View Full Version : Possible Chimera options in new kit

12-17-2009, 12:48 AM
This is entirely a supposition of mine from looking around the Forge World site a moment ago. I seem to recall they used to have a single heavy bolter turret for the Chimera and I know they had an autocannon turret for the Chimera. Neither of those turrets are available on the site at the moment. If memory serves, shortly before some kits have been made available in plastic, they have been allowed to sell out and no longer be available on Forge World's site. We may be looking at several turret options included in the Chimera kit. What may debunk this idea is that the Heavy Flamer turret is still available and I do not recall an autocannon option in the Guard Codex. It could be that the Heavy Flamer turret has not sold out yet, though. Has anyone heard anything to the effect of Chimera turrets being discontinued from Forge World?

Also, if they do follow suit then any Guard players interested in basic Forge World Medusas might need to start thinking about ordering them soon. It looks like IG Wave 2 is on the way in just a couple of short months.

Happy Holidays, everyone.

12-17-2009, 01:24 PM
Forgeworld still has those turrets up for sale. The heavy flamer, and heavy bolter are at the bottom of the imperial guard tanks catagory. The Autocannon turret is about halfway down the same page.

12-17-2009, 11:36 PM
I totally missed the AC turret since it is in the middle of the Russ turrets. I saw the Heavy Flamer and TL Heavy Bolter but I thought there used to be a single Heavy Bolter on there, too. Drat. I was hoping the turrets beginning to thin out would indicate what might be winging our way in a couple of months. Thanks for catching the AC turret. I do wonder why it was moved up with the Russ turrets and not with the other two Chimera turrets.

02-06-2010, 01:36 PM
The Chimera kit is now not available from the online store anymore. I just got another one from my local GW since I do own a couple of forgeworld turrets and I am afraid that those won't fit on the new kit if they redo the turret mount.

02-09-2010, 09:32 PM
The old turrets will not fit on the new chims.

02-09-2010, 10:51 PM
The old turrets will not fit on the new chims.

Yeah they are like the Leman Russ turret...

but I see 2 Heavy Flamers & 2 Heavy Bolters, one each for the hull & the other...unknown....

so I think you can have them on the turret now....

So... no more FW needed.

02-10-2010, 04:07 PM
I run all my Chimeras as Multi-laser / HF anyways, it is really effective and they are free options.

02-11-2010, 06:35 PM
I like some variety in my Chimeras and the autocannon and heavy bolter turret options are cool. I have always wanted to convert a Chimerax and maybe a Chimeradon. The Chimerax with quad autocannons looks like a senior officers ride to me. But yeah, the standard multi-laser is a good choice. The turret heavy bolter is pretty much the same, lose one strength gain two points AP. Three shots at 36" range either way. A friend recently tried a heavy flamer turret and hull Chimera in a game here and was not impressed with it. He had to get too close to the enemy for his taste but any enemy troops in range got lit up quite nicely. It also did not attract much attention until it got close in.

02-13-2010, 06:03 PM
I did convert my turrets to autocannons hoping we'd see the option the new IG codex as it was in the IA books, but when it didn't materialise, I just say they're heavy bolters.



02-13-2010, 08:25 PM
Wow that is a awesome Chimera.

Great job.

& yeah the Autocannon would of been great.

& btw I was thinking why is the salamander not a option in the Codex?