View Full Version : The Hive Strengthens!

01-17-2014, 05:41 PM
Getting Larger...

HQ 150
150 Optimus Prime
—Prime, Toxin Sacs, Twin-Boneswords, Spinefists

60 Termagants
—15 Gaunts
72 Termagants
—15 Gaunts, 3 Devourers, 12 Spike Rifles (18" range)

45 Venomthrope

170 Exocrine

01-18-2014, 06:17 PM
I'm not liking that prime, he's expensive and will do very little for you.

The termagant unit seems interesting, i haven't tested out the spike rifle yet.

The venomthrope is really really nice you should probably join the prime to him. I play tested these dudes and found that shrouded bonus to be invaluable

No comment on the exocrine, don't own one.

Overall the list seems like it can work as long as you aren't fighting anything that's got strong melee.

01-31-2014, 05:36 PM
Well, the Prime will take care of almost anything strong in melee. Re-rolling to wound poison (in most cases), AP3, instant death on 6. Her firepower is a crap ton of shots at 12", good to match the fleshborers at 12".

The Spike Rifles and Devourers seem like a good combo due to 18" range.
Exocrine is simply for Str 7AP2 and Monsterous Creature goodness.

01-31-2014, 06:26 PM
Any opponent is going to take out that prime first, which shouldn't be too hard, at which point you have no synapse. I'd drop some of the gants for a unit of warriors, or trade the exocrine for a tyrant or unit of zoanthropes.

02-01-2014, 12:44 PM
Any opponent is going to take out that prime first, which shouldn't be too hard, at which point you have no synapse. I'd drop some of the gants for a unit of warriors, or trade the exocrine for a tyrant or unit of zoanthropes.

that's possible. at the same time, 500 points. I would totally believe you at 1000, for sure. But, at 500, there are lots of ways to hide the prime, not to mention, it gets a 2+ Look Out Sir.

02-02-2014, 05:50 AM
Split your 30 termies into 3 units, then they can grab objectives easier and your opponent needs to split fire.

Is that Prime really better than a Hive Tyrant? He is only 15 points cheaper. It might be better to drop the exocrine and take 3 bio ores and a zoanthrope, which is about the same cost. Exchanging one useful unit for 4 useful units is good, especially as you can run the biovores as individual units.

02-02-2014, 10:27 AM
I, honestly, really like your list. The HQ is hidden and has bodies to help it in assault, you have a big hitter, you have a screen, and you have better cover saves for everyone and a really big MC to hid it behind.

I wouldn't touch a thing!

Let us know how it plays out!