View Full Version : 1850 Nid list One

01-17-2014, 10:54 AM
1850 nids

HQ: 230 Winged Hive Tyrant: 2x Devourers
HQ: 195 Tervigon
Troops : 195 Tervigon,
Troops : 195 Tervigon,
Troops: 120 30x Termagaunts
Troops: 180 30x Toxin Termagaunts
Elites: 100 2x Zonathropes
Elites: 100 2x Zonathorpes
Elites: 165 3x Hive Guard
Heavy Support: 235 Trygon Prime
Heavy Support: 140 Mawlock

Well this is my first nid list after reading the book. I probably will be revamping several times. The difficulty I found making the list was fitting everything I want in it.

I will probably drop the Mawlock and winged tyrant.in their place I will add in the Swarmlord with hive guard

Another thought is to run 3 HQ tervigons and one tervigon as troop. Which frees up almost 400 points which can go towards heavy and elite. Which means I can have my 2 M awlocks.

Anyway this is the list I will run a few times till I finalize my final thoughts.

If there is any questions why I did what I did I'll answer them for you. Honestly I am leaning toward flat out ignoring flyers with nids. Depending on performance I might run two winged tyrants and drop the Zonathropes and have 3 tervigons with 90 gaunts.

01-17-2014, 04:42 PM
i would suggest keeping the flying tyrant i think it fills a nice role in any tyranid army. i woudl drop the toxins. I know i'll probably get screamed at agian but oh well. run those guys naked no upgrades. here is why that 60 points you spent to give them poision can be move around to other units and spent accordingly. now with you running 2-3 tervigons your army will be able to take damage knowing that your backfield will be replenished by additional gribblies. now me being insane apparently i would maybe ut it down to 2 tervigons and upgrade a 2nd to another flying tyrant. here is my thoughts on why. this will give you 2 fast monsterous reatures will good shooting. they will have the speed to move around the board in support of your other gribblies.

now while i am not sold on the mawlock and prime you can always play the list as is then make changes based on what you think works and isnt working. i woudl say hive guard will still work nicely in this addition.. so they aren't bs4 big whoop their still bs3 and their guns ignore cover so that should beenough of a plus to atleast give them a try. i woudl say i'd feel more comfortable fielding 2 units instead of 1.

01-17-2014, 05:08 PM
I'd ditch the HQ Tervigon for Tyranid Prime. move it around when needed.
Then I'd ditch the Trygon prime (your points are wrong on the Trygon Prime, but you have the total army points right).
Instead, I'd use the left over points to get a Carnifex or Exocrine. Also get a Biovore squad.

425 from the Trygon Prime and Tervigon

140 Tyranid Prime
—Spinefists, Rending Claws, Toxin Sacs
170 Exocrine
80 Biovores
—2 Biovores
35 points, sprinkle in Devourers on gaunts. Or take flesh hooks and Bonesword/Bonesword and Lash, and Devourers on gaunts.

Another Option:
145 Tyranid Prime
—Spinefists, Maw Claws, Toxin Sacs
160 Screamer Killer
—Carnifex, Spine Banks, Bio-Plasma, Adrenal Glands
120 Biovores
—3 Biovores

01-17-2014, 06:15 PM
This is not a final, but a test base list so to speak. Meaning it is probably gonna change a bit.

I probably get hive commander so I can outflank with a Tervigon. At least I can outflank now and spawn gaunts now.

Will try Biovores at a later date. Want to see how the new Mawlock plays out.

The Exocrine is not bad, but who would get within 24" of it. Thinking of going two Mawlock and maybe on Exocrine to keep people honest.

I thought about the prime, but it limits me from taking a tyrant or swarmlord.

The toxin squad is for things like Wraithknight, if I take the Exocrine and pray he doesn't roll a 6 to instant kill me I think the Exocrine might help instead. Still debating on using the Exocrine.

01-17-2014, 06:19 PM
Silly, you move to 24". Talk to any Grey Knight player, they'll tell ya that 24" is tha BomB.

01-17-2014, 06:23 PM
Honestly, if you are not going FMC heavy, I would ditch the Hive Tyrant. If you are worried about Flyers, take an Aegis Gun. Bunker works well, or as I have mentioned in other threads, Defense Line + Quad Cannon + Exocrine.

That's another 130 points to throw around.

01-17-2014, 07:23 PM
If you are looking to just use the Tervigons as troops and Synapse/Psykers, consider rolling with 1-2 and take advantage of the ability to add multiple weapon loadouts to Termagants, consider burying 3 shot devourers to the rear of the unit where they will take less losses initially, for 160 points you have a unit that can throw out 50 shots at 12-18" add another 20 more shots for 40 more points. With Onslaught they should be able to get into range running and shooting fairly fast too.

Also as many Tervigons as you are running id argue a venomthrope is a good idea since it would be rather easy to hide out of Line of sight behind one of the monstrous creatures, and while yes many armies have ignore cover particularly Tau, they still have to expend those markerlight tokens to remove it.

Also consider with Hive Commander you can make one of your (Troop)Tervigon's Outflank and immediately start spawning little niddlings to a side

Not a huge fan of the Exocrine(though love the model), since you can get 3 Hive Guard for less that put out more the same 6 amount of Str 8 shots w/ Homing and Ignores Cover at 24".

I would avoid a Tyranid Prime for anything but a full unit of 9 Tyranid Warriors(the only unit he can really act as a force multiplier for), for his price tag, its almost always better to snag a cheap Hive tyrant instead which can make twice the shooting attacks and gets 2 rolls on the Powers of the Warp to increase your odds of getting Catalyst and Onslaught.

Another good argument for Swarmlord (Psyker 3) especially if you wanted to see your Mawlocs go to work faster(+1 all reserve rolls) and possibly save your flyrant as much skyfire grief. Not to mention starting with 18" synapse Warlord trait saving you from an unlucky roll on the table.

The Mawlocs make for an excellent counter to shooting armies, and you don't care if they are out of Synapse for Feed since as single model monstrous creatures without access to shooting attacks, they simply charge what they are close to if they happen to fail a leadership check and used properly they will ideally be right in the middle of the enemy anyhow, usually having just mulched half a squad of pathfinders or broadsides. How effective are tau vs flyers typically without markerlights and skyfiring broadsides?(I don't think I ever see tau bring their own flier to a fight)

01-17-2014, 11:48 PM
Funny. I am a Grey Knight player. Love it when heavy 4 turns to assault two to get that 30" threat range. However I can at see astard get scout movement and vehicles. Like for example I would use rhinos and disembarkment to get a 36" threat range, 48" with the scout movement.

Anyway I have face and done the stay away game with missile sides and their range is 36". Out of broadside experience with the meta in my area. They would avoid the Exocrine and pelt him outside his shooting range.
@ Gleipnir: I agree mostly in what you say with similar ideals. With Tau I run Skyrays, so good luck getting rid of all my sky fire. Anyway. I think lictors/ Swarmlord/ Mawlock would be good.

I am thinking of dropping the Trygon in favor of Mawlocks the more I think about it. I just don't like running two Tervigon s.

01-18-2014, 01:38 AM
Another Flying Hive Tyrant replacemnet.

Tyranid Prime + Norn Crown. Bunker + Quad Cannon.
If you place the bunker as close to the center of the board, that 18" radius projecting from the bunker is gunna cover a significant portion of the board. The Prime's BS4 will ensure the quad cannon is blasting stuff.

01-18-2014, 08:06 PM
The Mawlocs make for an excellent counter to shooting armies, and you don't care if they are out of Synapse for Feed since as single model monstrous creatures without access to shooting attacks, they simply charge what they are close to if they happen to fail a leadership check and used properly they will ideally be right in the middle of the enemy anyhow, usually having just mulched half a squad of pathfinders or broadsides. How effective are tau vs flyers typically without markerlights and skyfiring broadsides?(I don't think I ever see tau bring their own flier to a fight)

The Mawloc is probably the best unit outside of synapse. You don't even need to assault because you can burrow before it happens and you're no long subject to your IB roll.

01-18-2014, 08:13 PM
The Exocrine is not bad, but who would get within 24" of it. Thinking of going two Mawlock and maybe on Exocrine to keep people honest.

You put it within 24" of an objective they need to win the game.

I thought about the prime, but it limits me from taking a tyrant or swarmlord.

The Swarmlord just doesn't do enough for it's point cost. If the Flyrant dropped so many points, I have no idea why the Swarmlord went up. I mean, I'd like to run him, but the opportunity cost is way to great.

01-19-2014, 06:04 AM
The Swarmlord can beat a Bloodthirster in combat, I can see why he would cost more than a Thrister to be honest. The only reason I would really field a lord is if I have a decent amount of stuff in reserves. Also he gives out a possible 4 buffs which is not bad. He is one of your best force multipliers and one of the best beat sticks in the game. His main draw back is he can't really shoot, unless he gets warp blast.

I see him as a sink, but than again I use to see Fateweaver as a sink. That is why you play test. Theory hammer only goes so far.

I see the Exocrine the nid answer to a squad of plasma guns. He can technically rapid fire 24" away. My problem unlike my other plasma gun units he isn't very mobile. If he was a troop I can outflank him, or if he could take like a nid drop pod or something. No I get a model that is ranged anti troop, like you really need more ranged anti-troop. His only saving grace is that he is ap 2. The ap 2 makes him comparable to 3 Zonathropes or a Mawlock. With the Zonathropes he can put out more, but not as durable, can't buff troops, etc. On the bright side he doesn't have to worry about deny the witch. If you look at the Mawlock it can be unreliable. However a Mawlock can take out units anywhere on the board.

The only real thing the Exocrine really brings to the table is that it can kill terminator type units better than anything else and you have something decent vs Wraithknight and Riptide. My problem however if it is a treat to those units and easier to kill than a Zonathropes guess who is getting blasted. Either they will be ignored or blasted off the table.

01-19-2014, 08:19 AM
I see the Exocrine the nid answer to a squad of plasma guns. He can technically rapid fire 24" away. My problem unlike my other plasma gun units he isn't very mobile. If he was a troop I can outflank him, or if he could take like a nid drop pod or something. No I get a model that is ranged anti troop, like you really need more ranged anti-troop. His only saving grace is that he is ap 2. The ap 2 makes him comparable to 3 Zonathropes or a Mawlock. With the Zonathropes he can put out more, but not as durable, can't buff troops, etc. On the bright side he doesn't have to worry about deny the witch. If you look at the Mawlock it can be unreliable. However a Mawlock can take out units anywhere on the board.

The only real thing the Exocrine really brings to the table is that it can kill terminator type units better than anything else and you have something decent vs Wraithknight and Riptide. My problem however if it is a treat to those units and easier to kill than a Zonathropes guess who is getting blasted. Either they will be ignored or blasted off the table.

I think the Mawloc and Exo synergize nicely. Exo for your side of the board and the Mawloc for their side of the board. That's a lot of terminator killing death! Pity that leaves you only 1 more heavy slot though.

I'm not sure why you're comparing the Exo to Zoans when looking at terminator killing. Zoans, at best, can knock out 3 while the exo can cut a pie plate shaped whole in the opposing army. If anything I would put the two together for synapse and so the Zoans can pop the transport and then Exo can blast the passengers!

The range is not bad at all on an Exo, especially if you get Onslaught then you can pieplate first turn. In missions like Emporer's Will and Relic that meat is going to be running right at you anyways, no reason not to meet them in the middle!

01-19-2014, 12:53 PM
I think the Mawloc and Exo synergize nicely. Exo for your side of the board and the Mawloc for their side of the board. That's a lot of terminator killing death! Pity that leaves you only 1 more heavy slot though.

I'm not sure why you're comparing the Exo to Zoans when looking at terminator killing. Zoans, at best, can knock out 3 while the exo can cut a pie plate shaped whole in the opposing army. If anything I would put the two together for synapse and so the Zoans can pop the transport and then Exo can blast the passengers!

The range is not bad at all on an Exo, especially if you get Onslaught then you can pieplate first turn. In missions like Emporer's Will and Relic that meat is going to be running right at you anyways, no reason not to meet them in the middle!

I might rewrite and try it out. The prime is rather High and I think I will drop and pick up thr Exocrine and give it a try.

01-19-2014, 02:41 PM
Played my first game with the new Dex

Dakka Flyrant

2 Zoeys
1+1 Venoms

30 gaunts (20 Dev)
Tervigon with Miasma Cannon
5 Stealers + BLord



Aegis with quad-gun

1850 list vs Eldar with 3 wave serpents.

My Venomthropes and Exocrine died early, but sucked up a lot of shooting.
Tervigon was also a big target but had Catalyst and was behind the aegis. 4+ Regen is really good.

The Eldar had no flyers and limited skyfire, so the Crones and the Flyrant had their way with the Space Elves.

The Mawloc stuck his landing and took out a unit of bikes to clear an objective. Second unit of bikes and two walker things couldn't shoot him off of the objective before he got into combat and stayed for the rest of the game.

Goes without saying that MC's are really good.

Won the game 3 objectives to 0, as the Tyrant was able to contest an objective late.

I felt that I was pretty lucky on the whole.

I think that a bastion is the way to go. Keep the Venom completely out of sight.

01-19-2014, 10:52 PM
I might rewrite and try it out. The prime is rather High and I think I will drop and pick up thr Exocrine and give it a try.

Quad Cannon. The exocrine is begging for a second gun...

Martyn Powell
01-22-2014, 10:38 AM
Sorry to be blunt and to the point harsh... but I really don't like this list.

Tervigons do not work anymore, eldar dark reapers, grav weapons... they will kill it on their own with you getting little to no save against them and then losing a ton of termagants. the 195pts is really not worth it and it is really not worth the 120pt tax to put them in troops.

1 Tervigon in turn 2 going splat cost me 19 termagants from 3 broods... No point my opponent targeting your smaller models when you have massive great big powder kegs in your list.

1 tervigon to sit back and pump out termagants is enough... but anymore and you are just giving away cheap easy kills.

01-22-2014, 11:27 AM
Sorry to be blunt and to the point harsh... but I really don't like this list.

Tervigons do not work anymore, eldar dark reapers, grav weapons... they will kill it on their own with you getting little to no save against them and then losing a ton of termagants. the 195pts is really not worth it and it is really not worth the 120pt tax to put them in troops.

1 Tervigon in turn 2 going splat cost me 19 termagants from 3 broods... No point my opponent targeting your smaller models when you have massive great big powder kegs in your list.

1 tervigon to sit back and pump out termagants is enough... but anymore and you are just giving away cheap easy kills.

Don't pa attention to this guy. Tervigons still work.

01-22-2014, 05:35 PM
I was gonna drop my Tervigons, but I find them to be cheaper than what I ran before. With the ease of bow armies can blow away some nid units I think a unit that is support and pumping out more scoring units is too good to pass up. Grav guns have limited range and the tervigons can easily stay out of the range.

I played my first game vs White Scars. Funny I deep strike my Mawlock on his bikes too.

Anyway I won due to him scout moving trying to take out my Tervigons early. Thanks to cover saves I didn't lose any, but they where badly hurt. If he focused on one instead of all three he could had taken out one maybe two. Have to say I love hive guardwhich pprovided cover saves.

Anyway I am revamping the list a bit. I need more Zonathropes and need to get another Mawlock. Depending on shipping etc. My list will reflect what I have. Meaning if I can't get certain models before tournament my list will be on what I have.

That being said this is the units I will add/ keep.

Winged Tyrant: need the anti- air and the vector strikes help with taking out bikes. I am thinking of getting the rending, shredding flame thrower with the artifact flame weapon. That way I can vector strike and flame units twice.

Going to add in Swarmlord. The buffs and the reserve rolling is nice.

Tervigon as troops. I am torn at wanting to run 3 but may run 2. Also instead of poison gaunts the ideal of mixed gaunts seems nice to have. I am still running numbers, but thinking 20 flesh gaunts and 10 devil gaunts in a squad. I might run a squad with poison, maybe warriors.

Dropping Trygon for Mawlock. I like the Trygon but the Mawlock is good for it's cheap price tag.

Taking Exocrine, it's cost effective when you think about it.

Dropping Hive Guard. I may run them in tournament due to point issues, but the problem with them is out of them and Zonathropes. The Zonathropes do more. The guard is good vs heavy cover vehicles, but with all the mcs on the board you bound to crack open a few tanks in combat.

Synapses wasn't really an issue since he tried to kill off my Tervigons and failed, he was too close to my gaunts which I tied up his army till my other units killed his bikes.

However having poison on gaunts would be helpful with dealing with units like bikes. The addition of the Swarmlord would be nice.

I also want to say that I will be adding hive commander so I can outflank with my Tervigons.

01-22-2014, 06:08 PM
Vectorstrike counts as a shooting attack fyi.

01-22-2014, 09:39 PM
I would say stay away from things like posion. just keep them as cheap as possible. i look at nids as being a weight of fire and weight or attack army as opposed to an elite army with good guns and good stats. if your running alot of guants they can shot and move across the board and just cause havoc as opposed to running fewer of them to make a select few better. any investments in they would be guns and more guns but i'm pretty sure you get those for free anyway lol so i'd say stay off things to boost single models keep those gaunts and termagaunts bare bones and let their numbers overwhelm your opponents.

01-27-2014, 12:00 PM
I would say stay away from things like posion. just keep them as cheap as possible. i look at nids as being a weight of fire and weight or attack army as opposed to an elite army with good guns and good stats. if your running alot of guants they can shot and move across the board and just cause havoc as opposed to running fewer of them to make a select few better. any investments in they would be guns and more guns but i'm pretty sure you get those for free anyway lol so i'd say stay off things to boost single models keep those gaunts and termagaunts bare bones and let their numbers overwhelm your opponents.

I am reading the codex a few times and figuring out what I will do.

With the poison it really depends. Poison does help and make a huge difference. For example 20 poison gaunts can kill 5 terminator s, while 20 normal ones would have a hard time doing so, even more so vs a Wraithknight.

I may use some warriors or strikes, not really sure yet.