM
You really want to price it out and also point cost of the troops listed.

Plus will you have to repaint them which from the look of them you will have to.

01-21-2014, 07:07 AM
Thanks guys,
I think mite offer about 300-350 and see what happens you never know :)

01-21-2014, 07:48 AM
Some good advice in this thread. I recently posted a blog entry comparing the pros and cons of buying figures new vs buying used. You can view it here (http://52weeksof40k.blogspot.com/2014/01/acquiring-models-for-second-army.html) or on the blog tab above.

One major thing to consider is how old those Marines are. If they're not from the new kit you likely won't have any Grav guns and will have to acquire those separately.