View Full Version : Disgruntled Imperial Guard Player (and minor musings)

01-18-2014, 08:09 AM
Why is it that mahreen get the first data sheet that follows the nid codex, It should have been a Tyranid sheet or Eldar or IG. Tyranid Vet should have been done with the mahreen codex.

But at least one can hope that GW will release something nice for nid players for a change, some time soon with luck.

I guess I am getting frustrated knowing that IG will be updated this edition (and probably soon) and wanting to know whether or not the ideas for my army will work out. I am thinking of buying some Salamanders (the IG vehicle), but don't see the point with a codex expected to drop some time fairly soon (probably sooner that it will take for me to put together and paint the Salamanders), and add to that wanting to know if the Malcador has been rolled in (one can hope, nothing said can change that).

And now I think I am going to have to tidy up because I want to paint something up... so much for a chilled weekend.

Mr Mystery
01-18-2014, 08:15 AM
There seems little point in producing a data sheet that might soon be rendered obsolete by a new codex.

01-18-2014, 08:37 AM
Or they could use it to test the veteran rules, to test a Catachan supplement, they could have even used it to show case some Eldar v Nids as in the fluff... but nooo, it was another mahreen supplement.

The boys in blue are getting tiresome.

Anyway, we know they have Genestealer cult rules from a campaign GW held last year, they would have been the ideal first data sheet or supplement.

01-18-2014, 08:43 AM
The boys in blue are getting tiresome.

As a fellow Guardsman, all I can say is "suck it up". I mean, we're getting a new codex in less than two months (maybe 3 if they decide to be shifty about it) and they are likely going to be giving me back my baret-wearing stormtroopers/veterans. I'm happy as a clam to wait and see.

Also, since this game has always had a foundation of being about the "boys in blue," I imagine that you're going to be tired for a long, long time to come.

Mr Mystery
01-18-2014, 08:53 AM
Or they could use it to test the veteran rules, to test a Catachan supplement, they could have even used it to show case some Eldar v Nids as in the fluff... but nooo, it was another mahreen supplement.

The boys in blue are getting tiresome.

Anyway, we know they have Genestealer cult rules from a campaign GW held last year, they would have been the ideal first data sheet or supplement.

Why test the rules on the general public?

Majority of feedback is as follows.

Scissors overpowered, Rock fine. Sincerely, Paper.

01-18-2014, 09:41 AM
Why is it that mahreen get the first data sheet that follows the nid codex, It should have been a Tyranid sheet or Eldar or IG. Tyranid Vet should have been done with the mahreen codex.

According to my WD, Tyranids are also getting a dataslate ("Tyranid Vanguard"). Problem solved?

Scissors overpowered, Rock fine. Sincerely, Paper.


01-18-2014, 10:09 AM
According to my WD, Tyranids are also getting a dataslate ("Tyranid Vanguard"). Problem solved?

This is from Eddie:

The Tyrannic War Veterans might have their work cut out for them next week though, as book one in a brand new Tyrannid Dataslate trilogy is released. The first instalment, Vanguard, deals with the insidious first wave of Tyranid attackers. It contains new background, missions and five new Tyranid formations to use in your games. You can pre-order a copy now, ready to download a week today.
There is gonna be three nid dataslates ;)

01-18-2014, 10:12 AM
As a fellow Guardsman, all I can say is "suck it up". I mean, we're getting a new codex in less than two months (maybe 3 if they decide to be shifty about it) and they are likely going to be giving me back my baret-wearing stormtroopers/veterans. I'm happy as a clam to wait and see.

Sure, and the boy in blue recently had a codex come out with lots of supplements.

Also, since this game has always had a foundation of being about the "boys in blue," I imagine that you're going to be tired for a long, long time to come.

But never in quite as bad taste the rather mundane Tyranid codex, where is the data slate for Papa Smurf killing Avatar of Khaine or Iron Warrior Tyranid puppets?

Veteran Sergeant
01-18-2014, 02:31 PM
Anyway, we know they have Genestealer cult rules from a campaign GW held last year, they would have been the ideal first data sheet or supplement.
Nope. You're not thinking with your business cap on, lol.

Tyranids players have a new book and new models to buy. They aren't going to have money left over for a new supplement.

If Genestealer Cult rules do end up coming, they'll be a supplement down the line for when Tyranid players have some money again.

01-18-2014, 05:40 PM
Nope. You're not thinking with your business cap on, lol.

Tyranids players have a new book and new models to buy. They aren't going to have money left over for a new supplement.

If Genestealer Cult rules do end up coming, they'll be a supplement down the line for when Tyranid players have some money again.

Tyranid rules have a weapon that only effects jungles, Catachan would spin far more money than mahreens, far more cinematic and a reason to play some Stan Ridgway (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFYxCIr-Byo).

Anyway, moving on...

01-18-2014, 06:24 PM
As a fellow Guardsman, all I can say is "suck it up".
For this is the essence of the Guard.

01-18-2014, 06:29 PM
guard will get their fair share of pastic crack with the new codex when it is released. and you do realize that it is the boyz in blue the allow for everyone else to get their shiny kits right? Marine sales as a whole are what allows for the development of other kits and for continued development of 40k. So i say yes please marines marines marines and please buy their data slates. if marine sales do well that will allow for the development of guard, eldar, andv tau ect.

01-19-2014, 01:45 AM
Also the Ultramarine Tyranid War Vets already had models made, and were missing rules since their 4th edition codex. There was no reason not to make rules for models that already exist, that had rules in the past but have been left out for years. In addition the TWV in terms of lore represent events in the story line that was just important as the 13th Black Crusade or the Third War for Armageddon.

01-19-2014, 05:01 AM
Also the Ultramarine Tyranid War Vets already had models made, and were missing rules since their 4th edition codex. There was no reason not to make rules for models that already exist, that had rules in the past but have been left out for years. In addition the TWV in terms of lore represent events in the story line that was just important as the 13th Black Crusade or the Third War for Armageddon.

Then where is my Black Stone Fortress and Gothic Sector Imperial Navy data slate.

I am not saying that this data slate should not have been released, I am saying that it should have been put on ice till after the first Nid supplement or at the same time. More anything that is not mahreen based would have been nice, or toss a bone to the Chaos variety and get a move on with the Legion supplements.

01-19-2014, 06:09 AM
Because Battlefleet Gothic isn't a currently-supported game...?

01-19-2014, 06:20 AM
Because Battlefleet Gothic isn't a currently-supported game...?

It is part of 40K and a Black Stone Fortress would make a great addition to either an Imperial or Chaos army :p The problem is getting the 28mm scale model to your gaming club :D

01-19-2014, 09:09 AM
Nope. You're not thinking with your business cap on, lol.

Tyranids players have a new book and new models to buy. They aren't going to have money left over for a new supplement.

If Genestealer Cult rules do end up coming, they'll be a supplement down the line for when Tyranid players have some money again.

Hmmm... agree, and disagree.

Given that a Genestealer Cult supplement would probably look at allowing a Tyranid player to use Imperial Guard units, or vice versa, I would think the best time to release would be AFTER the IG codex was out. Tempt a Tyranid player towards IG purchases, tempt an IG player to buy Tyranids - both without having to provide much in the way of new model ranges, and to launch with new "tested" 6th edition rules available for both parts of the new supplements army.

And this probably would not best be done too far after the release of both codex' when potential buyers may be focussing on new bright and shiney's and have money they are deciding what to spend it on.

That all said, I really hope if it did happen there would be no return of any coven limousines. Work nicely in the fluff as the way to get round cities, but look silly in confrontation with any tank on a cratered and fortified battlefield of the 41st millennium.

01-19-2014, 09:59 AM
I love Tyranids, they're my main army. Tyrannic War Veterans are a big part of the Tyranid fluff. They're the closest thing the Imperium has to a good shot at the hive fleets, they're really important in that regard and are much more notable and relevant to the Tyranid release than anything else they could have released. The battle for Macragge is without a doubt the most well-known battle against the Tyranids, if there's one thing the Ultramarines should be remembered for it's that.

Nick Carnell
01-19-2014, 10:05 AM
As a fellow Guardsman, all I can say is "suck it up". I mean, we're getting a new codex in less than two months (maybe 3 if they decide to be shifty about it) and they are likely going to be giving me back my baret-wearing stormtroopers/veterans. I'm happy as a clam to wait and see.

Also, since this game has always had a foundation of being about the "boys in blue," I imagine that you're going to be tired for a long, long time to come.

Can I ask where the info comes from about the new IG codex coming out within the next few months, is that definitely on or just rumour.

01-19-2014, 07:02 PM
You lost me when you said something about "imperial guard" and "complaining about a codex". The guard codex has been good to great for two editions. You should expect to met with the same derision as when myself or other wolf players complain that we don't have a flier.

Veteran Sergeant
01-19-2014, 10:22 PM
That all said, I really hope if it did happen there would be no return of any coven limousines. Work nicely in the fluff as the way to get round cities, but look silly in confrontation with any tank on a cratered and fortified battlefield of the 41st millennium.
2nd Edition Tyranids Codex had a Genestealer Cult army list in it. Limos were gone by then. Don't think there's much worry of them making a comeback at this point.

01-19-2014, 10:45 PM
Can I ask where the info comes from about the new IG codex coming out within the next few months, is that definitely on or just rumour.

They have had several newsflashes here and on Faeit212 about the release dates. IG is coming out in March (they are marching in you could say) and then Orks will be out in May most likely.

01-19-2014, 11:01 PM
I am thinking of buying some Salamanders (the IG vehicle), but don't see the point with a codex expected to drop some time fairly soon

wanting to know if the Malcador has been rolled in

Quite frankly, the best thing for you to do is to keep your wallet closed until the new Codex arrives.

By not buying, you keep GW hungry for revenue until they do the right thing and release the new IG Codex.

01-19-2014, 11:13 PM
Seriously? Why in such a hurry? The IG codex is still very good.

I don't get the complaining.

01-20-2014, 03:40 AM
I would much rather they wait on supplemental material until after they get a 6th ed codex. No point in putting out rules that will need to be updated in a few months.

I just hope they remember to make a few female guard models. The armies of the far future are supposed to be all inclusive.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-20-2014, 04:34 AM
Hmm. Dataslates can be very simple - the Stormtalon/raven one just dictates what models are used, and gives them extra rules. I feel like the 5th Edition Imperial Guard 'dex could be given Dataslates that would work just as well with the 6th Edition 'dex.

Something very simple, that won't be invalidated, like; "Armoured Fist Squadron: 1-3 Veteran Squads. Each unit must take a Chimera as a Dedicated Transport. The Veteran Squads benefit from Relentless during any Player Turn in which they disembark from a Chimera."

It would raise interest in the army, and wouldn't be invalidated when the new Codex is released.

01-22-2014, 12:08 PM
I just hope they remember to make a few female guard models. The armies of the far future are supposed to be all inclusive.

That really depends on the recruiting world, Vostroya only raises male regiments and who can say how many others do the same. It would be nice though I have to admit.

John Bower
01-22-2014, 01:21 PM
I would much rather they wait on supplemental material until after they get a 6th ed codex. No point in putting out rules that will need to be updated in a few months.

I just hope they remember to make a few female guard models. The armies of the far future are supposed to be all inclusive.

Ye gods no, have you seen GW female models? They still look like blokes. eww.

01-22-2014, 01:28 PM
John Bower have you seen the dark elder and dark elf witches now they are good female models, but wargamming does suffer big boobs small clothing on women models way too much.

John Bower
01-22-2014, 01:34 PM
John Bower have you seen the dark elder and dark elf witches now they are good female models, but wargamming does suffer big boobs small clothing on women models way too much.

Mate I've got DE, my entire DE army is female, but sorry the faces still are the same as are the arms, they just look like blokes with boobs. Really, it's only the torso that changes. Cost me a pretty penny to have 2 units of wyches and 1 of kabalites as well as 6 Reavers all female. On the upside got all my HQ's out of the same kits. Apart from Lelith, now she is the only really decent girl in 40k looks wise. Shame I can't say the same for her distinct lack of prowess on the battlefield. :(

01-22-2014, 02:18 PM
Mate I've got DE, my entire DE army is female, but sorry the faces still are the same as are the arms, they just look like blokes with boobs. Really, it's only the torso that changes. Cost me a pretty penny to have 2 units of wyches and 1 of kabalites as well as 6 Reavers all female. On the upside got all my HQ's out of the same kits. Apart from Lelith, now she is the only really decent girl in 40k looks wise. Shame I can't say the same for her distinct lack of prowess on the battlefield. :(

To be fair, you can't really tell if an Eldar is male or female from the face alone.

01-22-2014, 03:53 PM
Sure, and the boy in blue recently had a codex come out with lots of supplements.

Would it be in bad taste to mention that the actual boys in blue did not have supplement till now? The last two were boys in Yeller and One of the Boys in Black.

01-22-2014, 04:43 PM
That really depends on the recruiting world, Vostroya only raises male regiments and who can say how many others do the same. It would be nice though I have to admit.

No, there are female Vostroyans. Not a ton, but they are around. See Only War art, and the novel Commissar.

Veteran Sergeant
01-22-2014, 08:03 PM
I would much rather they wait on supplemental material until after they get a 6th ed codex. No point in putting out rules that will need to be updated in a few months.

I just hope they remember to make a few female guard models. The armies of the far future are supposed to be all inclusive.
The armies of today are typically all inclusive. It's just that women tend to be smaller and less physically capable so don't get put on frontline duty where they'd need to be able to carry heavy gear, weapons, and ammunition, or pick up and carry their wounded comrades.

Remember, not all of a force is infantry, even the Imperial Guard. They're still going to need some kind of rear echelon troops. We see them all the time in the fluff.

That said, I'd still think it was cool if they made some female troops on the sprues. The problem with it is that if they're going to be recognizable as female, they'll need unique parts, which limits customization. The biggest problem most converters run into with the current generation of [awful, chunky] IGuard plastics, is that even if you put a girl head on them, they're still built like linebackers, lol. And I'm not suggesting they need huge boobs or exagerrated hips/waistlines, I just mean being slightly smaller and less "man shaped" to where there's a difference other than just a ponytail.

Either way, it looks like Victoria Miniatures has some figures coming out that may blend fairly well unless the Cadians go through a massive overhaul.

01-22-2014, 10:21 PM
The armies of today are typically all inclusive. It's just that women tend to be smaller and less physically capable so don't get put on frontline duty where they'd need to be able to carry heavy gear, weapons, and ammunition, or pick up and carry their wounded comrades.
The can of worms has been opened, the derailment can begin.

01-23-2014, 02:39 AM
The armies of today are typically all inclusive. It's just that women tend to be smaller and less physically capable so don't get put on frontline duty where they'd need to be able to carry heavy gear, weapons, and ammunition, or pick up and carry their wounded comrades.

My impression is that many Western armies still don't allow women to be front-line infantry ... Can't be bothered going to wikipedia to do research.

It's beside the point, anyway. The Imperium does allow women to be front-line, and has (occasional) integrated Regiments.

01-23-2014, 04:37 AM
All you would really need is alternative heads. People barely look any different under all the gear and body armour anyway. I just assume any of my Eldar could be female but you wouldn't be able to tell under the full suit of armour. I find the massive boob sculpts on a couple of the Guardian bodies and the Howling Banshee bodies utterly ridiculous. Totally unnecessary. As for the female Harlequins, do their anti-gravity belts have matching bras? They're the size of their torso, it's ridiculous.

Guard would be fine with alternative heads. Well, except for Catachans... they would need to be different models entirely. :P

01-23-2014, 01:04 PM
2nd Edition Tyranids Codex had a Genestealer Cult army list in it. Limos were gone by then. Don't think there's much worry of them making a comeback at this point.

They were back in the 3rd ed Journal list.

01-24-2014, 09:00 AM
Re the female Guard, Victoria Miniatures has some in the pipeline, she say on her blog;

Hi, It is a great pleasure to show these first test sculpts. For a long time people have asked me to work on some modular female troops that are non-sexualised and can be mixed in with the existing male regiments. I am aiming to create women who look like practical combat troops that are dressed in the same uniforms as their male counterparts and are still recognizable as female on the tabletop. I don’t want to resort to barbie doll proportions, high heels, crop tops or any of the other cliches that are usually imposed on female soldier miniatures. I greatly welcome any feedback and comments during this developmental phase.
Many thanks, V


ChapterHouse also make some but they unimaginative in their design and poorly executed, absolute rubbish like nearly everything else they make.

Raging Heroes "The Toughest Girls of the Galaxy" range are going to be out this year. They are designed as units but do have RH's strippers with swords/guns aesthetic and are the polar opposite of what Victoria Miniatures are doing (incidentally the lead designer on TTGotG is also a woman), but that's the cool thing about third party suppliers. Small companies doing their own thing catering to different tastes.

Long may it remain this way.

01-24-2014, 10:06 AM
No, there are female Vostroyans. Not a ton, but they are around. See Only War art, and the novel Commissar.

Shouldn't half of Vostroya's troops be female, what with the whole Firstborn thing?

I suppose you could argue that many of the women are in non-combat/non-front-line roles, but that seems a bit of a dodge.

01-24-2014, 10:29 AM
Shouldn't half of Vostroya's troops be female, what with the whole Firstborn thing?

I suppose you could argue that many of the women are in non-combat/non-front-line roles, but that seems a bit of a dodge.

It's firstborn son not firstborn child. As to IG ladies looking a lot like the men I'd imagine the Imperium has acknowledged men and women have different needs when it comes to clothing and how clothes sit on them. You can't issue the same body armor to men as women and expect it to work.

01-24-2014, 10:50 AM
It's firstborn son not firstborn child. As to IG ladies looking a lot like the men I'd imagine the Imperium has acknowledged men and women have different needs when it comes to clothing and how clothes sit on them. You can't issue the same body armor to men as women and expect it to work.

All depends on the bulk of the armor. On the other hand, Flak armor is more or less equivalent to modern bullet proof vests (http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.1297864!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/vest25n-2-web.jpg).

01-24-2014, 03:07 PM
Wouldn't it be the best if they where to do plastic Vostroyans.

Easily the most flavoursome IG army GW have come up with, far better than the Catachans. Yeah, Predator was good but the world has moved on.

01-24-2014, 03:16 PM
All depends on the bulk of the armor. On the other hand, Flak armor is more or less equivalent to modern bullet proof vests (http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.1297864!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/vest25n-2-web.jpg).

It has more to do with how it's tailored.

This Dave
01-24-2014, 05:05 PM
Wouldn't it be the best if they where to do plastic Vostroyans.

Easily the most flavoursome IG army GW have come up with, far better than the Catachans. Yeah, Predator was good but the world has moved on.

Feh, I prefer the old Valhallans.

01-24-2014, 06:36 PM
Feh, I prefer the old Valhallans.

Yeah, but they just look like WWII soviet troops, the Vostroyans truly look like they are from the Grimdark.

Then again half my infantry do have these heads

So sort of meeting half way...

01-24-2014, 06:49 PM
Wouldn't it be the best if they where to do plastic Vostroyans.

Easily the most flavoursome IG army GW have come up with, far better than the Catachans. Yeah, Predator was good but the world has moved on.


Vostroyans failed to make a profit and tanked in sales. There is a reason why you never see it on the table top anymore except for a few die-hards that refuse to see them disappear.

01-24-2014, 07:05 PM
It has more to do with how it's tailored.

Tailored? This is the Imperium! You think you get your armour tailored? You'll wear the damned flak vest, point your lasgun where they tell you and keep firing until you're dead!

01-24-2014, 07:16 PM

Vostroyans failed to make a profit and tanked in sales. There is a reason why you never see it on the table top anymore except for a few die-hards that refuse to see them disappear.

Because they released them as ****ty one-piece metal models after the advent of multi part plastics.

01-24-2014, 08:15 PM
Because they released them as ****ty one-piece metal models after the advent of multi part plastics.

Sad excuse, imho.

01-24-2014, 09:19 PM
Three troop sculpts and missing important stuff like heavy flamers...

They are original and have that gothic Imperial feel in spades, they've a strong design and that's the difficult bit. They are just impractical in their present form. Aside from the cost making a full strength platoon with weapon options, it would take a lot of conversion work so that they didn't look like they where performing a musical number (that odd visual effect you get when a large number of a few different sculpts are grouped together), glueing together Cadians with all the right bits and maybe swapping out some heads is cheaper, easier and less likely to look weird when they are all together.

Maybe that's why they tanked?

01-25-2014, 10:06 AM
That is just the imperial guard way, no point complaining about the kit and it will just bring the Lash round.

01-25-2014, 10:21 AM
Wouldn't it be the best if they where to do plastic Vostroyans.

Easily the most flavoursome IG army GW have come up with, far better than the Catachans. Yeah, Platoon was good but the world has moved on.

Fixed that for ya ;)

And there's several Regiments I'd put up against the Vostroyans in terms of flavour, the Kanak Skull-Takers, the ones in the last edition of the BRB from the hiveworld (can't be bothered looking them up :o). Or Fin-Reht Highlanders would be my favourite.

01-25-2014, 11:48 AM
Infantry battles throughout history demonstrate what GW could do for both armies and battlefields. IMO, terrain effects are not really portrayed well in 40K, maybe because it's easier to get stuck in on a flat tabletop, and that seems to be what more people want out of 40K.

I am all for the IG Codex allowing for the widest possible variety and versatility in army builds, but I'd also like to see them given rules or somesuch that makes Infantry's unique abilities to use the terrain come into play.

Such as?
Jungle Fighting: These rules from the Catachan Codex made for some crazy battles, the non-Catachan player was fighitng the jungle, and boobytraps as much as he was the Catachan infantry. It really made the game one of both maneuver and firepower, I"d love to see those rules revived. I played Jungle rules with an Ork Hunter force way back when, very much fun!

Swamp: It was a WD article, but basically the better your foot troopers armor save, the more likely you were to get stuck, and "Amphibious" vehicles made for some interesting vehicle conversions and game play. Again, maneuver as well as firepower decided a lot of games.

Engineers/Pioneers: Allow for increased mobility, free obstacles, or free fortifications or better saves, and (unlike CityFight) demo charges you could place and explode. Could allow

Cav Scouts: Infiltrate, recon, hit'n'run attacks

For armor, the IG player could have the option of a lower armor save but increased movement or initiative, and cheaper per troop.

As for the minis, I agree that once you smack enough body armor on, females and males look very similar.