View Full Version : Please help me choose a chapter trait for my home-brew chapter.

Ian Mulcahy
01-17-2014, 10:17 PM
So I’m looking to get the opinions of some of you people out there on the Internets. Due to various reasons, I have a fairly large Space Marine army that I haven’t gotten to play with much. In fact, I haven’t played at all using the new codex—a problem I hope to remedy soon.

So now I need to pick a chapter trait. My chapter is a home brew, of course (can’t make it too easy, you know). The chapter’s name is the Storm Knights—an Imperial Fists successor chapter. They specialize in hard-hitting, fast aerial-based assaults—drop pod assaults, close in air support, Caestus assault rams-- that sort of thing. The name comes from the idea that they hit with the speed and fury of a thunderstorm, blasting their foes apart before charging in to finish them off. Their armor is a polished silver, with red, black and white acting as secondary colors. I also really liked the look of the Black Templars, so I’ve incorporated a lot of their icons and motifs. I’ve also used some from the Dark Angels—wings and swords really seemed to fit the idea of “death from above.”
Now here’s the issue—which chapter trait should I go with? I don’t want to cause confusion for my opponents, or be labelled “that guy” when I walk into a new gaming club. But I do want to pick a chapter trait that fits the feel I’m going for with my army. So here are the ones I’m considering:

• Black Templars: This would be my last choice, but my army has a lot of Templars models in it. The idea of a bunch of guys charging madly across the field isn’t quite what I’m going for. (Although it would be fun to discharge them from a stormraven) I think the bright silver color of my models should be enough to keep my opponent from thinking they were Templars, but if it was a matter of being accused of being a power-gaming weasel and not getting to play any games, I could make it work.

• Imperial Fists: I figure the focus on aerial assaults is just a specialization of the Fists doctrine. You can’t really go wrong with Bolter Drill—rerolling half the misses on the most common weapon in my army? Yes, thank you! I don’t think I'll be fielding many devastators (heavy slots being taken up by Stormravens, land raiders, or assault rams) though, so their second bonus is a bit wasted.

• Raven guard: While not the Storm Knights parent chapter, being able to scout my forces helps to represent their propensity for maneuver warfare (not sneakiness like the RG proper). And the bonus to the jump troops seems like it would be nice, and fits right in with my aerial theme. Gonna take me some time to learn to use the scout ability right, I have to admit.

TL/DR—Do you think most people would get bent/confused if I fielded a silver Templar-looking army, said it was an Imperial Fists Successor chapter, and then used Raven Guard chapter rules? Or should I stick to using them as Fists? And which do you think best suits the concept for the chapter?

01-17-2014, 10:51 PM
TL/DR—Do you think most people would get bent/confused if I fielded a silver Templar-looking army, said it was an Imperial Fists Successor chapter, and then used Raven Guard chapter rules?
No. I think most people would understand that, and there is only one thing to keep track of rules-wise - the fact that they have the Raven Guard chapter tactics.

Of the three you've picked, the Raven Guard seem like they're the most ... aerial. On the other hand, I think it's worth asking what types of squads you are going to make the most use of. With all those transports, it sounds like you won't have a lot of infantry that doesn't have a ride, if only because you'll be hard pressed for points. If you don't actually have a lot of jump infantry, then I think it makes the most sense to go with the Black Templars, actually. What you describe sounds like a list where the vehicles do most of the softening up shooting, and the passengers are there to wipe the enemy out - and Black Templars have the best chapter tactics for offensive punch in assault (+D3 to Sweeping Advances and better duelists). Bolter Drill isn't applicable to vehicles, after all.

01-17-2014, 11:18 PM
Like Nab said, just do what you want to do and make sure to keep track of the rules and everyone will be happy.

01-18-2014, 05:01 AM
I've done a similar kind of thing with the Brotherhood of Fire, my own homebrew. I started them over a decade and a half ago and have pretty much always said they were siege specialists, like their premogenitors, the Imperial Fists. However, when the new Chapter Tactics came out, everyone in my gaming group (and a few people on here!) urged me to used the Salamanders rules. Not exactly a massive leap of logic to understand why...

Fluffwise, I still consider them Imperial Fists successors, but having a Space Marine who looks like fire encapsulated in power armour walk up to you and more or less guarantee he'll toast you with his flamer is just too cool to pass up. No one has ever questioned it.

If I was changing my chapter tactic every other game, I think it would be more of an issue, or changing it to give me a better chance against a certain opponent and their army... Most people seem to be ok with you doing whatever you want, as long as you are consistent. In the previous version of the codex, I used a force that was part blood angels and part whitescars, but all painted the same, that was a little confusing for people but my regular opponents actually really liked it as it set up a very thematic force. Even so, I still said their fluff was Imperial Fist Successors.

In conclusion; pick what you think feels most right for your army, which can be a different thing for fluff and for rules, but always be consistent in which rules you use and clearly mark it on your army list. With the three you suggested, I'd probably use the Raven Guard; their ability to scout, without necessarily being assault oriented units, could allow you to close on the enemy quickly and present an overwhelming number of targets. Very much like a thunderstorm rolling in

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
01-18-2014, 05:44 AM
I made up my own my my Homebrew Chapter, makes it interesting.

Mine are as follows:

Sons of Proteus Chapter Tactics
These noble sons of Ferrus Manus follow many of their primogenitor Chapter's traits, and are known for their extensive bionics. What seperates them from their other Iron Hands brothers is their ability to forge new wargear by manipulating STCs, such as the Protean Assault Cannon; an Astartes-portable Assault Cannon, normally wielded by the Terminators and Dreadnoughts of the Chapter. With the ability to bring devastating weapons to the fore, this Space Marine Chapter fears no foe.

The Flesh is Weak
This Chapter follows the rules listed on page 78 of the Space Marine Codex

Fire Falls Upon You
Any unit in this detachment that has the option to take Heavy Weapons can add the following to their list of upgrades:
Protean Assault Cannon - 20 points

It has the following profile
Range: 24" Str 6 AP 4 Type Heavy 4, Rending

My opponents never usually mind playing against this in friendlies, but if they do I just use them as Iron Hands Chapter Tactics and Heavy Bolters, I love either. :D

However, my Fire Angels, who are about as Templaric as they come (they love the Black Templars!) are actually an Ultramarine successor, so I follow all the rules for them. (Forge World said so!)

But it's all about what you and your opponent decide is cool.

Remember, the Iron Knights are Templaric too, but they follow Imperial Fist traits. :D

01-18-2014, 06:40 AM
You should check the Chapter Tactics from the updated Badab War pdf from Forgeworld. The Raptors and Fire Hawks sound like your kind of crews, and I'm sure there are others that might peek your interest...and its free.

Ian Mulcahy
01-19-2014, 08:45 AM
Thanks for the advice. Sounds like whatever I pick shouldn't be a problem. Now to get some practical experience (get some games in) and make my final choice. Thanks guys!

01-19-2014, 12:07 PM
Unless you really want the Crusader Squads, the Champion, Helbrecht, or Grimaldus, Templar Tactics are rather pointless for a shooty force.

My own suggestion, unless you plan on allying in someone else, have your Primary be Fists and your Allied be Raven Guard. The Primary would be Battle Company. The Allied would be elements from your 10th and 8th Companies.

01-21-2014, 02:45 PM
i would suggest looking at the forgeworld ones as well but here is another idea some might call it cherry picking but oh well if you wanted you could mix chapter traits together if you take a look each chapter gets 2 predominant traits. so if you wanted to take bolter drill from the fists to represent their superior trainning then you could take something else from which ever trait you envision your warriors as having. my home brew took the fist bolter drill and mixed it in with the chardarons option to buy a close combat weapon. in 4th ed i had taken counter attack and the extra close combat weapon to represent my marines as being warriors equal in both bolt and blade. as long as your taking 2 traits and not clamping down and taking 3-4 i don't see much of an issue with it. so if you wanted them to reroll 1's and then have them take feel no pain from iron hands or perhaps takine the flamer or mastercrafted options from the salamanders i don't see any reason why you couldn't.

01-21-2014, 06:17 PM
You should check the Chapter Tactics from the updated Badab War pdf from Forgeworld. The Raptors and Fire Hawks sound like your kind of crews, and I'm sure there are others that might peek your interest...and its free.

I was just going to suggest these. I run Raptors, but Fire Hawks are my next favorite chapter.

Ian Mulcahy
01-21-2014, 08:19 PM
I was looking at the Raptors traits. That might be a good trait for my chapter- keeping the fist's skill with bolters and adding the maneuver aspect. The downside is that the bolters are changed to heavy when you use them as rending. Not sure my guys should be standing still instead of moving in. I also like the Star Phantoms- rerolling ones on deep striking units will help get some of my units in quicker. (Sadly not flyers, if I understand the rules right.) Gonna put together some lists and see what units show up most.