View Full Version : Thoughts on all the new mechanicum stuff as well as the teaser of additional units?

01-17-2014, 07:35 PM
looking at all of the unit forgeworld has already done as well as the teaser sculpts along with the units pictured on the winter catelogue. I find myself truly perplexed. I had originally wanted to wait until they actually gave them their own book or atleast an army list in one of the IA books. But so far that has not happened. So this brings me to my point have we reached the tipping point where fielding a mehanicum force is truly feasable? as of right now we have an HQ and 2 troops but knowing that there's alot more to come I keep thinking that tipping points is close but just hasn't been met just yet.

01-17-2014, 10:12 PM
I think they will add in a couple of units per HH book culminating with the "full" list in the Mars volume they have mentioned. I'm betting after book 3 there will be enough units to make a solid go of it.

01-18-2014, 06:46 AM
Well, there were those rumours floating around how Forgeworld were going to be doing Codex Books of their own. Perhaps a Mechanicum Codex is on the cards?? I suspect that if they did produce one, they wouldn't be able to print them fast enough!

01-18-2014, 11:15 AM
@red thats similar to the rumors i have read as well that's why i keep thinking it would be best to not jump into a mechanicum force just yet. i could see the possibility of picking up a squad of each unit. but until they flesh them out a 3 units does not make a codex. from the images between the different games days as well as their own winter calendar i would say there is a decent amount of chance that as they add more units the look of an actual army will be more and more likely. I think it would be okay to get a unit of battle robots as well as the thallax but woudn't go crazy as I'm hoping to see praetorians and skitari sooner rather then later.

01-26-2014, 12:49 AM
Hard to say on this, rumors about them doing this type of army having been going on how many years now?