View Full Version : 2k Tau List: No suits

01-17-2014, 07:18 AM
So here's a weird concept list I came up with, please tell me what you guys think:

Cadre Fireblade

4 Squads of 8 Firewarriors with Shas'ui and markerlight
4 Devilfish w/ smart missile system, 2 seeker missiles, disruption pod, and point defense system

2 Squads of Pathfinders (10 and 9) w/ Shas'ui and blacksun filter
2 Devilfish w/ smart missile system, 2 seeker missiles, disruption pod, and point defense system

3 Skyrays w/ smart missile systems, disruption pod and point defense system

As the title says, the point of this list is to create a list with no suits in it. Armor is taken care of by the seeker missiles, including the skyrays on flyers. Everything has supporting fire, and there are 10 points left over to play with. Armor 14 is really tough for the army. What other holes do I have? I've got a lot of shots going out, especially for overwatch, which will require creating a defense in depth and be dependent on terrain set up. What would you guys switch up, keeping in mind the goal of NO SUITS? Thanks for your help guys. Something like this list would be really awesome, although I'd have to find the 600-700 dollars to make it happen, but I need a new collecting project anyway.

01-17-2014, 08:02 AM
If you are doing a mobile force I wouldn't take a fire blade since you have to sit still. I would drop him and take an Ethereal which will help with triple taping.

If you take gun drones instead of smart missiles you can fire 8 times on the move and not snap fire. However I like smart missiles since they ignore cover, also due to Ethereal your devilfish can shoot more with the drones for 10x shooting as a possibility.

I would take rail guns on your pathfinders. Simply due to you not having much ap weapons in your list.

Flying MCs will fear that list.

I like it though. Besides taking the Fireblade I think it makes sense.

01-18-2014, 02:23 AM
Yeah, the Fireblade was picked just because it fits aesthetically. I have no love for the rules (how much does split fire suck now?). The Ethereal is definitely something to consider. I really have no idea if I would rather have the gun drones or the smart missile system. Sure, it's more shots, but it's at a lover ballistic skill. Thanks for the advice.

01-18-2014, 03:15 AM
Yeah, the Fireblade was picked just because it fits aesthetically. I have no love for the rules (how much does split fire suck now?). The Ethereal is definitely something to consider. I really have no idea if I would rather have the gun drones or the smart missile system. Sure, it's more shots, but it's at a lover ballistic skill. Thanks for the advice.

Split-fire may not be as good as it use to be, but it's still something useful.

01-18-2014, 03:32 AM
I just don't see when I would use it though. He has a pulse rifle and a marker light. The marker light makes would be useful if it didn't already have the rule on its own. After rereading the special rules, I'm torn. The Fireblade gives his unit a second shot at 30 inches or a third at 12, which is great. The Etheral only gives an additional shot at half range (15 inches or less) but also has the LD 10 bubble. I'm just not sure which would be better, even with the extra 10 points it gives the list. I do think I'll drop the smart missile systems for drones, not just because of the extra shots with an Ethereal but also because that gives me enough points for 4 rail rifles on the Pathfinders.

01-18-2014, 07:45 AM
Find a way to take both?

01-18-2014, 07:54 AM
If you are not static than the Fireblade won't work. If you move you don't get the extra shots. With the ethereal you can move all you want too. Also the Ethereal causes all the guys around him to triple fire. It's even better with that set up due to 6" move up, 6" disembarkment, and 15" rapid fire. That gives you a 27" triple tap range. Also with the drones they are twin linked and fire at bs 2 still on the move, unless you move over 6". Anyway either your smart missiles or burst cannon will be at bs 1 if you move at all. The drones are more accurate on the move.

Also if you use drones you have more supporting fire and overwatch shooting. The drones are twin linked and with the Ethereal will fire 6 times per devilfish. Not to mention they can act independently from the devilfish if you choose to do so.

01-23-2014, 09:33 AM
I know they cost a lot, but vespids are good if you want to stay away from suits. I do like the three Skyrays. Nice.

01-24-2014, 04:55 PM
TauBoss: I hadn't considered vespers for this list. I'm not a fan of the model, but any enterprising converter can get around that. Here's the list that I've massaged now, but it's going to be quite a while before I get to play with it. I bought the first models for it this week, and am currently agonizing over how I will paint them.

Ethereal w/ Blacksun Filter

3 x 8 Firewarrios w/ Shas'ui, markerlight, Devilsfish w/ point defense system, disruption field, and 2 seeker missiles

3 x 6 Pathfinders w/ Shas'ui, pulse accelerator drone, 2 rail rifles, EMP grenades, Devil w/ point defense system, disruption field, and 2 seeker missiles

3 Skyrays w/ point defense system and disruption field

I dropped the Fireblade for an Ethereal, because the bubble of extra shots and leadership seems stronger for this list than the Fireblade's one unit buff. The model count also went down, but in exchange for the 8 Firewarriors and 2 Pathfinders I gained some AP1 shots and increased the effectiveness of the Pathfinders' shooting and they can now kill the odd high AV vehicle. The army still feels really light in bodies, but with 9 vehicles it still feels like it would have staying power. The pathfinders become more dedicated to the role of seeker/destroyer units. The loss of the smart missile systems for more fire on overwatch seems like a good exchange, as many people recommended. Thanks for all your input guys, I feel like I'm getting a better handle on how to use the units that I've limited myself to in this army.

01-25-2014, 08:27 AM
I say keep your ethereal in a transport. He should still be able to aura buff your army while still in one. Not 100% sure. Just saying may want to double check if he does or doesn't.

Vestiges aren't bad this edition. Especially since they have a +3 cover save in ruins, +2 if they go to ground. I played a few games with them deepmstriking in ruins and they have worked well so far. The move through cover is sooo awesome.

Point wise they are not expensive for what they do. I mean what more do you want at that cost. They cost as much as jet pack units with move through cover, stealth, hit and run, fleet, armour 4, and a strength 5 ap 3 weapon.